"Under normal conditions, healthy children do not die from or become disabled from the complications of measles and if they do, questions should be asked about their management." ---Jayne Donegan MB
"Measles has been on a major decline since the mid 1850s and this has absolutely nothing to do with any measles or MMR vaccination......A growing number of parents worldwide are choosing not to vaccinate at all, and it is not because they can't get the single jabs, it is because they don't see vaccination as playing any kind of role in promoting the health of their children."-----Magda Taylor, Director of The Informed Parent
"In 1991 over 60% of cases in children were "vaccinated". ....The measles death decline graph provided shows that the measles vaccine had nothing to do with the decline in deaths, and has not affected the number of children hospitalised during epidemic years since its introduction."----MEASLES : THE REAL FACTS-----HILARY BUTLER
MMR quotes
Autism & vaccination quotes
& infection quotes,
Infections & poisons quotes
"I have myself, through Natural Hygiene, over 16 years, treated all forms and hundreds of cases of typhus and typhoid fevers, pneumonia's, measles and dysentery's, and have not lost a single patient. The same is true of scarlet and other fevers. No medicine whatever was given".--Dr Trall, 1860.
"Many viral infectious diseases have been cured and can continue to be cured by the proper administration of Vitamin C. Yes, the vaccinations for these treatable infectious diseases are completely unnecessary when one has the access to proper treatment with vitamin C. And, yes, all the side effects of vaccinations...are also completely unnecessary since the vaccinations do not have to be given in the first place with the availability of properly dosed vitamin C."---Dr Thomas Levy M.D., J.D. (Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins p30)
Peter Flegg also says, "I have no
doubt that another vulnerable group (infants too young to be vaccinated) will
see deaths within its ranks before too long."
Before the measles vaccine was used, it was exceedingly rare
for any infant younger than 18 months to acquire measles because of the strong
maternally transferred immunity and, if a mother breastfed, through the many
immunological components within breast milk.
Those women in UK who now have naturally acquired measles in
the last decade, will transfer solid immunity to their babies, and their babies
will be unlikely to experience measles before 18 months. On the other hand,
those vaccinated mothers who have not had natural measles, will not transfer
that sort of immunity to their babies, and their babies might be at risk. That
being the case, to blame unvaccinated children for a relatively new problem
created by the use of a vaccine in the first place, is more fact juggling.
A better initiative to reduce all risks to any child from any
cause whatsoever, would be to employ a certain young British chef to help start
nationwide "Vitamin D, Victory gardens, exercise and cooking course" initiatives
for parents and the unemployed, as well as someone else to teach "breastfeeding,
home nursing and nutrition during infection". More than any vaccine, parents who
provide their children with correct nutrition, enough vitamin D, sleep,
exercise, and decent home nursing, can vastly decrease the annual expenditure of
NHS with regard to a long list of conditions, (including potential complications
and deaths from any infections).
