Measles by Viera Scheibner (p89 Vaccination):

Perhaps the most unfortunate thing about the idea of eliminating infectious diseases by vaccination is that indeed there is no need to do so. As pointed out by the group of Swiss doctors opposing the US-inspired policy of mass vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella in Switzerland, "We have lost the common sense and the wisdom that used to prevail in the approach to childhood diseases. Too often, instead of reinforcing the organism’s defences, fever and symptoms are relentlessly suppressed. This is not always without consequences ...".

They quoted measles as an example of a childhood disease with fever and eruptions affecting the organism as a whole. When the process of general inflammation is not correctly handled, the illness may subsequently affect the ears (otitis), the lungs (pneumonia) or the central nervous system, giving rise to the feared complication: encephalitis. They also pointed out the benefits and cure potential of childhood infectious diseases.

An important message from history which, unfortunately, has not lost its basis in medical practice but has lost its impact, was published by Hillary Koprowski (1962). This author wrote that a very clear statement was made in 1712 of how not to treat measles.

In a letter to the Duchess Sofie, mother of the future George I of England, Princess Elizabeth Charlotte (Liselotte) von Pfalz, Duchess of Orleans and widow of the younger brother of Louis XIV. wrote:

"Our misfortune continues. The doctors have made the same mistake treating the little Dauphin as they did ministering to his mother, the Dauphiness. When the child was quite red from the rash and perspired profusely, they (the doctors) performed phlebotomy and administered strong emetics; the child died during these operations. Everybody knows that the doctors caused the death of the Dauphin, since his little brother who had the same sickness was hidden away from the 9 physicians who were busy with his older brother, by the young maids, who have given him a little wine with biscuits.

Yesterday, while the child had high fever, they wanted also to perform phlebotomy but his two governesses were firmly opposed to the idea and instead kept the child warm. This one also would have certainly died if the doctors had had their way. I do not understand why they don’t learn by experience. Had they no heart, when they saw the Dauphiness die after phlebotomy and emetics, not to dispose of her child?"

Koprowski summarised the historical message "Avoid physicians and thou wilt be cured".