Vaccine ingredients

(Neomycin---Trade names: Mycifradin, Myciguent, NeoTab, Nivemycin, Ak-Spore® H.C., Bacticort®, Cobiron®, Cortisporin Ophthalmic Suspension, Cortomycin®, Hydromycin®, I-Neocort®, Minims®, Neo-Cortef®, Neosporin®, Ocutricin® HC, Triple-Gen®, LazerSporin-C®, Octiair®, Ortega Otic-M®, Otocort®, Otoreid-HC®, Pediotic®, Terramycin® )

Allergy reactions to gelatin & neomycin (journal articles)

Antibiotics can cause asthma by Lisa Landymore-Lim (and diabetes)
[Media May 2002] Disease link to antibiotics in pregnancy

"If you have an autistic child you might consider that one of the components of the MMR is Neomycin. This is an antibacterial drug that is used to suppress gastrointestinal bacteria before surgery to avoid infection. It is also used in a variety of preparations, too numerous to mention here. This antibiotic interferes with the absorption of Vitamin B6 (2). An error in the uptake of Vitamin B6 can cause a rare form of epilepsy and children become mentally retarded (3). Vitamin B6 is the major vitamin for processing amino acids, which are the building blocks of all proteins and a few hormones. There are studies around which support the theory of treating autistic children with Vitamin B6."---Carol A Teasdale

"Neomycin...decreases the number of oxygen-requiring germs and gram-positive anaerobic ones, leading to overgrowth of Candida albicans and staphlococcus aureus."--Marc Lappe PhD. (When Antibiotics Fail)

Contraindications: pregnancy, myasthenia gravis (BNF)

"Neomycin is too toxic for parenteral administration and can only be used for infections of the skin or mucous membranes or to reduce the bacterial  population of the colon proir to bowel surgery or in hepatitic failure."--BNF 5 (1983)

Neomycin impairs absorption (and may also increase excretion) of a broad variety of nutrients including carbohydrates, fats, calcium, iron, magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, sodium, folic acid, and vitamins A, B12, D, and K. (Faloon WW, et al. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1966 Jun 14;132(2):879-887; Hardison WG, Rosenberg IH.J Lab Clin Med. 1969 Oct;74(4):564-573; Robinson C, Weigly E. 1984, 46-54; Roe DA. 1985, 157-158.)   Orally administered neomycin may inactivate vitamin B6. Orally administered neomycin impairs absorption of both beta-carotene and vitamin A. (Tuckerman M, Turco S. 1983, 215-222; Robinson C, Weigly E. 1984, 46-54; Barrowman JA, et al. Clin Sci. 1972 Apr;42(4):17P; Favaro RM, et al. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 1994;64(2):98-103.)  Orally administered neomycin impairs vitamin B12 absorption and has been shown to decrease vitamin B12 levels. (Tuckerman M, Turco S. 1983, 215-222; Robinson C, Weigly E. 1984, 46-54; Cullen RW, Oace SM. J Nutr. 1989 Oct;119(10):1399-1403..) Neomycin, taken orally, impairs vitamin K absorption and has been shown to decrease vitamin K levels. Extended use of neomycin internally would also exert a detrimental effect upon the probiotic intestinal flora responsible for vitamin K synthesis. (Robinson C, Weigly E. 1984, 46-54; Olson JA. Am J Clin Nutr. 1987 Apr;45(4):687-692; Salet J, et al. Arch Fr Pediatr. 1968 Oct;25(8):961.) Neomycin impairs calcium absorption when taken orally.  (Roe DA. 1985, 157-158.)  Neomycin impairs magnesium absorption as a result of maldigestion when taken orally. (Roe DA. 1985, 157-158.)   Neomycin causes fat malabsorption when taken internally, especially due to mucosal damage in the small intestine. Diarrhea is a common consequence. Further, over an extended period this effect could also result in decreased absorption of fat soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E and K.  (Hardison WG, Rosenberg IH. J Lab Clin Med. 1969 Oct;74(4):564-573; Roe DA. 1985, 157-158; Ratnaike RN, Jones TE. Drugs Aging 1998 Sep;13(3):245-253.)  Neomycin impairs lactose absorption when taken orally. (Roe DA. 1985, 157-158.) Neomycin impairs sucrose absorption when taken orally. (Roe DA. 1985, 157-158.) During the course of eliminating disease-causing bacteria, antibiotics taken internally will also usually destroy normally-occurring beneficial bacterial flora that form an integral part of the healthy intestinal ecology and assist digestive and immune functions. Diarrhea and yeast infections, including vaginal yeast, are common side-effects of the disruption of intestinal ecology and the creation of an environment more susceptible to proliferation of pathogenic levels of opportunistic yeast. (Matteuzzi D, et al. Ann Microbiol (Paris). 1983 May-Jun;134A(3):339-349; Linzenmeier G, et al. Zentralbl Bakteriol . 1979 Apr;243(2-3):326-335.)

