Fourteen Studies? Only if you never read them.
Of all the remarkable frauds that will one day surround the autism epidemic, perhaps one of the most galling is the simple statement that the “science has spoken” and “vaccines don’t cause autism.” Anytime a public health official or other talking head states this, you can be assured that one of two things is true: they have never read the studies they are talking about, or they are lying through their teeth.
For me, it all started when Amanda Peet said the following in her “apology” to calling parents parasites:
"Fourteen studies have been conducted (both here in the US and abroad), and these tests are reproducible; no matter where they are administered, or who is funding them, the conclusion is the same: there is no association between autism and vaccines."
And, don’t think Amanda Peet is alone, the mantra comes fast and furious from all sides:
Groups of experts, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, agree that MMR vaccine is not responsible for recent increases in the number of children with autism. In 2004, a report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) concluded that there is no association between autism and MMR vaccine, or vaccines that contain thimerosal as a preservative."
- Centers for Disease Control
- Every Child By Two, a nonprofit entity funded by Wyeth, a vaccine maker
"Five large epidemiological studies
conducted in the United States, the United
Kingdom, Denmark, and Sweden since 2001
consistently provided evidence that there is
no association between thimerosal-containing
vaccines and autism."
- Institute of Medicine
"There are no valid studies that show a
link between thimerosal in vaccines and
autistic spectrum disorder. A 2004 report
from the Institute of Medicine, Vaccines and
Autism, concluded that the available
evidence is against the existence of a
causal relationship between thimerosal-containing
vaccines and autism."
- American Academy of Pediatrics
"The implication that vaccinations cause
autism is irresponsible and counter
productive. Although several carefully
performed scientific studies have searched
for a link between autism and the use of
thimerosal in vaccines, no such link has
been found."
- March of Dimes
"Scientific data overwhelmingly show that
there is no connection between vaccines and
autism...We need more research to
investigate the actual causes of autism, but
it would be a disservice to the health of
our children if we let vaccines take the
blame for this tragic and complex disease."
- American Medical Association
"From time to time, rumors circulate that
thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative
once used in several vaccines (and still
used in some flu vaccine), could contribute
to ASDs. However, valid scientific studies
have shown there is no link. The American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American
Medical Association (AMA), the CDC, and the
Institute of Medicine (IOM) agree that
science does not support a link between
thimerosal in vaccines and autism."
- American Academy of Pediatrics
* * *
These comments were driving me nuts. I’d read a majority of the studies they were referring to, I knew how bad they were, and I also knew that most journalists couldn’t even find the studies being referred to, because most weren’t even on the web!!
Several hundred hours of work later, Generation Rescue is pleased to introduce a website with a very simple purpose: to tell the truth. You will find every study in its entirety and a whole lot more right here:
Please take a spin, send to friends, and feel free to comment. Anyone who considers themselves to be an honest, objective scientist should be embarrassed for their colleagues who have manufactured this “proof” over the last 10 years.
I hope this website will be a small step in furthering our collective search for truth about what is being done to our kids.
J.B. Handley is co-founder of Generation Rescue.
Posted by: Stan | April 10, 2009 at 11:28 AM
Posted by: ObjectiveAutismDad | April 10, 2009 at 09:28 AM
Keep in mind those of you trying to inform your physicians; science is controlled by those with an agenda. To be so deliberately and vehemently ignorant of real science strongly suggests there is another higher level agenda for vaxing children at birth and with such excessive schedules; it is not only for big profits. That is the obvious conclusion they want vaccine opponents to believe. But, tragically, it goes far beyond that.
As most of you know, all ‘scientifically acceptable’ studies are performed by those who control the data. The data used in these studies is a HUGE problem. You won’t see anyone from Generation Rescue, etc., involved.
