West Nile
[back] Viral mania [back] Infectious scares

See: Infectious scares

See: Virus hunters

See vaccine diseases: Spanish Flu  Gulf War Syndrome  Guillain-Barre syndrome


Dr Duffy on WNV

Top 10 Lies About West Nile Virus and Anvil by Robert Lederman

[pdf 2008] There is No Such Thing As West Nile Virus by Ramiel Nagel

The New West Nile Virus Epidemic: Bioterrorism? -Or Mother Nature (Again)? Alan Cantwell, Jr., MD 

[July 2001] Pesticide Spraying Poses Death Risk to Humans: Public Health Author Exposes Bogus West Nile Virus Policy

WNV & polio by Jim West

Virus or Environment? Commentator Questions Blame Placed on West Nile Virus

The CIA and the West Nile Virus

Role of bioengineering in CFS, GWS & AIDS--Dr Mazlen

West Nile site www.geocities.com/noxot

"The official West Nile virus paradigm actually does make political sense. After all, you can't expect Mayor Giuliani to say, "Thousands of birds are falling from the sky because of petrochemical emissions in Jersey, illegal emissions, major airport take-off lanes over residential zones, congested automobile traffic, and gasoline with 15% MTBE, which is a poison and neurotoxic precursor. Air pollution has triggered the deaths of birds already burdened with pesticides, mercury, and lead residues. If you're a visiting tourist, chances are you'll be OK, and NYC loves your money. So, let's all pretend it's a deadly virus and endure a ritual of mind-numbing fear, dramatized by occasional unscheduled pesticide sprayings by helicopters over crowded streets and parks."--Jim West www.geocities.com/noxot