American Medical Association (AMA) Quotes
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"(The AMA is) "just another mean trust." - Harry S. Truman.
“They (The Council) also were very condescending to those individuals who didn't eat properly or exercise. They take immaculate care of their bodies as far as health goes. They are fit and trim and they use natural medicines. The American Medical Association is fashioned to prescribe drugs and perform various treatments that although they may be unsuspecting, tend to weed out the weaker species. The Council views the AMA's 'modern medicine' as barbaric. Their plans are to have mind-enhanced health associates, like some of the USC medical and dental graduates, who provide the new health care for the Elite, after the takeover. Precision surgery with laser technology will make the so-called "modern methods" of surgery obsolete. Miracle medicines and herbs (God's pharmacy) will keep the body healthy. An understanding of the way the electro-molecular energy field around the body operates will allow the healthy body to be kept in perfect alignment creating perpetual perfect health or it can be brought back into alignment easily with the use of high-tech field variation equipment. This will be the modern medicine of the future and upcoming doctors will be trained in these methods in order to further the evolution of the Elite. The Elite plan to enjoy total and complete health due to their technology in electromagnetic fields. They also have antibodies against the diseases they let loose and make sure they are protected. Of course all of these findings came about by research and experiments on unsuspecting groups of people.”—Brice Taylor (Thanks For The Memories p 283)
The Medical System is controlled by the Draco's through the vehicle of the
American Medical Association which uses Gestapo like methods to squelch any
efforts at using SUCCESSFUL alternative medical treatments, especially as they
apply to supposedly "incurable diseases." The World Health Organization metes
out the same treatment to the rest of the planet especially to the so-called
“We could kneel on broken glass and give the American Medical Association (AMA) everything it wanted, and still they will oppose it. They are going to push us as far as possible, and then they are just going to screw us.” --Federal Healthcare Task Force Member, Time, (September 20, 1993), p. 61.
The American Medical Association, since 1975, has channelled somewhere in the vicinity of $75 million into its own political action committee, the American Medical Political Action Committee (AMPAC). This money is funnelled through to favored candidates who run for office all over the US. The federal watchdog agency whose job it is to keep PACs like AMPAC honest is the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The FEC has its Washington offices in a building at 999 E Street, NW. The building is owned by the American Medical Association. Rappoport, Jon (Ownership of All Life)
"There had been a head of the FDA (who later turned out to be a fraud) his name was Fishbein and he was rampantly opposed to any alternative therapy. He went after Hoxsey, the Hoxsey therapy back in the 1940's and 50's, and destroyed Hoxsey. But not before Hoxsey sued the AMA and Fishbein and [proved] that the therapy actually worked. But it didn't help him because they closed him down anyhow"----Gary Null
"On two occasions Gerson became violently ill...Lab tests showed...arsenic in his urine. Some of Gerson's best case histories mysteriously disappeared from his files...Gerson was invited on a talk show by host Long John Nebel...Nebel was fired the very next day and the radio network was threatened by the AMA."--Norman Fritz.
"One death from poisoning, and one from being run down by an automobile, both victims being physicians of distinction and prominent in the advocacy of the Koch treatment. Mail has been opened...Dr. Koch himself was the target of at least 13 unsuccessful attempts on his life."--M. Layne
"A number of subsequent clinics in the years 1935-1938 accomplished similar cures....the AMA virtually stopped the Rife treatment in 1939, first by threatening the physicians using Rife's instrument, then by forcing Rife into court....During the period 1935 to early 1939, the leading laboratory for electronic or energy medicine in the USA, in New Jersy, was independently verifying Rife's discoveries...(this) laboratory was "mysteriously" burned to the ground.....Rife's treatment was ruthlessly suppressed by the AMA's Morris Fishbein."---Lynes, Barry
"You wouldnt believe how many FDA officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldnt believe this, or directors of the AMA, or ACA, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes. Thats the fact."---Hans Nieper.
"Consider the AMA. Almost half of its income every
year is derived not from membership dues, but from the average doctor who knows
nothing about what the AMA is doing and is unable to have any voice in it. Half
of the income comes from cartel drug firms, in the form of advertising in the
"Journal of the American Medical Association". Ten million dollars a year is funneled
into the AMA from drug firms. Plus, ten million dollars of AMA money is
invested in stock ownership in these big drug companies. That is what you might
call a conflict of interest.
Now, another thing to consider: in 1972, the AMA Council on Drugs completed
a study on currently used drugs. It was a long awaited analysis and when it
came it hit like a bomb because it didn't say what everyone expected it to say.
The committee said that many drugs currently in use at that time were
irrational and should be removed from the market. Heresy! That couldn't be
permitted. And to make matters worse, the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the
AMA Council on Drugs testified before a Senate sub-committee and said that "the
income that the AMA derived from the drug companies has made the AMA a captive
arm and beholden to the pharmaceutical industry."
Now, if the first was heresy that
was double heresy. Something had to be done and it was. The AMA abolished the
committee of the Council on Drugs right then and there. The excuse given was an
economy move. Now those were just two little items that may give you a sampling
of whether or not the AMA is under undo influence of the drug industry.
