Prevnar (Wyeth Lederle pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine )  
[back] Pneumococcal vaccines

See: HIB  Meningitis articles  The Perilous Haemophilus or is it....pneumonia By Hilary Butler



Package insert
Prevnar ® (Wyeth

Non-PCV7 Pneumococcal Disease Increasing in Spain

Hilary Butler documenting HIB, then Prevnar now MRSA

PREVNAR: A Critical Review of a New Childhood Vaccine by Michael Horwin, MA

[July 31, 2006] The U.K. Pediatric Pneumococcal Vaccine: The Next Storm by F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP 

"Pneumococcal Vaccine and Otitis Media" by Dr. Erdem Cantekin

Nicholas Regush Issues A Challenge To The Makers Of The Prevnar Vaccine - Show Him The Science!

[NVIC Feb 2006] Prevnar Whistleblower Trial

VAERS-217 Deaths from Prevnar since May 2000

Media stories
[2008 Nov] Prevnar  vaccine] India Halts Wyeth Vaccine Trial Over Infant Death

[2008] 12 Babies die during vaccine trials in Argentina

[April 2008 Prevnar] Increase in severe pneumonia in children may be caused by vaccine

[Media Sept 2006 Prevnar] Report links 'super dose' to thousands of adverse reactions in US children

[May 2006] Whistleblower Mark Livingston Battles Wyeth Pharmaceuticals

[Media Jan 2005 Prevnar vaccine] A JAB TOO FAR---Dr Richard Halvorsen

[Jan 2005] Wyeth whistleblower Mark Livingston describes problems at Prevnar vaccine plant

[March 2004] Lawsuit Alleges Irregularities With (Prevnar) Vaccine

FDA Told Pneumococcal Vaccine Likely to Cause Epidemic of Diabetes

[2001] News 8 Investigates: Prevnar

[Vaccine articles]