via vaccination
Covert vaccine agendas
[Vaccination is used for covert-genocide,
either to take out your own troops with gulf war syndrome or the "useless
eaters" in Africa. See: The covert war/genocide
against humanity to see it in context, the wood
from the trees.]
[Book] State of Darkness: US Complicity in Genocides Since 1945 by David Model
"My book instead proved that HIV –
wherever it came from – was a harmless retrovirus that was being
used as a cover story to explain/conceal an emerging
depopulation operation in the Third World. HIV was also a cover
for other agendas outside the Third World. As long as AIDS is
the target of WHO/UN "humanitarian" efforts, the actual causes –
which are easily reversible – of death in Africa, Asia, and
Latin America are allowed to remain and fester and expand."
Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
"Pichichero has served as consultant to the World Health Organization, and his research has held considerable weight in the WHO decision to continue using thimerosal in vaccines administered in nations outside the United States."--- [Jan 2008] Babies excrete vaccine-mercury quicker than originally thought
ARV genocide
[2007] U.S. Corporations Keeping Biowarfare Work Secret
2007] The WHO's Blueprint for Genocide
The recommended AZT dose for African infants and small children
is the same per kg of body weight as the original high-dose AZT
that is widely acknowledged to have killed an entire generation
of grown men, and which has not been administered for almost a
Gates' gimmick of becoming a philantropist repeats the
Rockefeller scam almost one to one a century later.
But that is not enough. Gates
serves as the financier of a whole shipload of ARV missionaries, including ex-U.S.
President Clinton who promotes the deadly business with ARV drugs in Africa and
other developing nations.
One may ask: don't they know the
facts that toxic ARVs damage the immune system and actually accelerate immune
deficiencies? Of course they do! So what is the motive for their action? It is
strikingly simple:
If the governments of the
developing worlds realize that the ARV genocide is the dirtiest way yet to
replace the old colonial dependencies between the rich and poor nations of this
planet, they will terminate this business. They will, like South Africa, choose
a health care system independent of the sickening and economically devastating
dependency from the pharmaceutical colonialism.
The equation is simple: the end of
the AIDS business with disease will destroy the entire credibility of the
pharmaceutical industry and will terminate the drug investment business
worldwide. The collapse of this mulit-billion dollar investment business, in
turn, will lead to a major crisis of the whole investment industry. In other
words, the "Mother Theresa" PR-stunt of Bill Gates is a desperate, self-serving
activity trying to stop this meltdown. If Gates is not successful, and the AIDS
genocide by the drug cartel is ended, then the whole paper-wealth of Billy Gates
is worthless.
Got it?
Considering the genocidal consequences of the activities of these organizations,
especially in promotion of the ARVs, this entire program "Alliance for a Green
Revolution" is nothing else than a fig leaf and another PR-stunt. The "marriage"
between Gates and Rockefeller, 10 days after we exposed their business interests
in Africa, is a confirmation for the accuracy of our exposure.---Dark
cloud over good works of Gates Foundation
"DO NOT TAKE ANY VACCINATIONS. This is the standard deceptive way you are
given the Establishment’s Biological Warfare infections.."
Dr. William D. Kelly
[WHO document 2001 pdf] Delivering 20 vaccines by 14 weeks containing 187.5 micrograms of mercury (equivalent to say 3 milligrams scaled to adult weight) to immunologically vulnerable infants, surviving in conditions of poor sanitation, nutrition and housing.
[Book 2004] Lab257: The Disturbing
Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory
by Michael Christopher Carroll
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Genocide in a vaccine: Pantheism's moral Chemistry by Suzanne Rini
A MEDICAL MODEL FOR NIGERIA---death with a smile
Anthrax letters investigation
[Media US, March 2003] Scientists Warn on Bush Bioweapons Push
New Evidence of US Germ Warfare Destroys CIA's "Brainwashing" Cover Story
[Media Aug 2001] Pentagon to Develop Anthrax
Experiments Conducted at the Texas Department of Corrections------Candace Brown
Mycoplasma Experiments Conducted in Texas Prisons
[March 2001] Lawyer Alleges Federal Plot Unleashed AIDS on Blacks
[Media April 2001, FMD] Livestock Plagues
Could Be Bioterrorist Attack
"EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & EBOLA: Nature, Accident or
Intentional" by Leonard G. Horowitz
Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Leonard Horowitz & Joseph Puleo
ND. ISBN 0923550399
Queer Blood by Dr Cantwell
AIDS and the Doctors of Death by Dr Cantwell
The United States and Biological Warfare: Secrets from the Early Cold War and
Korea, by Stephen Endicott and Edward Hagerman, University of Indiana Press, 1999, 273 pp.
ISBN: 025334721
State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS.---Boyd Ed Graves,
Lead Plaintiff for AIDS Apology
Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.
Book Publisher
Joel Bales
Take control of the world by the use of economic "silent weapons" in a form of "quiet warfare" and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars