Wakefield GMC Hearing 2007
[back] Smearing of Dr Wakefield

"I can’t stress enough that one is sitting in the midst of something which is bubbling away like some witch’s cauldron in central London. You inevitably become embroiled in this false and rather evil world of chicanery, corruption and distortion.   Sitting there, listening to it, you get completely denuded of any better self, better feelings, any kind of spirituality you might have had when you arrived in the morning.  It is a very stultifying and morally dangerous thing to have to participate in day after day."---[Interview of Martin Walker Sept 2008]

CryShame: Parents and Professionals in support of Dr Andrew Wakefield, Dr Simon Murch and Dr John Walker-Smith.

See: Prof Denis McDevitt  Brian Deer   MEDICOLEGAL INVESTIGATIONS LIMITED DAVID HULL  Dr Richard Horton  Brian Deer Professor Zuckerman  Professor Sir Michael Rutter

See: The Greek Chorus (Wakefield)  MMR legal funding Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda by David Ayoub, M.D.  


[2009 July] Sunday Times Ordered ‘Remove Wakefield MMR “Data Fixing” Story’

Speculation Mounts On Professional Demise Of Dr Finlay Scott, GMC CEO

Broken English by Martin Walker MA

A Right Palaver by Martin Walker MA

[Cryshame] On the 13th March 2009 Dr Andrew Wakefield filed a formal complaint to the UK Press Complaints Commission alleging that a freelance reporter (Mr. Brian Deer)  made false accusations of scientific fraud against Dr Wakefield in articles published in the UK Sunday Times.
    Dr Wakefield further alleges in this addendum that Mr. Deer failed to disclose in the Sunday Times conflicts of interest with respect to his role in the GMC investigation. He also alleges that Mr. Deer continues to mislead the public by denying his role in the GMC proceedings against Dr Wakefield and his colleagues.
   Correspondence between the GMC and Mr Deer can be found here.
  See also: A Character Assassin Caught in the Act (by Dan Olmstead and Mark Blaxill); and Brian Deer:Conflicted "Journalist", Industry Toady or Modern Day Madame DeFarge (by Jim Moody)

Petition for Wakefield - From Carmel Wakefield (wife)

[2009 March] Andrew Wakefield’s Complaint Against the Sunday Times – The Times of London Retreats by John Stone  James Murdoch, was appointed to the board of MMR defendants GlaxoSmithKline

[Overview] Sunday Times’ MMR Lies Nailed At Last - Editor Witherow Should Resign
[2009 Feb] In his desperation, Deer gets it wrong once again By Dr Andrew Wakefield

Times’ Group Journo Costs GMC £1M - But Blames MMR Doc!

Sunday Times’ London Editor Must Quit Over False “Wakefield MMR Data Fixing” Story

[2009 Feb] A deer in the headlights By Melanie Phillips

Sunday Times Journalist Instigated GMC Case Against Dr Andrew Wakefield
Sunday Times' Journalist Made Up Wakefield MMR Data Fixing Allegation

[2009 March] This Contemptuous Hearing by Martin Walker MA

UK Autism Doctor Launches Formal Complaint Against London Sunday Times Reporter by David Kirby
WAKEFIELD’S COMPLAINT TO THE PCC AGAINST BRIAN DEER AND THE SUNDAY TIMES Submission to the UK Press Complaints Commission. Complaint from Dr Andrew Wakefield about the Sunday Times article “MMR doctor Andrew Wakefield fixed data on autism” of February 8th 2009, by Brian Deer.

