Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D.

See: Anthrax vaccine



Anthrax Epizootic in Zimbabwe, 1978-1980: Due to Deliberate Spread? by Meryl Nass, M.D.

[Meryl Nass--Anthrax letters] Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?

My understanding of the safety of anthrax vaccine and its role in GWS ---Meryl Nass MD

Dec 2003 Talking points: anthrax vaccine preliminary injunction by Meryl Nass, MD

The Anthrax Vaccine Saga: How Not to Develop a Vaccine Program--Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D.

"CDC recently sponsored a trial of post-exposure anthrax vaccine use. FDA approved the trial. The study's consent form acknowledged that preliminary data showed anthrax vaccine could cause birth defects. Since for the preceding two months antibiotic treatment had been 100 per cent successful at preventing anthrax in those exposed, it was not at all obvious that vaccination offered any additional benefit. Yet pregnant women were invited to enroll as subjects.  Isn't it unethical to offer a vaccine to pregnant women that might cause birth defects, and one that was not necessary? But that wasn't the end of it. FDA just approved the license for anthrax vaccine, and approved a new anthrax vaccine label, which became public five weeks after the CDC study began. The new label clearly states that no animal experiments have ever been performed to determine the vaccine's effect on pregnancy.  What logic led both CDC and FDA to experiment on human fetuses in the complete absence of animal fertility data? How could pregnant females be used as guinea pigs, before any guinea pigs or mice were studied? "-----Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D.  http://www.redflagsweekly.com/nasspubhlth.html

WHO IS PROTECTING THE PUBLIC HEALTH? CAN WE TRUST THE REGULATORS? By Meryl Nass, MD http://www.redflagsweekly.com/nasspubhlth.html

I am known for having analysed a major anthrax outbreak, which occurred in Rhodesia during its civil war.  I showed that none of the explanations for why it was a "natural" event stood up to scrutiny, and that the epizootic was due to biological warfare. My understanding of the safety of anthrax vaccine and its role in GWS ---Meryl Nass MD

Anthrax vaccine related to multiple cancers and other illnesses