Glaxo SmithKline quotes
Glaxo SmithKline

"Three months ago we announced a partnership with the Wellcome Trust to invest over £1 billion to re-equip university science in Britain, the largest ever investment in Britain’s science base. Having received an overwhelming response from universities to our new University Challenge Fund we are now inviting further private sector involvement."—Chancellor’s statement Nov 4, 1998

What is not commonly known is that the developers of the "dye", Kodak, knew it would cause CIAA before they licensed it (May 1944). Today, there are 80 medical conditions or symptoms that have been recognised as a "cause or effect" of exposure to this "too toxic" chemical dye (NIH, 1994). Many of the drugs now used to treat these secondary conditions or symptoms of CIAA have been developed or patented by those who developed the original formula (for some, with slight changes of said formula; later, for instance, Myodil by GlaxoSmithKline).
    I will go on the record to state the following: the developers of the diagnostic radiographic contrast medium knew before they applied for an NDA (new drug application) that it would cause arachnoiditis, and furthermore were aware of some of the other found reactions to this "dye" that were also not reported to the authorities.
    I will go further and also place on the record that the collection of "secret studies" shows such; however, none was ever submitted to the FDA when applying for the NDA. Copies of all these "secret studies" are held in a bank safe on my behalf; these can be made available to any person who is willing to publicly publish such. [Letter Nexus Dec 2006] Arachnoiditis Awareness

The files containing the licensing history of Myodil have been ‘mislaid’ by the Medicines Control Agency. After pressure from the Myodil Action Group, which fought for an investigation, the Parliamentary Ombudsman recommended a release of the documents. However, the Permanent Secretary to the Health Department refused to release the major part of the Myodil licensing documents.
    On the 19th September 1988 Glaxo notified the Department of Health that Myodil was to be discontinued in the UK for commercial reasons, but they wished to retain the product licence issued in June 1987 as the product was not being discontinued worldwide. Myodil is thus still manufactured and sold overseas - it has found new markets in countries that are vulnerable to the marketing strategy that made Glaxo one of the largest pharmaceutical companies.
    Glaxo has always maintained that the links between Myodil and adhesive arachnoiditis have not been proven. But in an out of court settlement in 1995, whilst denying liability Glaxo Laboratories Limited paid out, on average, £16,000 to each of 425 claimants suffering from Myodil Adhesive Arachnoiditis. A further 3,000 claimants had to withdraw because of what many of them felt to be Glaxo's solicitors’ bullying tactics. Settling out of court meant that Glaxo effectively closed the door on any further litigation in the UK. [2000] Toxic drugs are good for you (Myodil)

The Daily Telegraph has documentary proof the Federal Government, state health authorities and doctors sanctioned the use of the dye even though they knew the devastating effects of the chemicals in it. ......"You've seen the chemical make-up of the substance - it contains benzene, hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid," he said. "How could they ever think that injecting those chemicals into somebody's back would not be harmful?" Doctors were warned not to spill the chemical on rubber because it destroys it and dissolves polystyrene cups. [2002] Medical cover-up

"Dr. Samuel Katz of Duke University  has served as chair of both the ACIP and the Red Book committees. He co-chairs a group called the Vaccine Initiative, which is an information and advocacy group that benefited from start-up funds from at least six vaccine manufacturers. He is listed as an advisory board member to the Immunization Action Coalition (which includes the Coalition for Hepatitis B), an advocacy group that receives funding from several vaccine makers, including SmithKline Beecham, Merck and Wyeth-Lederle........Dr. Neal Halsey of Johns Hopkins University http://www.vaccinesafety. Like Katz, he is a vaccine pioneer and served on ACIP and the Red Book committees. He, too, is an advisor to the Immunization Action Coalition and the Hepatitis B Coalition. Halsey is also director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety, which he founded at Johns Hopkins to provide a forum on vaccine safety, among other things. According to a Johns Hopkins' spokesperson, the institute receives funds from Merck, SmithKline Beecham, North American Vaccines, Connaught/Pasteur Merrieux and Wyeth-Lederle."----Nicholas Regush

"NCK & GHCWaters pointed out that the confidential study's lead author, Thomas Verstraeten, has since left the Centers for Disease Control and is now employed by GlaxoSmithKline, a manufacturer of thimerosal containing vaccines for many years that is a defendant in numerous suits pending nationwide.  "We have asked GlaxoSmithKline to provide Mr. Verstraeten's deposition in order to understand if conflict of interest issues may have played a role in the CDC's decision to keep this report confidential, and specifically, their failure to reveal it to the Institute of Medicine."--AUTISM DAILY NEWSLETTER Thursday January 3, 2002

