Industry studies used to show vaccines 'don't cause autism'
MMR vaccines  Junk Science  Peer review

"The greatest evil is not done in those sordid dens of evil that Dickens loved to paint but is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clear, carpeted, warmed, well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices."---C. S. Lewis

[You can see from the Quotes that there is ample scientific evidence vaccines cause autism, yet the government and industry keep coming up with studies showing "there is no evidence".  This is a conspiracy to suppress the truth.  If this MMR goes down it will be the second in a row (see MMR Pluserix & Immravax)   That could mean the end of MMR, followed by the vaccine programme, and seeing as Allopathy sits upon vaccination (see), you may glean why they have nailed their colours to the wall on this one, not that a psychopathic industry needs any encouragement in that regard---if you think children come first then you have failed to study the nature of the beast (The Medical Cartel), and medical history (also see 1, 2).  A trillion dollar industry rests on this, 98% of which is a hoax.
     Here are shredded all the greatly touted studies that show vaccines don't cause autism, the only ones you will ever see in the media.  This quote sums up these vaccine 'experts':  "Pichichero ......his research has held considerable weight in the WHO decision to continue using thimerosal in vaccines administered in nations outside the United States." ]

See: Medical study ploys Vaccine autism proven  The Cancer Conspiracy  The Vitamin C Conspiracy
:  Experts
Eric Fombonne  Prof Brent Taylor  Pichichero  VerstraetenThe real bad science

[2009 Nov] Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans: Congressional Report on a Vaccine Mercury-Autism Link Ignored for Six Years by Richard Gale and Gary Null, Ph.D “study after study of spurious and flawed research that would likely never pass a graduate school examination, scientist after scientist affiliated or with financial ties to the vaccine industry now dominating our academies and health agencies, have determined that there really is no safety risk with thimerosal.”

[2009 Feb] Alberto Eugenio Tozzi, MD et al. Neuropsychological Performance 10 Years After Immunization in Infancy With Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines. PEDIATRICS Vol. 123 No. 2 February 2009, pp. 475-482

The Cochrane Collaboration Institute of Medicine (IOM)

[2008] Mady Hornig et al.  Lack of association between measles virus vaccine and autism with enteropathy: a case-control study

Key studies used by Big Pharma
1. Danish study (Madsen, MD et al. PEDIATRICS Vol. 112 No. 3 September 2003, pp. 604-606 Thimerosal and the Occurrence of Autism: Negative Ecological Evidence From Danish Population-Based Data)
2. Verstraeten VSD study
3. Institute of Medicine review
Eric Fombonne Pediatrics. "Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Montreal, Quebec: Prevalence and Links With Immunizations"--- Dr. Fombonne

Honda et al
Taylor study
Finnish study
Kaye study

[2009 Feb] Feeding the Hungry Lie, Italian Style By J.B. Handley

[2009 Jan] Tayloe, Offit, Minshew, Katz, Snyderman, et. al.: Feeding a Hungry Lie By J.B. Handley

[2009 Jan] The Vaccine Hard Sell at Pediatrics By Michael Wagnitz, B.S.

[Sept 2008] The Unconvincing Thimerosal Epidemiological Studies: How and Why They Were Produced, Published and Protected by F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP

[June 20 2008] CDC: Vaccine Study Design "Uninformative and Potentially Misleading" by David Kirby

[June 2008] CDC Has Lost Control of the Autism Argument by David Kirby

[Jan 2008] Pichichero. Pediatrics. Babies excrete vaccine-mercury quicker than originally thought

[5th February 2008].Baird G. et al. Measles vaccination and antibody response in autism spectrum disorders. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Published

[Jan 2008] Dr. Robert Schechter.  Jan 2008. Continuing Increases in Autism Reported to California's Developmental Services System. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008;65(1):19-24.