This garbage with testing mercury (Hg) levels of the blood is credible evidence of thimerosal safety only to those who don’t understand chemistry, which is probably most of these physicians, as well (certainly not by those who oversee these studies). Methyl and ethyl mercury are not detected in the blood because their added methyl and ethyl groups make them more lipid soluble. For those of you who may not understand the relevancy, it means it passes more easily into the nervous system, which is largely composed of lipids; the cerebrum is approx. 80% lipids. Therefore, mercury levels are not detected in the blood because it has already been absorbed into the nervous system and other lipid membranes of other organs. Imagine; the very mechanisms used to insulate the central nervous system are infiltrated with Hg.
If you want to keep the public and its future generation unable to think, physically burdened, and predisposed to future degenerative disease (not too far in the future these days), this is one of the best ways to accomplish this goal. This intended long-term purpose has some consequences as many parents are finding, but easily overlooked for achieving the directive. Hard to comprehend? Yes, I know.
What amazes me is research should be based on the very basic sciences these researchers were required to take to enter into medical school. I guess today’s science has evolved to such a high degree that the basic sciences are no longer necessary. Apparently, it has become like the bible; it’s old, outdated, and irrelevant for today, especially when you have an agenda to accomplish.
Posted by: Dr. Stephen L'Hommedieu | April 10, 2009 at 07:47 AM
I was thinking of JB yesterday when I read about about the Roche subsidiary Genentech voluntarily withdrawing Raptiva from the market. Raptiva is a psoriasis drug that has (apparently) caused a rare brain infection, which leads to death, in some of its patients. Here's the kicker: three Raptiva patients died of the brain infection PML, and one more died of a related brain infection. Genentech estimates that there are 2000 people currently taking Raptiva. That means that the death rate from brain infections associated with taking Raptiva is 1 in 500!
Remember on Larry King Live, when Dr. Fisher kept insisting to JB that Varivax and the other rubber-stamped vaccines are actually tested over and over to prove they are safe? Yeah. I guess it's the same kind of testing they did on Raptiva.
(Link to Raptiva article here:
Posted by: Theresa | April 10, 2009 at 07:22 AM
Here's a link to the department of justice defense team's expert testimony exhibits in the Cedillo case. They differ somewhat from the court transcripts.
I don't recall a lot of dicussion concerning them inside the community.
I right clicked this master pdf and the document properties states it was created 2/26/09, but the docket indicates it was posted on the date of 2/2/09.
The exhibits in the listing are hot links. Click each one to view the actual testimony.
Posted by: kerbob | April 10, 2009 at 01:04 AM
Posted by: Chris | April 10, 2009 at 01:00 AM
Laboratory studies have shown that within 24 hours of injecting a minute dose of mercury into a muscle anywhere in the body (monkeys were used in the study), it would be present in the spinal cord and brain. The mercury was also present in the kidneys, lungs, bloodstream, connective tissue, and adrenal and other endocrine glands. In the brain, it tended to congregate in the hypothalamus, which regulates the sympathetic nervous system (associated with the brainstem), believed to be the organic seat of emotions.
While mercury levels slowly dissipate in a predictable amount of time from other body tissues and even from the teeth (in six weeks, its levels might be halved), mercury does not have a "half-life" in the nervous system or brain. Instead, it binds firmly to a specific chemical compound which happens to exist there in the body’s highest concentrations.
"The main devastating effect of mercury in the nervous system is that it interferes with the energy production inside each cell," says Dr. Klinghardt. "The nerve cell is impaired in its ability to detoxify itself [and excrete the mercury] and in its ability to nurture itself. The cell becomes toxic and dies, or lives in a state of chronic malnutrition. A multitude of illnesses, usually associated with neurological symptoms, result." Among these are chronic viral and fungal illnesses, recurrent episodes of bacterial infections, and chronic fatigue.
By a curious self-preservation reflex of the body, the emergence of these conditions can be viewed as a way of accommodating the heavy metal presence, speculates Dr. Klinghardt. "Most, if not all, chronic infectious diseases are not caused by a failure of the immune system, but are a conscious adaptation of the immune system to an otherwise lethal heavy metal environment."
