Vaccination during pregnancy articles
[back] Vaccination and pregnancy

[2009 oct] Truth about the Flu Shot for pregnancy by Dr Sherri Tenpenny

[2009 Sept] Warning About Flu Vaccines from Clifford Shoemaker, Esq.

[2009 Sept] Influenza rates among pregnant women: vaccinated vs unvaccinated by Teresa Binstock

[2009 Nov] Misrepresenting smallpox vaccine in pregnancy findings by Meryl Nass, M.D  Last April I wrote a detailed critique in this blog of a paper by Margaret A. K. Ryan et al on anthrax vaccinations in pregnancy and birth defects. In the paper I am discussing today, Evaluation of Preterm Births and Birth Defects in Liveborn Infants of US Military Women Who Received Smallpox Vaccine, Ryan has studied birth defects in military servicewomen who received smallpox vaccine during pregnancy. In fact, there is likely significant overlap between the two groups of women Ryan studied, since both anthrax and smallpox vaccines have been given to all service members deploying to Iraq, Afghanistan and Korea since 2003. The findings of the two studies are, no surprise, very similar: women receiving smallpox vaccine during the first trimester of pregnancy had a rate of major birth defects in their offspring of 4.5%, while the offspring of women vaccinated post-pregnancy had a major birth defect rate of only 3.2%. The birth defect rate is therefore 40% higher if the mother was vaccinated during the first trimester. What would a true scientist have done with these results?

[2009 April] Comments on: Ryan, MAK, et al. Birth Defects among Infants Born to Women Who Received Anthrax Vaccine in Pregnancy. American Journal of Epidemiology; July 2008. by Meryl Nass, M.D   Dr. Ryan presented results of a subset of this group (those vaccinated 1998 through mid 2001) in late 2001 and early 2002. Shortly after her presentation to FDA, in January 2002 FDA changed the pregnancy warning on the anthrax vaccine label to category D from C, indicating that data showed the vaccine was associated with birth defects, and should not be given to women during pregnancy. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Dr. William Winkenwerder, also responded to Dr. Ryan's findings. He sent memos to all the military services, directing that special efforts should be made to avoid giving the vaccine during pregnancy, including the use of pregnancy tests if appropriate.

Can I Get The Flu Shot While Pregnant?

[2006] Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy: A Very Bad Idea By F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP

[2006 pdf] "Influenza Vaccination: Review of Effectiveness of the U.S. Immunization Program, and Policy Considerations," by David A. Geier, Paul G. King, and Mark R. Geier. J Am Phys SurgJ Am Phys Surg, Fall 2006.

[2006 pdf] "Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy: A Critical Assessment of the Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices," by David M. Ayoub and F. Edward Yazbak. J Am Phys Surg, Summer 2006  The ACIP's recommendation of influenza vaccination during pregnancy is not supported by citations in its own policy paper or in current medical literature. Considering the potential risks of maternal and fetal mercury exposure, the administration of thimerosal during pregnancy is both unjustified and unwise.  Pregnancy should continue to be a time when doctors are highly protective of their patients with regard to any fetal exposure. Without adequate safety testing, a risk-benefit analysis of influenza vaccination during pregnancy is not possible, and therefore the ACIP's present recommendation should be withdrawn.

[2006] The Battle Of The States: What Happened In Illinois? By F. Edward Yazbak, MD and David M. Ayoub, MD

Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda by David Ayoub, M.D.

[2001] Vaccine Information For Pregnant Women

[1999] Autism: Is there a vaccine connection? Part 1.  Vaccination after delivery---F. Edward Yazbak, M.D., FAAP.
[1999] Autism : Is There a Vaccine Connection? Part 2. Vaccination around Pregnancy--F.E. Yazbak, M.D., F.A.A.P
[1999] Autism : Is There a Vaccine Connection?: Part 3.  Vaccination Around Pregnancy, The Sequel-----F.E. Yazbak, M.D., F.A.A.P