Disease linked to metals
Health Hazards


Mercury in vaccines

Mercury (dental) amalgam

Diseases (aluminium & mercury)
Autism & vaccination

Vaccines linked to diseases

Autism:  A Unique Type of Mercury Poisoning http://www.intuitiveparenting.org/immunizations.html Sallie Bernard*, Albert Enayati, B.S., Ch.E., M.S.M.E., Heidi Roger, Teresa Binstock, Lyn Redwood, R.N., M.S.N., C.R.N.P., Woody McGinnis, M.D.--FEAT Report

Armstrong RA, Winsper SJ, Blair JA
Hypothesis: is Alzheimer's disease a metal-induced immune disorder? Neurodegeneration 1995 Mar;4(1):107-11

"Effectively they said we were either dotty or lying. For 13 years the authorities have said this whole thing is just in our minds."--Elizabeth Sigmund, Camelford resident

Mercury : The Winged Messenger by Courtney L. Zietzke 
[Feb 2005] "EVIDENCE  OF  HARM" by New York Times writer David Kirby
Beating Alzheimer's by Tom Warren
What Really Causes Alzheimer's Disease by Harold D. Foster www.hdfoster.com
Toxic Metal Syndrome by Casdorph & Walker
Alzheimer's challenged & conquered? by Louis Blank