
"The bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer.  This may be the single most important key to the political behaviour of Western Civilisation."--Robert Anton Wilson

"The word religion means 'to bind' from the Latin re (back) and ligare (to tie up).  All religions are straightkackets, jackets for the straight."--Tim Leary

"Physicians have taken the place of priests;   vaccination plays the same initiatory role as baptism, and is accompanied by the same threats and fears;  the search for health has replaced the quest for salvation;   the fight against disease has replaced the fight against sin; eradication of viruses has taken the place of exorcising demons; the hope of physical immortality (cloning, genetic engineering) has been substituted for the hope of eternal life;   pills have replaced the sacrament of bread and wine; donations to cancer research take precedence over donations to the church; a hypothetical universal vaccine could save humanity from all its illnesses, as the Saviour has saved the world from all its sins; the medical power has become the government’s ally, as was the Catholic Church in the past; "charlatans” are persecuted today as "heretics” were yesterday; dogmatism rules out promising alternative medical theories;  the same absence of individual responsibility is now found in medicine, as previously in the Christian religion;  patients are alienated from their bodies, as sinners used to be from their souls."---Olivier Clerc

pleasure anxiety (a psychological condition) described by Robert Anton Wilson as; the suspicion that maybe the puritan god exists after all and if we do manage to have a good time he will rear up and give us bloody hell for it.

There are two important things in life, The first is sex. The second isn't that important."---Woody Allen.

"Prisons are built with bricks of law, brothels with bricks of religion, --Blake

You are rewarded for conforming socially and painfully punish not. The entire range of pleasurable experiences has gone . unstudied, undefined. You will not find the word "fun" in most psychology texts,-T. L.

"God the moralist is a watchful, jealous divinity. Priests and moral commissars typically do everything possible to maintain cultural conformity and to prevent migration. Two thirds of the United Nations demand exit visas to prevent citizens leaving to seek another lifestyle." (100). The fourth craft of God is the fabrication of your own new morality. .. freer, more intelligent and more genetically evolved. ---T. L.

"Most religions have been inspired by God the Moralist Dictator, who invariably banished the pleasures of sensuality, eroticism, individual luxury and free art. These taboos are comprehensible because a citizenry that pursues pleasure will tend to pay less attention to domestication and the self-sacrifice that benefit society. The Eastern and Mideastern empires reserved luxury, art, sensuality to the aristocracy.--T. L.

"Hedonism has always been easily checked. . . and restricted to a caste of artists usually patronised and tolerated by the rulers......the masters needed the hedonic aestheticians to entertain and beautify while the great mass of the citizenry was kept in submissive asceticism, The lowest classes and the outsize minorities were usually allowed to indulge themselves in gross sensuality, sternly condemed by bourgeous moralises. In the 60's use of hedonic drugs led to a resurrection of the body. Sensual consumerism. Sexual liberation.....The working person discovered that his own body belonged, not to the state or to the moralist or to the authoritarian doctor, but to himself(102). -- T, L.

The early Christian denial of sexual needs was......a heroic attempt to find a gimmick that would bemuse or bamboozle the deity..... man is a strange animal when he seeks to attract the attention of his gods and has tried every eccentricity to convince them his plight is terrible and merits their urgent at tention (167). --A. W.

Christianity is alone in thinking that sex is entirely the Devil's business and an offence to God, This is a strange doctrine and almost implies that God and the devil must have collaborated on the creation of humanity, God working above the belly button and the Devil below(166).-A. W.

"The general psychosomatic disease of civilized humanity is "orgastic impotence" the inability to achieve total orgasm, caused by the anxieties implicit in our antisexual religions and patriarchal institutions(81).---Reich.

"I agree with Freud, that if these basic impulses are repressed and not allowed expression then becomes a slave of these impulses expressed in hidden and covert forms....I prefer the mode which is too simplistically expressed by the phrase, " wisdom through excess", and self-analysis(86)---J.Lilly.

"A man who doesn't have good sex resents life living itself; he wants to force and control it; he identifies with priests; he thinks business and sport, war and politics are more important than home building and garden tending, wife cultivating and child rearing; he no longer remembers his youth; his feelings, like his environment, are simply something to be dominated and destroyed; he is not moved by the Living......----J.James

"Romantic poetry and fiction of the last 2000 years has blinded us to the fact that emotions are a low form of jungle consciousness. Emotional actions are the most contracted, dangerous form of fanatic stupor. -T. L

The average American male reaches orgasm in one and a half minutes, and usually performed in a dark room, so that it ca be finished furtively before the sex-hating Christian God has time to notice what is going on(167).-A. W.

"Some religions have fitfully allowed cults that focus on somatic energy and sacred sensuality. Tantra, Zen, Hasidic Judaism preserved the notions of Kundalini, spiritual-eroticism, mystical altered states.-T. L.