"In the latest annual report for the "Medicines Act 1968 Advisory Bodies", she (Miller) lists five "non-personal" interests — payments which benefit her department rather than herself personally. They are grants from Baxter Healthcare, Wyeth Lederle Vaccines, Chiron Biocine, and SmithKline Beecham and "CMI testing in adolescent sera", courtesy of Aventis Pasteur."--Private Eye 

"Professor  David Elliman, whose study said fears of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism were unfounded, admitted that he and Dr Helen Bedford had been given money by drugs giants SmithKline Beecham and Pasteur Merieux Merck Sharp & Dohme. Their report, MMR Vaccine - Worries Are Not Justified, is published in the current issue of the medical journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, and was used by the government to reiterate its view that the vaccine is safe."--Media    

"Wyeth Lederle had paid Dr. Edwards $255,023 per year from 1996 to 1998 for the study of pneumococcal vaccines (i.e. Prevnar). Edwards is also one of fifteen full-time members of FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, the committee that advises the FDA on the licensing of new vaccines......Rennels was instrumental in getting RotaShield to market and is now involved in Prevnar. Her university receives a total of over $2.5 million from various drug and vaccine companies including Wyeth Lederle, Prevnar’s manufacturer. She is also one of the twelve members of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, the committee that makes vaccine recommendations as part of the American Academy of Pediatrics.....This doctor (Dr. Jerome Klein) has been employed by the major vaccine manufacturers to testify against vaccine injured children. He is also chief editor of the website paid for by Wyeth Lederle to sponsor Prevnar. Furthermore, Klein holds a position on the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, the committee that recommends products for universal vaccination."--Michael Horwin, MA"

"A Sunday Express investigation has found that nearly a third of the 181 experts who sit on the Medicines Control Agency (MCA) committees are linked to GlaxoSmithKline, Aventis Pasteur or Merck, Sharpe and Dohme."--Sunday Express

"Currently, 37 members of the CSM have a total of 188 separate financial links with the pharmaceuticals industry, inc the vacc manufacturers, including 82 separate personal declared links. These include shares, fees, consultancies, research grants and non-executive directorships. Also further 106 non-personal declared links. Source: Neill Committee on Standards in Public Life). Vaccine companies directly linked to members of CSM through personal declared financial links include SmithKline Beecham (NB), Merck Sharpe Dohme (NB), Lilly Industries, Pfizer, Glaxo Wellcome (NB), Bayer, Proctor 7 Gamble, British Biotech, Medeva Pharma. Members with personal financial links with MMR manufacturers are Messrs Blenkinsopp, Dargie, Donaghy, Evans, Forfar, MacGowan, Smyth, Wilkie. (Source: Neill Committee on Standards in Public Life)."--David Thrower Flawed UK Regulatory and Monitoring Systems (2001)

"A Parliamentary Written Question by Mrs. Ann Winterton MP in May 1999 confirmed the following declared interests within the JCVI membership (NB - the PWQ related only to a limited range of pharmaceuticals companies, so the full list will be greater than this): Professor Lewis Ritchie (Glaxo Wellcome), Dr. Barbara Bannister (Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham),  Dr. David Goldblatt (SmithKline Beecham), Dr. Diana Walford (Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham), Professor Roy Anderson (Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham), Dr. Karl Nicholson (Glaxo Wellcome)"--David Thrower Flawed UK Regulatory and Monitoring Systems (2001)

"The MCA is of course headed by a former top executive at SmithKline, Dr Ian Hudson."--Private Eye

"5 out of 6 members of the (UK) Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation had interests with Glaxo Wellcome, 4 with SmithKline Beecham (ref: May 1999 Secretary of State for Health)

"Friends of Children Fund" Annual Report, July 1, 1996 - June 30, 1997, indicates $2.085 million in funding from corporations. Donors include Procter & Gamble, Gerber, Infant Formula Council, McNeil Consumer Products Company, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products, Abbott Laboratories, Wyeth-Lederle Vaccine & Pediatrics, Mead Johnson Nutritionals, SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Schering Corp., Rhone-Poulenc Rorer, Food Marketing Institute, Sugar Association, International Food Information Council, Merck Vaccine Division, and others. Also gets foundation support (RWJ, Pew, etc.).

"Lemon S, Thomas DL. Vaccines to prevent viral hepatitis. N Engl J Med 1997;336:196-204. Dr. Lemon received grants from SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals."--NEJM