Compulsory vaccination
[Compulsory autism! Compulsory vaccination was enacted in the 19th century, where the wealthier could escape by paying the fines, while the poor had to endure jail and/or bailiffs. Their ploy now seems to come via the BMA and a compliant MP, just like the fluoridation poisoning attempts comes via the Chief Dental Officer. A new law introduced by the backdoor obliges the Secretary of State for Health to implement any recommendations of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, a shill for the vaccine industry.]
[2009 June] No compulsory MMR, minister says
[2001] GMC names freemason members The register lists Sir Sandy Macara, the former British Medical Association (BMA) chair; Dr Simon Fradd, a negotiator for the BMA's GPs' committee; Dr Ronald Zeegen, a consultant physician and gastroenterologist and lay member Mr James Campbell Morton as freemasons.
[2009 June Letter] Support for MMR dissenters by Dr Dick van Steenis[2009 June] Parent body attacks MMR jab proposals
[2009 June] Former British Medical Association chairman Sir Sandy Macara has called for children to be excluded from school this week unless they've have the MMR jab. Dr Peter Mansfield takes umbrage. The supine acceptance by our public health officials of whatever the vaccine manufacturers wish to sell has been a scandal since the mid 1980s.
[2009 June] Compulsory Vaccination or Low Grade Authoritarianism By Martin J. Walker the objective is not simply to introduce compulsory vaccination, but to hand all legal responsibility for vaccination to pediatricians, the family courts and the pharmaceutical companies. The most fascinating political aspect of this for British people is that New Labour is getting away with privatising an aspect of the legal system; the ultimate rule of vested interests.
[2009 June] Sarkozy’s Secret Plan for
Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination By F. William Engdahl
[2009 June] MMR jab should be compulsory for all children starting school, expert says
[2009 June] Call for debate on compulsory MMR
[May 2008] No jabs, no school says Labour MP
UK Compulsory Vaccination Imminent
Compulsory vaccination flacks:
Lynn Neagle
Mary Creagh
Sir Sandy
Dr Andrew Dearden