[May 2007] The mercury, autism debacle: How stupid do they think we are? by Michael Wagnitz

[July 2004] MMR and Acquired Autism (Autistic Enterocolitis) - A Briefing Note by David Thrower

[may 2006 Dr. M. A. Afzal] No Evidence of Measles Virus in MMR-Vaccinated Autistic Children

[Sept 2004] Dr. Wakefield Responds To British Study Clearing MMR Vaccines
[Media UK, Feb 2001, MMR & autism] MMR and autism: another report lands on the flaw

Epidemiologic Evidence Is Insufficient To Prove There Is No Link Between The MMR Vaccine And Autism By Clifford G. Miller

False information in DeStefano/Rhodes response to M. Geier 24 March 2004

How Mercury Was Absolved: Creativity, Collusion and Censorship by Jeffrey Allen Trelka, M.Ed.

Epidemiological studies cannot be relied upon

[Feb 2004] Study (Verstraeteten et al.) Misses Link Between Thimerosal and Neurodevelopmental Disorders 23--Mark & David Geier

Pichichero, M. et. al.  2002.  "Mercury concentrations and metabolism in infants receiving vaccines containing thiomersal:  a descriptive study."  The Lancet  360: 1737 - 1741.
Review by Helen Tucker

[Feb 2003] Professor Christoper Gillberg

[re Madsen study] MMR AND AUTISM:  The link really has been established (WDDTY Sept 2004)

[Feb 2003] MMR and Acquired Autism (Autistic Enterocolitis) - A Briefing Note by David Thrower

[Nov 2002] Autism and Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Finland: A Recent Increase.---- F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP.

[Nov 2002] New England Journal of Medicine Study on Autism-MMR Vaccine in Denmark NOT Definitive

[June 2002] The Davis et al Paper ( Arch Ped Adolesc Med 2001; 155: 354-359) by Walter O. Spitzer, M.D.

[Media july 2001] Conflict of interest fear over study of autism

[July 2001] Evidence of a Science Bending Rogue Group Within CDC? Centers for Disease Control and Obfuscation -----Teresa Binstock
[Media July 22, 2001] New autism doubt on mercury in vaccines

Letter from Professor Walter 0. Spitzer (MMR autism, May 2001)

Inconclusive "Evidence" Against There Being An MMR/Autism Link--David Thrower

IOM Report on Childhood Vaccinations and AutoimmuneDysfunction (feb 2002)

IOM Immunization Safety Review: Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine and Autism (April 23, 2001)

MMR Shots Under Fire at Autism Hearing (April 2001)
Asking the Wrong Question By Lenny Schafer
The MMR/Autism Controversy: Should We Believe the IOM? Commentary by Bernard Rimland Ph.D.

Loring Dales, MD; Sandra Jo Hammer, RN, PHN; Natalie J. Smith, MD, MPH
Time Trends in Autism and in MMR Immunization Coverage in California
Study Claims No Link Between Vaccine And Autism: Agitprop Research
Time Trends in Autism and in MMR Immunization Coverage in California

Government comments re MMR & autism--a collection

“Any competent epidemiologist can employ particular tricks of the trade when certain results are desired.” Review: Doubt is Their Product: How Industry's Assault on Science Threatens Your Health by David Michaels

"A number of clinical laboratory studies demonstrate that vaccines may cause chronic damage to the G.I. tract, immune system, brain, and other organs. Several such studies have been reported in past issues of the ARRI. Wakefield, Sabra, Singh, O'Leary and Kawashima are among the authors whose work documents lingering vaccine effect on children on the autistic spectrum, compared to normal controls. The IOM report pays little heed to this evidence, instead focusing attention on several deeply flawed epidemiological studies."---Dr Rimland MD

