1. Vitamin A decreased risk of cancer---Steineck, Int Journal of
Cancer 1990 1006-1011
2. Levels of vit A found to be significantly lower in 84 men with prostate cancer over
men with who did not develop this cancer---Reichman----Cancer Research 1990 50; 2311
3.The less vitamin A in blood, greater odds of devloping prostate cancer---Hsing, J NCI
1990 82;941
4. French study showed, in 106 cases, lower consumption of vitamin A the greater
chances of developing lung cancer.
- french scientists showed it seemed to inhibit the tumour promotion phase,
while beta-carotene complemented this action by inhibiting tumour
initiation-----Dartigues, European Journal of Epidemiology 1990 6;261
- Dutch study which concluded that it was possible low vit A levels play a role
in causing a second tumour of the head or neck. They recommended these patients be given
vitamins to prevent a second tumour forming---Dr Vries. European Archives of
Otorhinolaryngol 1990 247;368
- Italian study reported combination of Vitamins ACE could correct abnormalities in the
cells of the rectum in people who had had polyps removed. Such abnormalities are believed
to eventually progress to cancer in many cases---Paganelli. NCI Journal 1992 84;47
- In 1985 Dr Hong at Anderson Cancer Centre proposed the use of Accutane (a variant of
Vitamin A) in treating head and neck cancer---Hong. Otolaryngol Clin North Am 1985 18;543
- These scientists concluded that daily treatment is effective in preventing second
primary tumours---Hong. NEJM 1990 323;795