
[See the 20 lies of pseudo-Skeptic Peter Bowditch and you will understand why he projects that out with his constant 'anti-vaccine liars' spiel.  It must be news to the US and UK governments about vaccine not killings as they pay out every year for vaccine deaths.  Basic psychology.]

The real truth about vaccinations

By Australian Skeptics (Peter Bowditch)

 October 13th, 2009, 12:41 pm

I want you to imagine a medical product which can save and has saved many millions of lives, the majority of them children. (Lie: 10)

Imagine that the procedure is safe (not 100%, absolutely safe, of course, because nothing is that) and has been used literally billions of times with only a small number of bad reactions.(8,9)

It is cheap and can be administered by people with almost no training. It is not very profitable for the pharmaceutical industry (2) because research is expensive, but the buyers are mainly governments and charities who are very cost conscious.

Now I want you to imagine that there is a highly organised opposition to this procedure.

The opponents are prepared to lie without remorse about non-existent dangers of the procedure (11,12) (and we know they are lying because the truth has been pointed out to them many times).

They lie about the manufacturing process (20) and they even lie about the ingredients in order to suggest that parents who allow their children to undergo the procedure are sentencing those children to eternity in Hell.

Researchers associated with the procedure are vilified and even receive credible death threats.

It is even claimed that people undergoing the procedure might be marking themselves out for extermination in a plan for global genocide.

And what is this terrible procedure which is so awful that its opponents have to discard all truth, science and apparently even sometimes sanity to defeat it?


I have often been accused of being offensive when I call the opponents of vaccination "anti-vaccination liars". Well, what else can I call people who lie about vaccines?

There is no anti-freeze in vaccines (16). There are no parts of aborted foetuses in vaccines (17) and the Vatican has not advised Catholics not to vaccinate their children because of this.

There is no pork in vaccines, so Muslims and Jews can safely protect their children.

There are no microchips in vaccines that can be used to track your location and schedule you for extermination (19). Vaccines are not being used by the WHO and Save The Children to spread AIDS in Africa as part of a plan of deliberate genocide (13). (You might think that these last two, the microchips and the genocide, are things I just made up. They are not, and I have been told both by people who are highly respected in the anti-vaccination community.)

Vaccines do not cause autism, SIDS or Shaken Baby Syndrome (3,4,5). Vaccines do not kill children.(1)

If you leave out the ones who are also claiming that there is no such thing as swine flu and it is just a scare tactic to encourage people to accept injections of microchips in preparation for a cull of 95% of the world's population, and the ones who deny the safety and efficacy of vaccines for commercial reasons, such as the purveyors of snake oil and quackery(18), it is hard to determine the motivation of most of the anti-vaccination campaigners.(15)

I used to think it was a hatred of children, but the almost rabid opposition to the recently developed vaccine against human papilloma virus suggests that they hate adult women as well.(6,7)

Cervical cancer is the fourth largest cause of female death from cancer in the world (and the leading cause in developing countries), but those 250,000 dead women each year are dismissed as insignificant.

Look at your children. Look at the kids in your local schools. Then think about the latest figures from WHO that indicate about 2.5 million children under five are dying each year from vaccine-preventable diseases(14), or about 7,000 each day. Then tell me that I should be polite to the liars.

Lie 1: >"Vaccines do not kill children."

Blimey, that is a big fat lie, perhaps you should tell the UK and USA gov to stop lying as they have paid out for vaccine deaths

2. "It is not very profitable for the pharmaceutical industry."--Bowditch
[Feb 2008] The report predicts that due to the "promising commercial potential" of new, high-price vaccines, the pediatric and adolescent market will quadruple from approximately $4.3 billion in 2006, to over $16 billion by 2016, across the US, the EU-five including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK, and Japan.
             The crucial factor for success in the pediatric market, the report notes, is the introduction of a product into national vaccination schedules. "Along with reimbursement, this virtually guarantees the rapid uptake and continuously high coverage rates in the target population," Ms Kresse states.
             As an example, she cites Wyeth's Prevnar, as the first premium price vaccine launched in the US in 2000 for vaccinating infants against pneumonia and meningitis.
          Since then, Prevnar has been added to the childhood vaccination schedules in the US and EU-five despite its high price of nearly $320 for the 4-dose regimen. In 2006, Global sales reached almost $2 billion, making Prevnar the first vaccine to attain blockbuster status, according to the report. By 2016, Datamonitor expects the total value of the infant market for pneumococcal vaccines to increase to $2.3 billion.

PLUS the huge revenue from treating vaccine disease

eg Asthma drugs, and ear infections

"BCG is a goldmine for ear, nose and throat specialists."--Dr Jean Elmiger

£27,000 swine flu bonus for GPs (who already earn £107,000)

[Nov 2006] Based on an average patient list of 5,000 people, if 70 per cent of under-twos have ALL their jabs the practice gets a £2,655 bonus. But if 90 per cent of toddlers are fully immunised the bonus rockets to £7,965. Surgeries are paid another £822 if 70 per cent of under-fives have all their jabs. If 90 per cent of under-fives do this. then the practice gets a bonus of £2,465. And if fewer than 70 per cent of children are vaccinated, then doctors get nothing.

