Media DPT vaccine victim stories
Media stories  DPT vaccines  DPT victim testimonies

[2009 Aug] Cough so bad Mick felt like he was dying  "Ironically the Bloomfields had only just been vaccinated against whooping cough days before Mr Bloomfield’s symptoms became obvious."

[2008 Dec BCG, DPT] Two children die after vaccination in Bihar

[Media USA Jan 2003 DPT/MMR--autism] Family blames vaccine additive for son's autism (Jevyn Bernier)
[Media Oct 2002, DPt/Hepb/polio] Vaccines get recall after death of girl

[Media Sept 2002, DPT--epilepsy and brain damage] Father joins legal battle to highlight vaccine risks (Sara Yendle)


[Media Aug 2002--DPT injury, VICP payment] Girl gets $4.7M for vaccine injuries

[Media Aug 2001 DPT--autism] Injection of fear (Jamie Sinnott )
[Media USA, July 2001 DPT--brain damage, death] Family Blames Vaccine For Son's Death (Devan Womack)
[Media UK, Jan, 2001, DPT--brain damage] FAMILY'S NEW BLOW IN FIGHT FOR MATTHEW (Matthew Need)

[Media UK, May 2000, DPT--severe brain damage, fits, death] Secret trials that crippled 55 babies (Jackie SKATES)
[Media-India, 2000. DPT, MMR--autism] Under-reporting of adverse vaccine reactions could jeopardise infants' safety (Seema)
[Media UK, June 2000, Dpt---profoundly disabled]Caring mother rounds on Alistair Darling's 'insult' (Andrew Barras)
[Media UK, June 2000, DPT--brain damage] Chancellor 's 'hypocrisy' at pay-outs for jab damage (Isobel Jensen)
[Media UK, 2000, DPT-severe brain damage] Simple jab that left my healthy son’s life in ruins (Greg Draper)
[Media UK, June 2000, MMR & DPT--Autism & bowel disorder] Girl disabled by jabs is refused compensation (Jodie Marchant)
[Media UK,  May 2000 DPT--deaths, severe brain damage] Babies died in (DPT) vaccine tests (1948-56) (Michael Heads)

[Media UK, June 2000, DPT--severe brain damage] Letter (Marc Sparrow)

[Media UK, Dec 99 DPT--death] Tragedy of vaccine girl (Chelsea Stephenson)
[Media USA, Oct 99 DPT-diabetes] Refusing to follow doctors' advice(Adam Lovgren)

[Media AUS, DPT--shaken baby syndrome, 1998] JUDGE NOT SURE HOW BABY DIED
[Media UK, Oct 1998, Anthrax, DPT vaccines---asthma and a neurological condition] Gulf War veteran says he was a guinea pig (Andrew Black)
[Media USA, Sept 98 DPT-shaken baby syndrome] Jury: Father didn't shake his son- DPT to blame (carey)
[Media UK, Jan 98 DPT--polio] Case of polio from DPT (Edward)
[Media USA, 1998, Measles vaccine--brain damage, DPT--death] Brent MCFARLAND, SWEET
[Media UK, July 1998, Polio & diptheria vaccines---Guillaine Barre] Julie sues over jabs (Julie Richard)

[Media USA, DPT--death] The State of Nevada and Vaccine Roulette (Nathan Silvermintz)
[Media USA, 1996, DPT--death, Polio vaccine--polio] Money Magazine article (Nathan Silvermintz,   Lenita Schafer )
[Media UK, 96  Letter DPT--epilepsy, cerebral ataxia] Jab that damaged our child (Andrew Barras)

[Media UK, July 93 DPT--death & illness] Nagoya court awards vaccine victims Y2 billion (1993)

[Media USA, 1990, DPT--residual seizure disorder and brain damage] Boy With Seizures Gets $4.5 Million (Amanda BECK, Andrew NUZZO)

[Media USA, DPT-- learning disabilities, and attention-deficit problems] A Mother's Vaccine Crusade (Nathan Williams)

[DPT---severe left side brain damage]

Fresno Bee DPT report 1984

Provocation polio from the DPT vaccine

[Vaccination]  [DPT vaccines]  [Media stories]