Hi Everyone:
Our bumper stickers with "SAY 'NO' TO FORCED VACCINATIONS"  are being sent to anyone around the world who sends in a request.
The demand is greater than ever, while donations are smaller. The vaccine industry is reaching countries as far as Lithuania, Russia, China as well as
right here at home. Forced vaccinations are being implemented, not only here in the US, but around the globe. Hundreds of requests for the
stickers are pouring in from people whose children are being forced to undergo this unwanted procedure.
We will not charge for the stickers. Free Stickers means greater circulation. We are asking, however for donations to help us continue the program.
$6 pays for 2 stickers including postage. We are asking that everyone who is with us, please help us continue the fight. A donation of at least $6 from everyone who has ever received a sticker will help us keep up this program through the Holiday Season.
Donate through Paypal on website:
or send a check to          Bob Catalano
                                       6C Neponset View Terrace
                                       Walpole, MA 02081
Bob Catalano
Author:  The Great White Hoax