"Targeting patients for pneumococcal vaccination would mean immunising 5% and would bring in around £3,000."--Pulse article

"As far as I'm concerned, tetanus is not an infectious disease characterised by muscle spasm but a bottomless pit of item-of-service cash."--Pulse letter

"This practice could generate up to £3,700 from an effective annual influenza vaccination campaign if it immunised 10% of the practice."--Pulse article

3, 4, 5: "Vaccines do not cause autism, SIDS or Shaken Baby Syndrome."--Chief vaccine liar Bowditch


"We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines.......Every doctor now essentially in this country has done something as heinous as the Nazis did, unknowingly."----Dr. Mayer Eisenstein

"A specter is haunting the medical and journalism establishments of the United States: Where are the unvaccinated people with autism?" ---Dan Olmsted


"I have never seen a SIDS death in a healthy breastfed baby, unvaccinated, who has slept on anything from here to Timbuctoo. Over the 19 years in IAS, we have never seen one."--Hilary Butler


It would be more correct to say vaccine deaths are hidden under the dubious diagnosis of SBS

6,7: "I used to think it was a hatred of children, but the almost rabid opposition to the recently developed vaccine against human papilloma virus suggests that they hate adult women as well."

Vaccine critics don't hate children and adults, most have vaccine damaged children, and most have done huge amounts of research into vaccines, whereas Bowditch doesn't have any as far as I know, and spends most of his time saying hateful things against vaccine critics which suggests he is the one who hates.

8, 9: "Imagine that the procedure is safe (not 100%, absolutely safe, of course, because nothing is that) and has been used literally billions of times with only a small number of bad reactions."

Breastfeeding is safe, vaccination is dangerous as it can kill and maim

as shown by: National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program "The total awards paid as of August 6, 2008 were $1,804,415,262.35

 "Since 1990, between 12,000 and 14,000 reports of hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following vaccination are made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, annually, but it is estimated that only between 1 and 10 percent of all doctors make reports to VAERS. Therefore, the number of vaccine-related health problems occurring in the United States every year may be more than 1 million."---Barbara Loe Fisher

and now 1 in 5 kids has asthma, most of which is from vaccines

"Today, there are about 150 vaccines being worked on, and within the next decade, we could have a flu vaccine for the left nostril and one for one right nostril. Mankind will be used as a pin cushion. For every vaccination, minimal encephalopathy destroys brain cells. As a result, in Germany, there are 1.2 million children who have contracted hyperkinetic syndrome who are then treated with Psychopharmeca (a drug similar to Ritalin) used to calm them down... We have hundreds of thousands of so-called minimal cerebral dysfunction cases and millions of neurodermatitis patients. In Germany, there are millions of people with allergies. We don't just produce minimal encephalopathies in the brain, but we also produce modifications of the genetic code."--Dr Buchwald MD

10: "I want you to imagine a medical product which can save and has saved many millions of lives, the majority of them children."

If you study smallpox vaccination any 12 year old school kid could figure out (given the real stats) that it killed over a million over 200 years

In 1880 it was killing 25,000 children under 5

as proven easily by Leicester who didn't vaccinate for decades, as shown by Biggs using Leicester stats as well as other gov stats

A good example in 1920 was the Phillipines and numerous other countries

Over 90% of the victims had been vaccinated, as the vaccine was the main spreader of smallpox, not surprisingly as arm to arm vaccination was the vogue as late as 1890.

The classic case of 'saving' lives was when it introduced syphilis into Hawaii, as well as spreading it around the world

With measles, deaths had declined by 99.4% before vaccination and the vaccine kills more than measles would be doing with or without vaccination

11. "The opponents are prepared to lie without remorse about non-existent dangers of the procedure (and we know they are lying because the truth has been pointed out to them many times)."

Non existant is a big fat lie

Non existant means not one vaccine reaction or death, which is absurd.

12. And he can't find any example of deliberate lying while we have an arm list of vaccine lies

vaccine critics may make mistakes but I have yet to find anyone lying, the need isn't there.

13. "Vaccines are not being used by the WHO and Save The Children to spread AIDS in Africa as part of a plan of deliberate genocide."

Plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise

start with Nkuba

14. "2.5 million children under five are dying each year from vaccine-preventable diseases."

Vaccines don't prevent disease, they give disease

15. "it is hard to determine the motivation of most of the anti-vaccination campaigners."

Any moron can work it out

16. "There is no anti-freeze in vaccines."

17: "There are no parts of aborted foetuses in vaccines "

18:  "ones who deny the safety and efficacy of vaccines for commercial reasons, such as the purveyors of snake oil and quackery."

Snake oil and quackery is a lie, they are just the competition to Allopathy

the real snake oil is 98% of Allopathy, like vaccination

19: "There are no microchips in vaccines that can be used to track your location."

Who knows what the chips are for but they are in some vaccines

20: "They lie about the manufacturing process"

No we don't.