[back] Vaccine Ingredients

Peanut oil is a common trade secret ingredient in vaccine adjuvants.

From: "Rita Hoffman" <pancakehill@sympatico.ca>  

Hi there,
Aluminum is the only licensed adjuvant in the USA right now, but Barb Gregory points out (links below) that ingredients such as peanut and sesame, etc. can be used in the culture, fermentation or buffer mediums and they don't have to be disclosed as they are considered "inactive".  We need 100% disclosure on what is in vaccines at all levels of the manufacturing. Rita
Lots more here:
and here

Results: Vaccinations are given to create an immune response in the individual. Any protein in the vaccine, especially if given with an aluminum adjuvant, can create an immune response in some people. Many vaccine ingredients are protected by trade secret and are not listed on the package insert. But many of these ingredients can be found listed in patents for vaccine adjuvants and culture mediums. For every food allergy but one (I would need to read Japanese patents to find that one), I have found that food listed in a patent. I found that animals who are vaccinated also suffer from food allergies and that food allergies are nearly unknown in unvaccinated people and animals. There are so many factors that correlate with vaccines as the main cause of food allergies that the question now isn't if food allergies are caused by vaccines but why some people don't develop food allergies from vaccines. It is quite possible given the large number of types of foods used in vaccine production, that the vaccinated public has many undiagnosed food allergies. ...

Peanut oil is a common trade secret ingredient in vaccine adjuvants. Some manufacturers rely more predominantly on other oils in the vaccines - sesame oil in the vaccines used in Israel and parts of Europe or fish oil which is used in the Scandinavian countries. At 6 months of age, children can have had as many as 16 vaccinations several of which can contain mixed oils in the vaccine adjuvant. Many different food oils can be used in the vaccine adjuvant and even more foods used in the culture medium. These ingredients do not have to appear on the package insert because they are considered "inactive" and are a protected trade secret. Most physicians do not know that all of the ingredients do not appear on the package insert.

Barbara Feick Gregory's Vaccines & Food Allergies Information website