[2009 Jan] A Sudden Silence Descends on the GMC as Miss Smith Stops Hammering by Martin Walker

[The GMC Thursday 15th, Friday 16th, Monday 19th January.] The Worm in the Bread by Martin J Walker

[2009 Jan] The Circus On Euston Road by Allison Edwards & Martin J Walker

[2008 Dec] Age of Autism Awards 2008 Galileo Award: Dr. Andrew Wakefield By Mark Blaxill

[2008 Dec] Smoke and Mirrors: Dr Richard Horton and the Wakefield Affair By John Stone

[2008 Nov] The Big Question by Martin J Walker MA

[2008 Nov] A Political Trial in London By John Stone

[2008 Nov] A Brief stopover in another reality by Martin J Walker MA

[2008 Oct] An Open Letter to Brian Deer Rebutting His Article 'Families duped by a sad smearmaster of MMR fabrication and hatred' by Martin J Walker MA

[Interview of Martin Walker Sept 2008] ANDREW WAKEFIELD IN THE DOCK

[2008] Mady Hornig et al.  Lack of association between measles virus vaccine and autism with enteropathy: a case-control study

[Aug 2008] An Interest in Conflict? by Martin Walker MA

[August 19th - August 29th] Miss Smith and Her Junior Warlocks Stir the Brew by Martin Walker

Brian Deer's Allegations against Dr Andrew Wakefield: A Rebuttal

[Monday 11 August - Friday 15 Aug] The Plot Thins and Humbug Sets In by Martin Walker MA

[Monday 28th July - Thursday 31st July] GMC Prosecution Exploits Vaccine Damaged Children with Autism by Martin Walker MA

[21st July - 25 July] Tell me, how many forks are in your tongue? by Martin Walker MA

Conflicts of Integrity by Martin Walker

Uncomfortable Science and Enemies of the People by Martin Walker

Just When You Thought it was Safe to go Back in the Water by Martin Walker

[2008 Book] Silenced Witnesses The Parents' Story

[April 2008] The Patients of Job by Martin Walker


[April 2008] The Cross-examination Begins, Begins, Begins, Begins by Martin Walker MA

Last Day of Reckoning by Martin Walker MA

[April 2008] Lies Exposed At The UK MMR Vaccine Trial Court By Jane Bryant

[JABS Briefing Note 9TH April 2008] GMC’s disciplinary hearing into Dr Andrew Wakefield, Professor Simon Murch and Professor John Walker-Smith

[April 2008] Horton Hears a ...'Who?' by Martin Walker MA

[April 2008] The Defence Opens to a Prosecution Continuing Downhill by Martin Walker MA

[March 2008] The Complainant Brian Deer, the ABPI, Medico Legal Investigations and Dr Andrew Wakefield by Martin Walker MA for CryShame


[Monday October 8th to Friday October 19th] Grub Street Medicine by Martin J Walker

[September 27th to October 3rd] Expert in What? The First Expert Witness for the Prosecution by Martin J Walker

[September 3rd - 6th]  Dealers in Second Hand Words by Martin J Walker

[13 August – 24]   The Utter Irrelevance of Professor Salisbury by Martin Walker

[Sept 2007] GP in MMR row cleared by GMC

[August 6th – August 15] A Massive Abuse of Process by Martin Walker

Tuesday 14th August GMC hearing By Olivia Hamlyn (daughter of Susan, sister of Francis)

[Aug 6-Aug 15] A Massive Abuse of Process by Martin Walker

[July 30th to August 6th] Prosecuting For The Defence by Martin J Walker

[17 to 20 July and 23 to 26 JulyThe Hearing Trundles On by Martin J Walker
Transcripts were freely available through week one, when allegations were being read out without rebuttal. After cross examination began it was decided not to make them available any more.

The Hearing Opens by Martin J Walker

The Indictment by Martin J Walker

Countdown to Character Assassination by Martin J Walker

[May 2007] GMC Challenged On MMR Inquiry Chief's Vaccine Firm Links

[June 2007 Private Eye] MMR Conflict of Interest Zone

See:   Jane Donegan  Lisa Blakemore-Brown  Dr Sarah Myhill MB BS  

General Medical Council PART 1 Dr Andrew Wakefield

General Medical Council PART 2 Dr Wakefield