Dr. Bernard Rimland,
Autism Research Institute http://autism.com/ari/
San Diego, California

Dr. Bernard Rimland (bearded) in front of the Autism Research Institute


Biography on Wikipedia by Ombudsman


The (Pretending to) Combat Autism Act  By Bernard Rimland

[3/2006] A message from Bernard Rimland, Ph.D.

[Nov 20, 2002]  Interview

 Autism Research Institute's Mercury Detoxification Consensus Conference February 9-11, 2001, Dallas, Texas

The MMR/Autism Controversy: Should We Believe the IOM? Commentary by Bernard Rimland Ph.D.

Testimony of Dr Rimland before House Committee on Government Reform

Parents Ask for Investigation Into Role of Vaccines in Autism

[Media] Do Children's Shots Invite Autism? by Dr Rimland