These are conditions African parents would give their eye
teeth for. If they were able to achieve even half of what the UK achieved after
World War II, even without a measles vaccine, African children would have far
less to fear from measles infections. ----Hilary Butler
[Letters BMJ Becoming Ben Oct 2008]
Vaccine promoters count on most of their audience being young parents ..who do not remember when MMR vaccines didn't exist and when virtually all of us contracted measles. I cannot remember a single kid in any of my classes who was seriously injured or died by getting the measles. In fact, mothers used to purposefully expose their children to the measles to get it over with. Like nearly all of my classmates, I contracted most childhood infectious diseases—measles, rubella, mumps, chickenpox and pertussis. We all have life-long immunity as a result. In my hometown of Monroe, Louisiana, during the peak of the polio epidemic in 1952, not a single child in any of my classes died of polio and only one girl had any paralysis (a weak lower leg). The incidence of polio at the time was 37 cases per 100,000 population. There were twice as many cases of muscular dystrophy in 1954, a very rare disease. Yet, modern vaccine proponents would have the present generation believe that the streets were piled high with dead and dying children, and that the rest were in varying states of paralysis. Polio was a terrifying and deadly disease for a small percentage of people, but the incidence is greatly overblown in present reports by vaccine scaremongers. Vaccine Safety Manual by Neil Z. Miller. (Preface)
While we’re on the subject of statistics, perhaps someone could explain the meaning of the figures in the table for Measles Notification: England and Wales, By Age Groups, 1989-2006, that appears on the Health Protection Agency web-site. This table shows the number of measles cases notified (excluding ones at Port Authorities, to exclude the bias of people bringing measles into the country from abroad) for 2006 as 3,739. Why is this figure almost 3,000 more than the figure quoted by the HPA and repeated in the articles of Fitzpartick and others? Dealers in Second Hand Words by Martin J Walker
Studies in America,
and New Zealand have
found children who have measles often have third world micronutrient levels, and
the recommendations in both countries since 2001 have been that all children
with measles be given vitamin A. So I ask you two questions: Why, 75 years later, is
Gerberding only wanting you to know that the measles vaccine works to reduce
deaths? Don’t you wonder what might have been, for Africa and the
developed world as well, had doctors taken their heads out of the sand and
administered vitamin A from 1932 onwards?
Ah, but the catch
with that was they wouldn’t have had all those deaths and complications from
pre-1996, to wave in front of your nose and say,
in a nutshell, you need the vaccine because there is NOTHING we can do to
help you if your child gets measles. The messages that “you need the
vaccine” and “there is nothing we can do for you” were both lies. For whatever
reason, the medical profession chose to ignore decades of literature on vitamin
A. [2007]
Vaccines and Third World Countries
by Hilary Butler
'With some variation in timing, the history of measles has been rather similar to that of whooping cough. The death rate fell continuously from about 1915; treatment (of secondary complications) has been possible since 1935; and mortality was at a low level before immunisation was used. It was not until mid 1968 that vaccination was used nationally and less than a quarter of all children had been protected by the end of 1972. I conclude that the contribution of immunisation to the reduction of notifications in the last decade cannot be decided on this evidence.' Thomas McKeown, author of the book 'The Role in Medicine' (sourced)
The reality of the years between 1952 to 1970, and afterwards,
prove that Dr Flegg’s mathematical equations are about as relevant as saying
that the measles death rate in Africa, is comparable to the Measles death rate
in UK.
In reply to Peter Flegg’s expansion
of my question to him: no, it did not occur to me that Peter Flegg would decide
to include the third world when the BMJ was discussing a topic based in UK.
But since Peter Flegg wishes to
compare apples with army jeeps, let's discuss his concept of that as well. Flegg
states that, "in 1999 there were estimated to be 873 thousand deaths from
measles, reducing to 530 thousand in 2003."
Last year, WHO (2) stated that
measles mortality in Africa had slashed the death rate from measles by 91% since
2000. This 91% is an artifact figure, because before 2000, measles in Africa was
"estimated", while after 2000, notifications were only accepted after being
laboratory proven. In 2000, WHO implemented a system of laboratories (3)
specifically to diagnose measles, and provide the laboratory confirmed cases
which are now the basis of WHO data.
Look at pages 2, and 14. On page
14, 14,185 cases were reported in 2006, but after blood testing, 9,764 were
"discarded". That's an immediate 69% drop in cases, because they are no longer
relying on doctor's eyes.
On page 2, of 14,185 cases, 3,257
were accepted, leaving a balance of 10,928 discarded measles cases which equals
77% which were NOT measles after being blood tested, but which would have been
accepted on the pre- 2000 measles notification system. Comparing data from
laboratory-confirmed blood tests after 2000, with pre-2000 guessing, and then
claiming a 91% decline, is not a valid scientific comparison.
Which raises an obvious issue.
Peter Flegg says that clinicians caring for measles cases " would have had no
doubt. Acute measles is a relatively easy clinical and laboratory diagnosis."