Mercury suffocates the cells and they die, so the immune system cultivates fungi and bacteria which are able to bind large amounts of the toxic metal in their respective cell walls, thereby enabling the patient’s cells to breathe again. The downside, of course, is that the body must now feed these otherwise undesirable microbes and deal with their toxic waste. In addition, a person with mercury contamination often becomes zinc deficient and the functioning of copper and other minerals in the body will be compromised as well.
This perspective leads Dr. Klinghardt to the following strong statement: "As soon as anybody has any type of medical illness or symptom, whether medical or emotional, the amalgam fillings should be removed and the mercury residues should be eliminated from the body, especially the brain."
Ok, he is talking amalgams...but what if it's injected into your bloodstream, even worse....
Posted by: Kathy Blanco | April 10, 2009 at 12:36 AM
Posted by: Jeannine Olson | April 10, 2009 at 12:27 AM
Posted by: Kristen | April 09, 2009 at 10:20 PM
Thanks also for the comparative study on vaccines, autism and childhood mortality rates. That addition is tremendously helpful and persuasive.
Do you have a footnoted version that explains the diagnostic codes for prevalance rates? That would be helpful, if available.
Thanks for all your work,
Posted by: Mary | April 09, 2009 at 10:03 PM
The second most galling statement for me is:
" Thimerosal was removed from all vaccines in 1999(or 2000 or 2001) and autism numbers are still going up so it cannot be thimerosal and vaccines."
Posted by: Maurine Meleck | April 09, 2009 at 09:38 PM
besides many other organizations-SafeMind included /researchers that have criticised them.
I do think that it is very informative the recopilation-thank you Mr J.B. Handley-, especially considering the interest conflics, an aspect that only this way may be known for foreign parents to USA like me.
Posted by: María Luján | April 09, 2009 at 06:04 PM
Lately I have found it quite disheartening that some of my own friends and family that are newer members of the medical mainstream(doctors and nurses) are very uniformed and hostile about this issue. These are people that are supposedly close to us and used to be quite open minded. I can really tell that Pharma has a big influence on the education of medical professionals. I am quite sure that when I approach these individuals they will put on their white coats and pull their "I am an MD and you are an irrational parent" card. JB's new site will help me to combat this bs and show just who really is irrational. To be honest, 99% of the MD's wont be familiar with any of these studies and they are just trying to parrot what they were taught by AAP/Pharma in med school.
Posted by: David A | April 09, 2009 at 05:36 PM
"critic" for "critique"--three times!
"Do people still think mercury is the cause of autism...?"
Pardon me, dear, but your troll is showing.
Posted by: David Taylor | April 09, 2009 at 02:49 PM
Posted by: Erik Nanstiel | April 09, 2009 at 01:26 PM
"The blogger even admits he's only read 'most' of them, and offers no critic. The site he links to lists the articles, but again offers no critic of why they are bad/wrong. I'd like to at least see why people don't agree with these studies. The mercury study listed in the commments section is totally useless...."
Are you a journalist?????
Did you even read the entire website where it says how the studies are ranked?
Posted by: How annoying can you get? | April 09, 2009 at 12:54 PM
page identifying the study and the rank it has been given. At the bottom of the page is a link saying "MORE INFO" if you click on that you will get a detailed break down of the problems with each individual study. Interesting reading.
Posted by: hera | April 09, 2009 at 12:53 PM
Not only are the studies ranked, but each study also has a far more detailed analysis which includes many guest critiques and explains how it was scored. Here's just one example:
Perhaps you are one of Paul Offit's researchers?
Posted by: JB Handley | April 09, 2009 at 12:43 PM
That is the link you're looking for, ranking the reports, what's wrong with them, etc.
Perhaps, like others who nay say, you should RESEARCH before you comment.
Posted by: CooperHawkes | April 09, 2009 at 12:23 PM
Matt L. could take on Dr. Nancy with
one arm tied in front of his back...
Posted by: Curtis J | April 09, 2009 at 12:11 PM