 Those determined to deny an association between vaccine induced inflammatory conditions in the body usually like to use retrospective, case controlled "studies" that look at old medical records. Using pencils and calculators to dismiss causal associations between vaccines and chronic diseases is easier than having to look at real live patients or study what happens to their blood, urine, eyes, brain, colons, etc. after vaccination.   The pathetic attempts by the pencil pushers to write off onset of brain and immune system dysfunction after vaccination in previously healthy people as just a "coincidence" will not wash. The people, whose lives have been ruined by doctors too proud to admit the harm being done, will not let them get away with it.[NVIC June 14, 2006] Pencil Pushers Deny Vaccine/Optic Neuritis Link

Pichichero has acknowledged financial links with Eli Lilly & Company, the developers of thiomersal and the main target (to date) of US autism litigation. In an article back in April 2000 in the American Academy of Family Physicians newsletter, Dr. Pichichero made the following disclosures of interest: he had received research grants from Abbott Laboratories, Bristol-Myers Sqibb Company, Eli Lilly (note), Merck, Pasteur Merieux Connaught, Pfizer Laboratories, Roche Laboratories, Roussel-Uclaf, Schering Corporation, SmithKline Beecham, Upjohn, and Wyeth-Lederle. [July 2004] MMR and Acquired Autism (Autistic Enterocolitis) - A Briefing Note by David Thrower

"Professor  David Elliman, whose study said fears of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism were unfounded, admitted that he and Dr Helen Bedford had been given money by drugs giants SmithKline Beecham and Pasteur Merieux Merck Sharp & Dohme. Their report, MMR Vaccine - Worries Are Not Justified, is published in the current issue of the medical journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, and was used by the government to reiterate its view that the vaccine is safe."--Media     Makers of MMR II---Aventis Pasteur MSD

"Despite the fact that the CDC's Davis et al methodology was fatally flawed in regard to autism and thimerosal, the CDC's rogue team and their U of Washington allies seem quite willing to continue diverting attention away from the substantial likelihood that physician-injected ethylmercury has been an etiologic factor in many cases of autism and related disorders."---Teresa Binstock

We have tolerated the junk science that has covered up the true cause of this epidemic at a considerable cost to science, the public, and our very way of life in this country. Is it stretch to realize that by putting our collective heads in the sand about the autism epidemic we have made it possible for the destruction of our very civilization? LES INCOMPETANTS: OPEN LETTER TO THE AAP By K. Paul Stoller, M.D.

Attempts by independent researchers to obtain the underlying data sets from the original authors in the epidemiological studies touted by the CDC and other vaccine apologists (except the 2004 Ip et al. study) as supporting the claims of “no link” have been repeatedly rebuffed. Interestingly, a November 2007 paper by Desoto and Hitlan, entitled Blood Levels of Mercury Are Related to a Diagnosis of Autism: A Reanalysis of an Important Data Set, independently reviewed the basis data from the previously published Ip et al. epidemiology study reporting no evidence of a link between the blood levels of mercury and autism. The reanalysis, with which the authors of the original epidemiological article agreed, found that the original article’s inaccurate conclusions were based on a significant calculation error and a less-than-appropriate choice of t-tail statistical test.
    Thus, no independent analysis has been able to confirm the validity, or lack thereof, of the findings reported in the studies upon which the 2004 IOM committee relied. In the case of the key U.S. study by Verstraeten et al., CDC officials have claimed that the original data sets have been “lost.” Key realities about autism, vaccines, vaccine-injury compensation, Thimerosal, and autism-related research----Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D & P.G. King PhD

In response to the overwhelming science, CDC and the pharmaceutical industry ginned up four European studies designed to disguise the link between autism and Thimerosal. Their purpose was to provide plausible deniability for the consequences of their awful decision to allow brain-killing mercury to be injected into our youngest children. Those deliberately deceptive and fatally flawed studies were authored by vaccine industry consultants and paid for by Thimerosal producers and published largely in compromised journals that neglected to disclose the myriad conflicts of their authors in violation of standard peer-review ethics. Attack on Mothers by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

"At this point, it is believed that about 10% of cases of autism can be accounted for genetically."--B.J. Freeman, Ph.D.

