Vaccine-autism proven

[The scientific proof of vaccine autism has been around for some time but kept from the public by the industry controlled media who trumpet the smokescreen of junk science epidemiology studies that have all been shredded numerous times (helped by Study data kept secret, Autism and genetics, change in diagnosis).  Plus the studies done by Dan Olmsted, Donald Meserlian & Generation Rescue, while the thousands of parent anecdotes are ignored for obvious reasons.
    Vaccine autism could bring down the vaccine industry followed by Allopathy, which only rests on the vaccine hoax (see), while many reputations would be completely shredded, as Dr Fletcher points out:
"There are very powerful people in positions of great authority in Britain and elsewhere who have staked their reputations and careers on the safety of MMR and they are willing to do almost anything to protect themselves."   Also bear in mind the characters running Allopathy: The Medical Mafia (this interview gives an idea).]

Vaccines & autism
Media stories
Rare before DPT vaccination

[2009 Sept] David Kirby: New Study: Hepatitis B Vaccine Triples the Risk of Autism in Infant Boys

[2009 june] MMR Causes Autism – Another Win In US Federal Court

[2009 Feb Vaccine autism] The Cedillo Decision
[2009 Feb Vaccine autism] Bailey Banks decision

[2009 July] Minister Misled Parliament Over MMR Autism Link Dawn Primarolo as UK Government Health Minister misled Parliament in a written answer to Conservative MP Mark Pritchard that Bailey Banks’ successful damages claim in the US Federal Court for an autistic condition caused by the MMR vaccine was “non autistic”, stating Bailey had a “non-autistic development delay”.  Now, health minister Mike O’Brien has agreed in a letter to an MP that the ruling referred to a diagnosis of an Autistic Spectrum Disorder.  “Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified” is a category of Autistic Spectrum Disorders which does not fall into any other autism category”.

[2009 April] Fourteen Studies? Only if you never read them by  J.B. Handley  Of all the remarkable frauds that will one day surround the autism epidemic, perhaps one of the most galling is the simple statement that the “science has spoken” and “vaccines don’t cause autism.” Anytime a public health official or other talking head states this, you can be assured that one of two things is true: they have never read the studies they are talking about, or they are lying through their teeth.

[2009 April] British Minister Misled Parliament Over US MMR Autism Case - [EK]

See: Dr. Mayer Eisenstein

Start here
[2009 Feb] Vaccine Court: Autism Debate Continues By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & David Kirby
[2009 Jan] Tayloe, Offit, Minshew, Katz, Snyderman, et. al.: Feeding a Hungry Lie By J.B. Handley
Hannah Poling
Key realities about autism, vaccines, vaccine-injury compensation, Thimerosal, and autism-related research----Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D & P.G. King PhD
[Video] Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda   David Ayoub, M.D.
Dan Olmsted 
Donald Meserlian  Generation Rescue - June 26, 2007 Autism Higher in Vaccinated Boys  Late onset/Acquired autism

Vaccinated By FORCE, NOW AUTISTIC. This little girl was taken out of the arms of her mother who didn't want her vaccinated, forcibly given vaccines, and ended up in critical condition that very day! Red Pill Reich