Side effect reduction/prevention Bifidobacterium longum*Lactobacillus acidophilus*Lactobacillus casei*Saccharomyces boulardii*Saccharomyces cerevisiae

"Antibiotics can alter the nature of organisms in the gut that are normally essential for life. Gastrointestinal immunity is then affected and a vicious cycle can commence. Antihistamines, sometimes used in cough mixtures and as anti-allergy medications, can result in respiratory disorders including respiratory arrest."--Dr Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p180)

"Neurotoxicity (including ototoxicity) and nephrotoxicity following the oral use of neomycin sulphate have been reported, even when used in recommended doses. "....... "An oral neomycin dose of 12 grams per day produces a malabsorption syndrome for a variety of substances including fat, nitrogen, cholesterol, carotene, glucose, xylose, lactose, sodium, calcium, cyanocobalamin and iron. Orally administered neomycin increases faecal bile acid excretion and reduces intestinal lactase activity"....."Oral neomycin inhibits the gastrointestinal absorption of penicillin V, oral vitamin B-12, "..."If treatment of a patient less than eighteen years of age is necessary, neomycin should be used with caution"---

Vaccine contraindications:
"People should not get MMR who have had a life-threatening allergic reaction to gelatin, the antibiotic neomycin, or a previous dose of MMR"

Eolarix (MR) Eolarix is contra-indicated in subjects with known systemic hypersensivity to neomycin but a history of contact dermatitis to neomycin is not a contra-indication.

Vaccines containing neomycin:
Attenuvax Measles Virus Vaccine Live Merck & Co, Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolized gelatin medium: chick embryo

Biavax Rubella and Mumps Virus Vaccine Live Merck & Co, Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolized gelatin  medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Fluvirin Influenza Virus Vaccine Medeva Pharmaceuticals 1-888-MEDEVA (716)274-5300 produced using embryonic fluid (chicken egg), neomycin, polymyxin, thimerosal, betapropiolactone medium: embryonic fluid (chicken egg)

Ipol Inactivated Polio Vaccine Connaught Laboratories 1-800-822-2463 produced using 3 types of polio virus, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B medium: VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells

M-M-R II Measles Mumps Rubella Live Virus Vaccine Merck & Co., Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using sorbitol, neomycin, hydrolyzed gelatin mediums: M&M - chick embryo    Rubella - human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Eolarix Measles and Rubella Virus Vaccine Live Merck & Co., Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin mediums: M - chick embryo       R - human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Meruvax II Rubella Virus Vaccine Live Merck & Co., Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

MUMPSVAX   Mumps Virus Vaccine Live Merck & Co., Inc. 1-800-672-6372 produced using neomycin, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

Orimune Poliovirus Vaccine Live Oral Trivalent Lederle Laboratories 1-800-934-5556 produced using 3 types of attenuated polioviruses, streptomycin, neomycin, calf serum, sorbitol medium: monkey kidney cell culture

Imovax Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed Connaught Laboratories 1-800-822-2463 produced using human albumin, neomycin sulfate, phenol red indicator medium: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)
