A Stolen Life

a book by Marge Grant

Web: http://www.dptshot.com/

Book Review: A Stolen Life

“A Stolen Life”, reveals how Jim and Marge Grant, as conscientious and loving parents took their healthy infant son Scott, to their pediatrician for a well baby check up, only to have him literally wilt before their eyes upon receiving a series of DPT baby shots, given to immunize against the diseases: Diphtheria, Pertussis (known as whooping cough) and Tetanus.

This book is a culmination of many years of folks questioning the reason for Scott's profound disabilities while looking for accurate and credible answers.

This story illuminates a cozy relationship between the powerful pharmaceutical industry that make vaccines, and the government vaccine regulatory agency within the federal Food and Drug Administration, the (FDA). Which sends a powerful message that America's children are being forced to take vaccines that are not as safe and effective as our government and medical establishment would have us believe.

As the great Dr. Robert Mendelsohn so aptly said: “If this is preventive medicine, I'll take my chances with disease.” Every parent and grandparent will be interested to read this thought-provoking story, since the same vaccines that ruined Scott's life in l961, are currently a pre-requisite for children to attend school.

Marge Grant is the author of “A Stolen Life” and the mother of Scott Grant, who suffered severe irreversible brain damage as an infant in l961 from childhood vaccines. The profound vaccine injury rendered Scott a lifelong non-ambulatory, spastic quadriplegic that created indescribable challenges for him and his entire family. It literally gave rise to Marge becoming a vaccine heretic and pioneering a nation-wide vaccine safety movement.

Marge is Co-Founder of Wisconsin Citizens For Free Choice In Immunization, an organization of committed parents who successfully petitioned their state legislators in l979 and l980 to change the law, that would allow parents the “freedom to choose” whether or not to have their children vaccinated before entering school.

She and her husband Jim founded the Wisconsin parent organization, DPT-SHOT, the acronym for “Determined Parents To Stop Hurting Our Tots.”

Because of her son's profound vaccine injury and her intense endeavors to keep informed of crucial vaccine issues, Marge made forty trips to Washington, D.C. to repeatedly testify before the United States Congress. She served on the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV), to represent children who have suffered vaccine-related injury or death. She further served on the National Academy of Science, Institute of Medicine's Vaccine Safety Forum, for several years.

Marge was born and raised in Mequon, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee.