Glen Dettman A.M.M., BA, Ph.D., F.A.P.M.
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 "It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated."

Started as a Trainee Laboratory Technician at the Veterinary Research Institute, University of Melbourne (1936 during the depression years).

Army Medical Corp during world War 11 as senior technologist. Assisted with the original organisation of the Blood Bank and was involved with the initial use of Penicillin. Later served as Commissioned officer where he tutored upon army health, with particular emphasis on the value of immunisations!

At this time he was a Technical Officer with CSIRO and his research activities included such fields as Antibiotics, Bovine Mastitis, Staphlococcal Studies, and produced a Modified Staphlococcal Vaccine.

He founded the Oakleigh Pathology Service in 1950 and was later elected as a Registered Pathology Practitioner.

He earned a B.A. and Ph.D. from the Independent University of Australia and has a long list of Post Graduate Qualifications Honours which include:

Fellow of the Institute of Science Technology (UK)

Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Health (London)

Life Fellow Royal Microscopical Society (UK)

Fellow of the Australian College of Biomedical Scientists

Fellow of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine

and so on

Authored and co-authored numerous Scientific Papers and Books and he was appointed Head of a Research Team in 1969 to investigate the claims of Dr Kalokerinos in relation to Immunization Hazards and Efficacy of Vitamin C. Like Dr K he was awarded the Australian Medal of Merit for "Outstanding Scientific Research." (1978)

Chosen to do the immunisation study over Dr Kalokerinos’s claims.

‘There is no way in the world to extrapolate animals to human circumstance. Animal research is cruel to the animal, dangerous to the public and misleading to the scientist.’ – Dr G Dettman.

Photo: With Linus Pauling and Archie Kalokerinos



Second Thought About Disease by Drs Kalokerinos & Dettman 1977.

Journal articles

Vitamin C Nature's Miraculous Healing Missile! ISBN 0646119850

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