Did (and can) UK doctors do any better than those who guessed measles in Africa
before 2000, or even New Zealand for that matter? That depends on who you listen
to. ----Hilary Butler
[Letters BMJ
Becoming Ben Oct 2008]
An old UK newspaper article, unfortunately undated, received on 17th April
1997, reads: London (Europe Today). – "97.5% of the times that British doctors
diagnose measles they are wrong", says a publication of the Public Health
Laboratory service. The mistake being made by National health GP's was found
when the services tested the saliva of more than 12,000 children who had been
diagnosed as having measles. Roger Buttery, an adviser on transmissible diseases
at the Cambridge and Huntingdon Health Department, said that the majority of
doctors "say they can recognize measles a mile off, but we now know that this
illness occurs only in 2.5% of the cases." Buttery says that doctors classify as
measles, many other viruses that also cause spots. He found eight different
viruses during the survey in East Anglia. One of them, parvovirus, gives
symptoms similar to German measles. The reason for the high rate of error
puzzled Buttery. "Doctors are neither vague nor careless," he said. The solution
is to defer the diagnosis until more detailed information can be got. There are
5,000 to 6,000 cases of measles registered each year in the United Kingdom, but
these findings now call most of them into doubt."
A later report by the same
laboratory (4) showed that the most common viruses causing "morbilliform rash"
in the UK are "parvovirus B19; group A streptococcus; human herpesvirus type 6;
enterovirus; adenovirus, and group C streptococcus."
An editorial in an Australian medical journal (5) pointed out that:
• In Sydney, in 1990-1995 only 49% of 58 notified cases were serologically
• In Victoria, in 1997-1998 only 8% of 248 notified cases were serologically
confirmed, and for the whole of Australia in 1997 – 1998, only 45% were
serologically confirmed.
• In 1994 in UK and Finland, only 1% of notified cases were serologically
So now, doctors check for BOTH IgM
(immediate antibody) IgG (evidence of past infection). If there is both IgM and
IgG an enzyme immunoassay or a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
is required to type the virus to figure out whether it's wild, vaccine, or
whatever (6). In my files is an MMR information sheet to parents which states
that neither rubella nor measles can be correctly diagnosed without a blood
test. (In UK they use a saliva test.)
Therefore, according to medical
literature, and information provided to parents, I would dispute Flegg’s
assertion about the ability of all doctors to easily or accurately diagnose
measles or rubella, without the assistance of technology. For the same reason, I
also dispute the validity of comparing any historical data from 1850 with any
data after laboratory data conformation was required.
However, since Flegg is presumably
calculating his risk benefit analysis on potentially invalid data, I have no
choice but to do the same. If the UK historical data for measles deaths is
inaccurate because it too contains more “viruses” than just measles, that makes
Peter Flegg’s calculations in the first paragraph, even more extravagant.
----Hilary Butler
[Letters BMJ
Becoming Ben Oct 2008]
In countries like UK the decades of pre-vaccine death decline is obviously
due to factors unconnected with the use of any vaccine. For the same reason, the
WHO media release claiming that the measles vaccine has reduced the measles
death rates in Africa by 91% between 2000 – 2007, defies logic, analysis and
reason for anyone who knows the facts. I note that Peter Flegg has stopped short
of repeating that spectacular assertion. Perhaps it's because even he can see
the ludicrousness of such a claim.
If that is the case, the Peter
Flegg fails to mention that comparative data in the UK, uses the same "mistake".
Total numbers without any laboratory confirmation before 1994, cannot be validly
compared with laboratory-confirmed cases only. To do so is not legitimate
"science". ----Hilary Butler
[Letters BMJ
Becoming Ben Oct 2008]
"In fact, most deaths seen when measles outbreaks occur in the United States occur either in children in which vaccination was contraindicated, the vaccine did not work or in children with chronic, immune-suppressing diseases. In fact, in most studies these children catching the measles or other childhood diseases have been either fully immunized or partially immunized. The big secret among "vaccinologists" is that anywhere from 20 to 50% of children are not resistant to the diseases for which they have been immunized. THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.
The 17-year-old was admitted to hospital in April with pneumonia which developed after he contracted measles. He died in hospital five weeks later and Government scientists are urging doctors to take all opportunities to vaccinate any children who have not had a double dose of MMR. The teenager, from West Yorkshire has not been named, had been born with poor immune system which meant he was susceptible to infections and in cases like this it usually means they cannot have be immunised. [June 2008] Teenager dies of measles as cases of disease rise
Peter Flegg says, "The only reason
more children do not die of measles in the UK is that
herd immunity is still sufficiently high to protect those who cannot or have
not been fully immunised."
That is not entirely correct in my
A site called Measles Initiative
says that (7), "Measles is a leading killer of children in many developing
countries for several reasons. Children are already compromised with poor living
conditions, they are infected at very young ages when their immune systems are
not strong, malnutrition is rampant in many homes, and many families do not have
access to medical care to treat measles and its complications. Measles, itself,
does not kill children. Instead, complications from measles attack the child's
already weak immune system. Measles attacks the body, inside and out. It is
similar to HIV in the sense that when it knocks down the immune system, the
child becomes susceptible to the myriad of diseases that fester in poor living
Do children in the United Kingdom
have the same living conditions as children in Africa? ----Hilary Butler
[Letters BMJ
Becoming Ben Oct 2008]
depletes or interferes with nutrients
"When the live viral measles
vaccine is given, it depletes the children of their
existing supply of Vitamin A."--Mary
Megson MD
"If you have an autistic child you might consider that one of the components of the MMR is Neomycin. This is an antibacterial drug that is used to suppress gastrointestinal bacteria before surgery to avoid infection. It is also used in a variety of preparations, too numerous to mention here. This antibiotic interferes with the absorption of Vitamin B6 (2). An error in the uptake of Vitamin B6 can cause a rare form of epilepsy and children become mentally retarded (3). Vitamin B6 is the major vitamin for processing amino acids, which are the building blocks of all proteins and a few hormones. There are studies around which support the theory of treating autistic children with Vitamin B6."---Carol A Teasdale
"The transport of vitamin B12 to the brain can be disturbed or interrupted by heavy metals such as mercury." VITAMIN B12 LEVELS AND MERCURY - A LINK WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND OTHER DISORDERS
Many deaths and
blindness caused by vitamin
A deficiency, to which vaccines & other drugs contribute
"When the live viral measles
vaccine is given, it depletes the children of their
existing supply of Vitamin A."--Mary
Megson MD
In 1982, a doctor in Tanzania, who was looking at blindness in children, pointed out that “The clinical picture in malnourished measles patients is very typical and entirely similar to that of diseases children suffering from severe vitamin A deficiency, i.e. xerophthalmia”. i.e. blindness. He pointed out that, “well nourished children, however, only rarely develop complicated measles and they do not have bad corneal lesions.” They took 59 children who had blindness as a “result of measles” and put them on 100,000 units of vitamin A every day, for a week. The eye lesions started to dissipate, and by two weeks, all 59 children, with or without corneal scars, had healed. So tell me. What causes the blindness? The measles, or a fundamental vitamin A malnutrition? [2007] Vaccines and Third World Countries by Hilary Butler
"Lack of zinc prevents normal release of vitamin A from the liver...Low blood zinc concentrations have been found in...TB, Crohn's Disease, lung infection...many drugs cause excessive excretion of the element. These include...corticosteroids."---Dr Len Mervyn's Minerals and Your Health (p98)
"A study of "well nourished" children in Long Beach, California suffering from measles, indicated that 50% were deficient in Vitamin A." --Vitamin A---Sheri Taken from HEALTHY TALK "magazine"...
