Vaccines & the immune system quotes
Vaccines and the immune system

"Thimerosol is the preservative in immunisation shots, so anytime you get an immunisation shot you are undergoing the same procedure that in the University Lab we used to give animals auto-immune disease---give a little tiny injection of mercury.  And when you get an immunisation shot you are getting a little tiny dose of mercury there."---Hal Huggins DDS

"As reported in a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine in 1984, tests of T-lymphocyte subpopulations were done on 11 healthy adults before-and-after routine tetanus booster immunizations. Tests showed a significant though temporary drop in T-helper lymphocytes (a class of white blood cells which helps govern the immune system) in all of the subjects. Special concern rests in the fact that in 4 of the subjects the T-helper cells fell to levels found in active AIDS patients. (2) If this was the result of a single vaccine in healthy adults, it is sobering to think of the consequences of the multiple vaccines (twenty-one at last count) routinely given to infants with their immature systems during the first six months of life. However, we can only speculate as to the consequences, as this test has never been repeated."--Dr Buttram MD

"It is very unlikely that any of those deaths would ever have been linked to the vaccine ("high titre" Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine), since deaths were delayed. They didn’t begin until six months after vaccination and they continued up until four years after vaccination. Additionally, the deaths were not from measles. Babies died of infections, diarrhea, malnutrition, and all the other things that Third World babies usually die of, because what the vaccine did in some babies, particularly girls, was cause a broad immunosuppression."---Worth Coolie Prost (Gary Null vaccine report)

"The body responds to the vaccine with an immune reaction that attacks its components. Sometimes the immune reaction also attacks a constituent of the body itself, which bears some chemical resemblance to a constituent of the vaccine. Reports of cases in which nerve cells have been attacked have been published for tetanus, influenza and measles vaccines. The "self-attack" is the result of a cascade of biochemical changes which takes at least five days to cause clinically observable disease, and may take at least up to six weeks."--Marcel Kingsbourne

"This strange name (autoimmune disease) has been given recently to a number of well-known degenerative diseases of unknown origin, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s disease of the thyroid, and a growing list of others. The feature common to all of them seems to be that certain cells which are not normally in direct contact with the blood stream, become damaged or exposed; they are attacked as strangers by the lymphocytes, plasma cells, etc., antibodies appear in the blood, a vicious circle is set up and the battle continues until the offending cells are destroyed.  In fact, it would seem that all who die of "natural causes" or "senile decay" really die of "autoimmune" disease.  We very strongly suspect that this new name, completely unintelligible to the layman, has been adopted to obscure the fact that all these troublesome and incurable diseases really ought to be classed as "autogenous vaccinations", but the word "vaccination" has to be kept out of it at all costs."--Lionel Dole

"Data also suggests that the diseases of childhood are necessary for appropriate development, maturation and function of the individual immune and nervous systems.... Furthermore, progress in the field of psychoneuroendocrinimmunology, has led some researchers to conclude that vaccines in general may not only be impacting negatively on the human immune system, but may also be adversely effecting the neurologic and psychologic development and function of the vaccine recipient. The impact of artificial immunity on immune, neurologic, endocrine, and psychologic systems has not been scientifically elucidated."--- Stephen C. Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D.

"In recent years science has learned that the human immune system is much more complicated than we thought."--Dr Incao MD   Letter from Dr Incao

"The body responds to the vaccine with an immune reaction that attacks its components. Sometimes the immune reaction also attacks a constituent of the body itself, which bears some chemical resemblance to a constituent of the vaccine. Reports of cases in which nerve cells have been attacked have been published for tetanus, influenza and measles vaccines. The "self-attack" is the result of a cascade of biochemical changes which takes at least five days to cause clinically observable disease, and may take at least up to six weeks."--Marcel Kingsbourne

    “I would challenge any colleague, clinician or research scientist to claim that we have a basic understanding of the human newborn immune system.   It is well established in studies in animal models that the newborn immune system is very distinct from the adolescent or adult.  In fact, the immune system of newborns in animal models can easily be perturbed to ensure that it cannot respond properly later in life.” ------This testimony was given verbally to the United States Senate on May 12, 1999 by Dr Bonnie Dunbar, Professor of Immunobiology with specialise work in vaccine development and autoimmunity for over 25 years, the past 17 at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.  
TO THE RECEIVER OF THIS ARTICLE---Hilary Butler                     Hep B vaccine info (Dr Bonnie Dunbar)