Mercury levels

"Mercury levels often don't show up in the blood. They may show up in hair analysis if exposure has been recent.  This has to be done in a careful way with knowledgable hair analysis lab.  And sometimes it doesn't even show up in hair as it is IN THE BRAIN and other areas.  When children start to be chelated with substances that will combine with mercury the mercury will then come out and show up in the urine BIG TIME."--Sheri Nakken RN

[2007] Blood Levels of Mercury Are Related to Diagnosis of Autism

0.5 parts per billion (ppb) mercury = Kills human neuroblastoma cells (Parran et al., Toxicol Sci 2005; 86: 132-140).
2 ppb mercury = U.S. EPA limit for drinking water
20 ppb mercury = Neurite membrane structure destroyed (Leong et al., Neuroreport 2001; 12: 733-37).
200 ppb mercury = level in liquid the EPA classifies as hazardous waste.
25,000 ppb mercury = Concentration of mercury in the Hepatitis B vaccine, administered at birth in the U.S., from 1990-2001.
50,000 ppb Mercury = Concentration of mercury in multi-dose DTaP and Haemophilus B vaccine vials, administered 4 times each in the 1990's to children at 2, 4, 6, 12 and 18 months of age. Current "preservative" level mercury in multi-dose flu (94% of supply), meningococcal and tetanus (7 and older) vaccines. This can be confirmed by simply analyzing the multi- dose vials. [Letter Feb 2008] Mercury, Vaccines, And Autism: One Controversy, Much Propaganda---Michael F. Wagnitz