Support the work of this ever growing website.

This website has been assembled over 12 years (pretty much a full time job) and it would be easy to spend 8 hours a day even now on it.
(e.g. it took 4 hours to turn
this from pdf to HTML, and days to do a book), but the time has come where that isn't possible any more.

At least one recent good book has used around 50% of its data source from this collection according to its author.

Anyone who has found the information useful then please think of donating £5 or £10 (or more) to show some encouragement and appreciation,
and maybe to fund time on collecting and collating the information in the future.

The only funds that come in are from orgonite sales which are few and far between,
and they all go towards gifting sorties (£400 was spent gifting London recently).

You can support my work by either a
PayPal donation or purchasing orgonite from Whale Orgone.
Financing an orgonite gifting run is also a welcome option.

Thanks in advance.
