J.B. Handley

[2009 Nov] How Wired Magazine’s Amy Wallace Endangers Our Kids By J.B. Handley

[2009 Oct] Dr. Paul Offit, The Autism Expert. Doesn't See Patients with Autism? By J.B. Handley  Not only is Ms. Pisani’s conflict hidden from the reader, but her actual quote is a complete fabrication. Ms. Pisani has been advocating vaccines for children for YEARS, everything in her quote is a lie -- she wasn’t questioning the right thing to do when Offit’s book came along. A liar with a conflict of interest -- how perfect! 
....The lack of humanity, the lack of interest in recovering children, is this guy really a doctor? It would be like the Marlboro man shitting on a non-traditional treatment for lung cancer, because the treatment uses natural substances to pull tobacco tar out of people’s lungs. It’s horrible, repugnant, and so profoundly disrespectful of parents who ARE seeing recovery through biomedical treatment, I really don’t have the words to castigate Offit to the proper degree. In fact, it’s even worse than that. Offit and his comrades are actually rooting AGAINST recovery for our children, because if recovery from autism is actually possible through biomedical intervention, then autism is environmentally caused. And, if it’s environmentally caused, then the guy who will die known as “Mr. Vaccine” is in very deep kimchi, and his tombstone may actually end up reading, “Mr. Autism Epidemic Facilitator.”
.....Offit made up a conversation that never took place and blended something I wrote on a public message board for an entirely different reason to serve his own purpose......Our case wasn’t a slam-dunk. We’d proven Offit had lied, that was easy.

[2009 Oct] Wired Magazine and Amy Wallace Drink Paul Offit’s Kool-Aid By J.B. Handley

[2009 Oct] Hepatitis B Vaccine: An Unmitigated Disaster By J.B. Handley

Feigned Exasperation and Ignorance: The AAP PR Strategy

[2009 April] Dr. Steven Novella, why is this so hard to understand? By J.B. Handley

[2009 April] Fourteen Studies? Only if you never read them by  J.B. Handley

[2009 Feb] Unvaccinated Children Madness By J.B. Handley  One final point: the mainstream will never do a study of unvaccinated kids. They already fear what it will show, and the results for them would likely be cataclysmic. Their best bet is to invent reasons the study can't be done.

Feeding the Hungry Lie, Italian Style By J.B. Handley

[2009 Jan] Dr. Paul Offit: Fox in a Henhouse, the ACIP Years (1998-2003) By J.B. Handley

[2009 Jan] Tayloe, Offit, Minshew, Katz, Snyderman, et. al.: Feeding a Hungry Lie By J.B. Handley

[2008 dec] Some New York Times Reporters are Just Ignorant By J.B. Handley

[August 04, 2008] Every Child By Two: A Front Group for Wyeth By J.B. Handley

[Aug 2008] False Prophet: Rotateq, Created By Paul Offit, Responsible for at Least One Death By J.B. Handley

[July 2008] The Parasites Thank You, Amanda Peet




Website: http://www.generationrescue.org/

Organisation (founder): Generation Rescue

Actually, given my experience among people with "credentials," anyone who begins a sentence lauding theirs and has more honorific acronyms than actual words in the clause has to go out of their way to prove to me they're not a total egotistical blowhard. I grew up in and around academia and a string of letters and periods following someone's name doesn't impress me. It just shows a dedication to long hours of advanced education, memorization, ass-kissing, turning off critical thinking as you learn to mindlessly accept everything your professor or textbook says, and going into tens if not a hundred thousand dollars of debt. Also, especially in the medical school spectrum, ambition and a strong, healthy God-complex are more desirable traits than intellect and a system of basic ethics.  60s comedian Mort Saul, commenting after meeting General Westmoreland, the head troop commander during most of the Vietnam era, said something along the lines of "He had row after row of glittering metals. It was dazzling, amazing even. Very impressive... if you're 12."  [May 2008] DAVID GORSKI, M.D.: THE WORLDWIDE WANKER OF "WOO" By J.B. Handley

alyric, you said, "It appears that Dr Gorski is to be congratulated. Surely the highest compliment to one's activities is a 100% ad hominem invective because there is nothing else one could say. Way to go Orac!" You mean like this quote from Orac? "I'm not going to discuss Olmsted's commentary on these abstracts any more because Olmsted has proven time and time again that he doesn't know what science is, how it works, or what he is talking about. Besides, in response to tweaking over at the Autism Blog, the merry band of antivaccinationists over at AoA kindly posted all three of the actual abstracts that were presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Why bother with Olmsted's uninformed rants and mischaracterizations when I can cut through his obfuscation and go straight to the source?"  Does anyone else love bashing hypocrites as much as I do? [May 2008] DAVID GORSKI, M.D.: THE WORLDWIDE WANKER OF "WOO" By J.B. Handley

J.B. Handley Interview Autism & Mercury Poisoning