"The pharmaceutical "business with disease" is the largest deception and fraud business in human history. The product "health" promised by drug companies is not delivered to millions of patients. Instead, the "products" most often delivered are the opposite: new diseases and frequently, death. While the promotion and expansion of diseases increase the market of the pharmaceutical investment industry - prevention and root cause treatment of diseases decrease long-term profitability; therefore, they are avoided or even obstructed by this industry. The survival of the pharmaceutical industry is dependent on the elimination by any means of effective natural health therapies. These natural and non-patentable therapies have become the treatment of choice for millions of people despite the combined economic, political and media opposition of the world's largest investment industry." --Dr Rath MD
"This item concerns payments made to U.S. Lawmakers by organizations interested in keeping the present fraudulent medical system going. I have reported that American special interest groups showered a record 22.6 million on candidates in 1976 and that the top donors were the medical associations with $1,790,879."--Hans Ruesch, medical editor and historian, 1978 (Slaughter of the Innocent p 418)
"On two occasions Gerson became violently ill...Lab tests showed...arsenic in his urine. Some of Gerson's best case histories mysteriously disappeared from his files...Gerson was invited on a talk show by host Long John Nebel...Nebel was fired the very next day and the radio network was threatened by the AMA."--Norman Fritz."You wouldnt believe how many FDA officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldnt believe this, or directors of the AMA, or ACA, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes. Thats the fact."---Hans Nieper.
In the 1960's, the AMA started a secret group called the
Department of Investigations. Their sole purpose was to identify and destroy any
form of alternative or challenging medical health care. As a result, upwards of
seventy people worked to deny chiropractic, podiatry, and many other areas of
medical practice any access to the American health care delivery system, which
would have helped these people.
I wrote an article in 1972 based upon files that were taken out of the AMA
headquarters that led five chiropractors to sue the AMA, and the AMA ended up
being found guilty of conspiracy to violate the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and
Restraint of Trade, along with ten other major medical organizations in the
country. One organization settled before it went to trial. A million documents
were uncovered. In that, you see that organized medicine had no interest in
having the average American be responsible for their health. Didn't want
prevention. And EVERYTHING that was anything other than their view was
Fascism in Medicine by Gary Null, Ph.D
"In speaking with an AMA lobbyist, I understood they "would not want the public to know that their doctors were not in the knowledge loop"......The world and, in particular, its children appear to be at risk for stealth adapted viruses. The contribution of vaccines to the formation and dissemination of these viruses should be an open topic for scientific discussion. This is not occurring with those presently in charge of overseeing the safety of the Nation's immunization program." --Dr John Martin
"This medical strangle hold did not just happen with the passing of time; it was a planned conspiracy against the American people, with an "eye" to the financial gains of the doctors. A sample of this strategy may be seen in the following speech of Dr. W. A. Evans, one of the top medical "bosses," and Health Commissioner for the city of Chicago, who gave these instructions to the doctors in their annual convention of the American Medical Association in 1911: "The thing for the medical profession to do, is to get right into, and man every important health movement; man health departments, tuberculosis societies, housing societies, child care and infant societies, etc. The future of the profession depends on it. . . The profession cannot afford to have these places occupied by other than medical men." This pronouncement was published in the journal of the A. M. A., September 16, 1911. Just how whole-heartedly this decree was carried out is clearly shown by how completely all the non-medical schools of healing such as chiropractic, naturopathic, religious science, hygienics, etc., have been excluded from such tax supported institutions as health boards, public hospitals, army camps, state prisons, workmans compensation bureaus, asylums, etc."---Eleanor McBean
"From the New York Times, June 15, 1952, we read: "Some rather expert observations of the art of lobbying as practiced in Washington assert that the A. M. A. is the only organization in the country that could marshal 140 votes in Congress between sundown Friday night and noon on Monday. Performances of this sort have led some to describe the A. M. A. lobby as the most powerful in the country." "In 1954 sixteen individuals and groups reported to Congress that they spend more than $50,000 each on their legislative interests. The biggest one of these groups admitted it had spent $547,000 on this matter of influencing legislation through their powerful lobbying groups." from "World Predictions," 1955. "The Tarnished Record of the American Medical Association" published by the Milwaukee Federated Trades Council states: The A. M. A. at its 1949 convention voted to make the $25.00 assessment permanent. It further urged its members to engage in political action to defeat congressmen whom it could not control .."In the 26th Pennsylvania district, a group of doctors calling themselves the Healing Arts Committees mailed out more than 190,000 letters, made more than 120,000 personal telephone calls, placed a series of 12 advertisements in every newspaper and purchased radio time to urge the defeat of the local congressman who had supported a measure not favorable to them." An excerpt from the speech of a congressman and recorded in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD says that the A. M. A. had "a record of almost unparalleled opposition to social and economic progress, blindness to need, and resistance to reform." Many laws designed by and for the benefit of the A. M. A. have been "pressured through" without the vote or the approval or even the knowledge of people involved."---Eleanor McBean