Court judgements DPT

[2009 July DPT] Federal Court awards compensation to boy injured by vaccines

Court case---William L. McCarren, Jr. ("Billy")
Court case---Christina Kaminski ("Tina")---cause of death listed on the death certificate was "Crib Death."
Court case--Carol Hovey---post-measles encephalitis--  
Court case--Jason Lucas Anderson---Jason's death certificate lists sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) as the cause of death
Court case---Garrett Joseph Giles--death
Court case--Angie Lynn Bouley (Angie)---
Court case--Curtis Gurr--SIDS
Court case--1998-Rachael Lampe--residual seizure disorder and subsequent mental retardation
Court case--Kristy M. Henkel (1998)--seizures, tuberous sclerosis ("TS").
Court case--Rachel Plavin ("Rachel")--seizures (case denied) (Aug 1998)
Court case--Amanda Newby (1998)--encephalopathy and seizures resulting in psychomotor retardation and cerebral palsy (case denied)
Court case--Diane C. Lett (1998)--residual seizure disorder (case affirmed)
Court case--Michael Hanlon (March 1998)--seizure disorder (case denied)
Court case--Rachel Leah Reiss-Plavin ("Rachel") (1998)--residual seizure disorder ("RSD")---Rachel received her first Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus ("DPT") vaccination on August 4, 1989 at the age of two months. She received her second DPT vaccination on September 15, 1989, In November 1989, Rachel was diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis ("TS"), a neurocutaneous genetic disorder affecting the skin and nervous system.
Court case--Gabriel Lucas (1998)--encephalopathy, SIDS--Gabriel slept almost continuously for approximately 60 out of the 72 hours between the administration of the DPT vaccine and his death on April 19, 1993.(awarded)
Court case---Jared DeFazio (1998)--He is legally blind as a result of a condition known as nystagmus and suffers from attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and depression. (award denied)
Court case--Adam David Gershenson (1998)--encephalopathy (award denied)

These cases included toddlers who had been called “very smart” and “impressed” doctors with their “intelligence and curiosity” until their vaccinations. Based on an on-line report,8 those nine cases were:

  1. 1. Kleinert v. HHS (Case 90-211V, 1991 U.S. Cl. Ct. LEXIS 69, February 20, 1991) DPT vaccine administered in February 1981. Seizure disorder in a child diagnosed with “overfocussing,” “similar in some respects to autism.” Michael Hugo, counsel for petitioner; Denis J. Hauptly, Special Master
  2. Underwood v. HHS (Case 90-719V, 1991 U.S. Cl. Ct. LEXIS 373, July 31, 1991) DPT vaccine administered in 1974. Seizure disorder in a child diagnosed with autism. Curtis Webb, counsel for petitioner; Elizabeth Wright, Special Master
  3. Sanford v. HHS (Case 90-2760V, 1993 U.S. Claims LEXIS 49, May 10, 1993) DPT vaccine administered in September 1979. Seizure disorder in a child with “autistic tendencies.” Mari Bush, counsel for petitioner; LaVon French, Special Master
  4. Bastian v. HHS (Case 90-1161V, 1994 U.S. Claims LEXIS 196, September 22, 1994) DPT administered in December 1984. Seizure disorder in a child diagnosed with autism. Testifying doctors for petitioners and HHS all agreed that while he “exhibits some autistic symptomatology, [he] is not autistic.” Boyd McDowell, counsel for petitioner; Richard Abell, Special Master
  5. Lassiter v. HHS (Case 90-2036V, 1996 U.S. Claims LEXIS 216, December 17, 1996) DPT vaccine administered in 1972. Seizure disorder in a young man diagnosed with autism. The court ruled that a diagnosis of idiopathic autism (i.e., autism of unknown origin) was not sufficient to establish a “factor unrelated” that might result in the dismissal of a claim. Clifford Shoemaker, counsel for petitioner; LaVon French, Special Master
  6. Suel v. HHS (Case 90-935V, 1997 U.S. Claims LEXIS 210, September 22, 1997) DPT vaccine administered in the 1980’s. Aggravation of tuberous sclerosis in a child diagnosed with autism. Richard Gage, counsel for petitioner; Laura Millman, Special Master
  7. Freeman v. HHS (Case 01-390V, 2003 U.S. Claims LEXIS 285, September 25, 2003) MMR vaccine administered in July 1999. Seizure disorder in a child displaying features of “atypical autism.” Ronald Homer and Sylvia Chin-Caplan, counsel for petitioner; George L. Hastings, Special Master
  8. Noel v. HHS (Case 99-538V, 2004 U.S. Claims LEXIS 354, December 14, 2004) DpaT [sic; DTaP] and HiB vaccines administered in March 1997. Seizure disorder in a child diagnosed with autism. Clifford Shoemaker, counsel for petitioner; Laura Millman, Special Master
  9. Banks v. HHS (Case 02-0738V, 2007 U.S. Claims LEXIS 254, July 20, 2007) MMR vaccine administered in March 2000. The child was diagnosed with PDD secondary to acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). Michael McLaren, counsel for petitioner; Richard Abell, Special Master

In some of these cases (e.g., Lassiter), the government actually attempted to use the child’s autism diagnosis as a reason to deny compensation for the child. Key realities about autism, vaccines, vaccine-injury compensation, Thimerosal, and autism-related research----Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D & P.G. King PhD

[Vaccination]  [DPT vaccines]