Vaccine damaged nurses
See: Nurses on vaccines
[2009 July] Vaccine leaves nurse disabled. Nurse fights hospital over smallpox shot "I lost a career that I loved. I lost my identity. I lost my independence. I have been made out to be a malingerer, a fraud, by my employer. I have spent most of the past six years ... trying to be heard." ....Had her health difficulties been reported to federal authorities within one year of the vaccination, all of her medical and related expenses would have been covered under the Smallpox Emergency Personnel Protection Act of 2003, established specifically to compensate health professionals who put themselves at risk. Good Samaritan, however, never informed her of the program, and there is no appeal for missing the filing deadline, she said.
Hepatitis B Victim Support Group (UK)
A Nurse is Mercury Poisoned from Hepatitis B Vaccines and Amalgams by Susan Kreider, RN, CPC
[March 2006 VRAN]
Aftermath of Hepatitis B Shots By Lucia Morgan
It's been nearly three years since I became chronically ill. I can tell
you the day and the hour it began. It was shortly
after I received my second hepatitis B shot. I had recently completed a master's
degree. Six months after the shot, I could barely read.
The Chronic Rubella Viremia
Support Group, South 20655 Brown Rd., Cataldo ID 83810, (208) 689-3925...
The Chronic Rubella Viremia Support Group is a group of over 200 health care professionals
who submitted to rubella vaccination and ended up with chronic debilitating symptoms
attributable to rubella vaccine. The founder of the group, Katy Fox, RN, suspects
that many other health professionals were adversely affected by the rubella vaccine.
When 20/20 did a story on the subject, she says, over 600 people responded.
[BMJ Letter March 2005] Hep B vaccine stole 2 years of my life 28
[Doctor] Clare FLEMING [Hepatitis B--ME/CFS]