Monkey kidney cells
Vaccine ingredients  Polio vaccination

Estimated (1975) over 1 million monkeys killed.

"The Indian government -- responding to popular alarm among its people about the widespread slaughter of Indian macaques for vaccine production and other research -- barred export of rhesus monkeys to the U.S."--Tom Curtis

Ipol (Injection) Rx

Polio vaccine contamination (AIDS, cancer)

Rhesus monkey (SV40 cancer causing virus):

"SV40 was delivered straight into people's bloodstreams along with their Salk shots and via sugar cubes in field trials of the weakened living virus developed by Sabin."--Tom Curtis

"Dr. Eddy was aware that people were using monkey kidney cells to make polio vaccine. She had an interest in polio vaccine. She took extracts from monkey kidney cells that were being used for testing polio vaccines, injected the extracts into hamsters and observed that the hamsters developed cancers. She took that information to Dr. Smadel, her boss at the time, who totally dismissed it, saying that she was wrong, that they were lumps, not cancers.  Some months later, I think in 1960, out of frustration, while she was at a meeting on polyoma viruses in New York, she mentioned, by the way, that one could also get cancers using Rhesus monkey kidney cell extracts. She was severely chastised by her boss and others for daring to raise the possibility that there could be oncogenic activity in poliomyelitis. Dr. Sabin was upset by this. Everybody was upset."--Dr Martin MD

African green monkey (stealth virus, AIDS):

"We don't know how a Green Monkey Virus entered to many members of the world population at the same time (Dr Myron Essex, in San Antonio, April 23rd 1987) "This gives us great concern, because that is what we make immunisations from." (Dr Myron Essex, International Herald Tribune, Paris, France, November 11, 1985)

"The discovery in 1960 of live SV40 virus contamination in formalin-treated poliovirus vaccine, produced in kidney cells cultures from rhesus monkeys, did not lead to an immediate recall of the contaminated vaccines. Rather the production method was switched to the use of kidney cells from the much less well characterized African green monkeys. This switch in monkey species was soon followed by the decision to forgo formalin inactivation by using a weakened (attenuated) live strain of poliovirus. Persisting concerns regarding contaminating viruses in the live poliovaccine led in 1972 to a joint study between the vaccine manufacturer and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Kidney cultures from all 12 monkeys tested grew African green monkey simian cytomegalovirus (SCMV)........May 1995.......I had developed tissue culture methods which indicated the presence of atypical viruses in patients with complex neurological diseases. ....They were termed stealth viruses on this basis and seemingly they lacked target antigens for recognition by the body's cellular immune system. Sequencing studies on a stealth virus indicated it had originated from SCMV."--Dr Martin MD

"Live polio viral vaccines are still made in African green monkey kidney cells today, now. I will spend some time if you want me to go on to current efforts to redress this problem, but at the moment, live polio virus vaccines are still made in kidney cells of African green monkeys, and the monkeys used are sero positive. Besides the megalovirus, there’s no reason not to suspect that cytomegalovirus would not be present in these vaccines."--Dr Martin MD

"The one virus which we were able to isolate and characterize is unmistakably African green monkey cytomegalovirus. I had notified centers for disease control by way of a manuscript and a request to transfer some of this information when I first had it, which was back in 1994, without any real success, but when the data was unequivocal, which was in 1995, we contacted the Bureau. At that stage, we were really just trying to get some reassurance that they no longer used monkey kidneys to make polio vaccines and were told that unfortunately they still did.....The issue of interest with HIV vaccines and so forth. .. it is known that African green monkeys have a retrovirus called simian immunodeficiency virus, SIV. There is a general relationship between SIV and HIV, though they’re not that closely related that, by normal kinetic mechanisms, one could see that they were both coming together. What is of interest is the fact that the African green monkeys brought out in the early part of the century to America were SIV negative...The question is as to whether or not SIV infections in the monkeys in Africa may have, in fact, been introduced in this century and were not an infection that predated hundreds of years but, rather, was introduced into the monkeys in some of the early experimentation done in vaccine development, and there’s a real interesting argument that, in fact, man may have infected African monkeys which then, in turn, processed the virus and returned it back to man in the form of HIV."--Dr Martin