[An investigation company that was set up by ABPI people, has a formal relationship with the ASBPI and does work for the GMC.  They look to be working on the Wakefield case (ref). This shows the close relationship between the Allopaths and the Pharma Industry and the bias of the GMC.  In reality they are the same thing, see Allopathic Inc.]

2000. The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry has formalised its relationship with a company that investigates fraud in clinical trials.  Medicolegal Investigations Ltd (MLI), founded by a former ABPI medical director (Dr Frank Wells) and Mr Peter Jay, a former detective chief inspector with the Metropolitan Police, now has a chairman and another director nominated by the ABPI. The new chairman is Mr Michael Wallace (vice-president, ABPI); the new director is Dr Richard Tiner (medical director, ABPI).]

Staff: Jane Barrett, Dr Frank Wells, Mr Peter Jay, Mr Michael Wallace (vice-president, ABPI), Dr Richard Tiner (medical director, ABPI)

See: Wakefield GMC Hearing 2007


[April 2008] Lies Exposed At The UK MMR Vaccine Trial Court By Jane Bryant

[March 2008] The Complainant Brian Deer, the ABPI, Medico Legal Investigations and Dr Andrew Wakefield by Martin Walker MA for CryShame

[ 05/05/2007] The Company Record for: MEDICOLEGAL INVESTIGATIONS LIMITED



[Newsletter 2004] MMR and MLI MMR. Sunday Times Investigation

[2000] ABPI formalises links with clinical fraud investigation firm

"The extraordinary tale of the problems found in the paper by Dr Andrew Wakefield (as published in the Lancet) concerning MMR and autism were shared with MLI in strict confidence whilst Brian Deer's fine piece of investigative journalism was under way. We were asked to advise on matters that were clearly quite alarming."---[Newsletter 2004] MMR and MLI MMR. Sunday Times Investigation

Frank Wells is chairman of the BMA retired doctors committee

The documents show how Deer was assisted by Medicolegal Investigations (MLI), which is closely tied to the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)

Very interesting to note how Frank Wells of MLI swept aside the Commons Health Committee report 'The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry' in 2005:


"You, in your editorial (Editor's choice), Ferner.. and Lenzer.., all comment adversely on the behaviour and status of drug industry representativfes. This reflects the natural tendency of even reputable journals such as the BMJ to publish bad news ahead of good.

"Whilst accepting the needs for the concerns expressed in these comments, spare a moment to consider the positive aspects of the pharmaceutical industry and particularly the doctors (pharmaceutical physicians) that have chosen to work for drug companies. They are doctors first and foremost and those that are members of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine (the vast majority) are trained in and endorse the Faculty’s Guidelines on Ethics in Pharmaceutical Medicine.(Available on the FPM website Pharmaceutical physicians working for such companies effectively act as the ethical conscience of the industry and have a statutory role to play in signing off any promotional material as well as fulfilling a responsibility to take part in the training of representatives. Much of the criticisms expressed would legitimately be far worse if pharmaceutical physicians had not properly exercised their professional roles and their consciences in fulfilling their duties.

"Medicines remain a fundamentally important aspect of treatment of disease, but newer and better medicines are needed all the time and their responsible promotion is essential. Let not continuing research, to the highest possible standards, be jeopardised by unwarranted and constant criticism of everything the industry does.

Dr Frank Wells"

The devastating Health Committee report is available on-line:

You would think MLI would spy ample opportunity for investigation.

FAFfing about 2 July 2007
Dr Frank Wells,
Chairman, BMA Retired Members Forum

Send response to journal:
Re: FAFfing about

Regardless of Delamothe's plea for less public planning for pandemic flu1 there is a need to identify in advance personnel, over and above those already working in health care, who would be willing to assist if and when pandemic influenza occurs.

Such personnel include retired doctors and, in this context, the BMA Retired Members Forum has taken two initiatives: the first is to establish a database of those retired members willing to be contacted as experienced pairs of hands; and the second is to contact those responsible for retired members' organisations within the medical royal colleges to augment that database. The BMA is represented on the relevant planning groups where such matters as GMC registration and indemnity are being discussed.

The database is being co-ordinated by the Retired Members Forum secretariat. Retired doctors willing to be contacted should submit their geographical location and e-mail address to Catharina Ohman at

Frank Wells
Old Hadleigh, London Road, Capel St Mary, Ipswich IP9 2JJ

1. Delamothe T. FAFfing about. BMJ 2007; 334: 1325 (30 June)

Competing interests: Chairman, BMA Retired Members Forum