"Knowing that measles often leads to vitamin A loss, we had begun to wonder if Africa's high death rates from measles might also be connected with vitamin A deficiency. To test this, children hospitalized with measles in Tanzania were given vitamin A capsules. The measles death rate fell by half. It was at this point that we discovered, to our astonishment, that a similar experiment had been conducted 50 years earlier in a London hospital - with the same results: medicine too has doors it did not enter, paths it did not take."--Dr. Alfred Sommer
“If a source of vitamin A, such as butter, cod-liver oil or egg yolk formed a part of the diet, infective lesions were never seen in the rats and the addition of these substances to the deficient diets, unless the animals were too severely infected, generally resulted in rapid improvement and ultimate cure.”---Edward Mellanby (Nutrition & Disease p78)
"There is a "cure" for measles. It is called vitamin A... cod-liver oil. As early as 1932 doctors used cod-liver oil to reduce hospital mortality by 58%, but then antibiotics became the treatment of fashion, (Clin. Infect. Dis., Sept. 1994, pg 493) and vitamin A was ignored until 1980. A 1993 study showed that 72% of hospitalised measles cases in America are vitamin A deficient, and the worse the deficiency the worse the complications and higher the death rate. (Pediatric Nursing, Sept./Oct. 96.) Yet doctors and hospitals in New Zealand do not use vitamin A." http://www.ias.org.nz/measles.htm
Vitamin A & child mortality citations
plays a significant part in measles deaths
"In 1980 approx 39% of the world's children (141 million) suffered from some
degree of malnutrition."--The Malnourished Child by Robert Suskind, Louisiana State
University School of Med.
"You cannot immunize sick children, malnourished children, and expect to get away with it. You'll kill far more children than would have died from natural infection."--Dr Kalokerinos (International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)
"Although a clinically significant viral illness, measles is usually benign and uncomplicated. Complications occur more commonly in adults and in children who are undernourished or immunocompromised."-- http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic389.htm
"A study of "well nourished" children in Long Beach, California suffering from measles, indicated that 50% were deficient in Vitamin A." --Vitamin A---Sheri Taken from HEALTHY TALK "magazine"...
"The Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health attributed the decline in the death rates of scarlet fever and measles, in part, to improvements in nutrition. It could only be determination not to look at the facts fairly that prevented him from attributing the diminution of all these diseases to improvement in sanitary, housing, economic, educational and social conditions, rather than to any "prophylactics " which may have been used. It can be asserted with justification that without any "immunization" whatsoever, the diphtheria position would have been just as good today as it is, and it might have been even better."--- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization
They say that if children are not vaccinated against measles millions of children could die during a measles epidemic. They know this is nonsense. What they are using is examples taken from developing countries with poor nutrition and poor immune function in which such epidemic death can occur. In the United States we would not see this because of better nutrition, better health facilities and better sanitation. In fact, most deaths seen when measles outbreaks occur in the United States occur either in children in which vaccination was contraindicated, the vaccine did not work or in children with chronic, immune-suppressing diseases. In fact, in most studies these children catching the measles or other childhood diseases have been either fully immunized or partially immunized. The big secret among "vaccinologists" is that anywhere from 20 to 50% of children are not resistant to the diseases for which they have been immunized. THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP By Russell Blaylock, M.D.
Malnutrition is to blame for more than half of all the deaths of children around the world -- including deaths caused by diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria and measles, researchers said on Thursday. Poor nourishment leaves children underweight and weakened and vulnerable to infections that do not have to be fatal, the team at the World Health Organization and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore found. They estimated that feeding all children worldwide an adequate diet would prevent about 1 million deaths a year from pneumonia, 800,000 from diarrhea, 500,000 from malaria, and 250,000 from measles...... They estimate that 52.5 percent of all deaths in young children were attributable to undernourishment, with nearly 45 percent of measles deaths and more than 60 percent of deaths from diarrhea associated with low weight and poor nutrition. [Media, Jun 17] Better Nutrition Could Save Millions of Kids-Study
"Rife showed that by altering the environment and food supply, friendly bacteria such as colon bacillus could be converted into varied "pathogenic" bacteria. For example, Rife also observed that bacillus coli could in time be modified into the bacterial agent associated with typhus, and the process actually reversed. In Rife's words:
In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but we believe it is . . . the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produce the of disease. We also believe if the metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced . . . it is susceptible to no disease.44
This observation closely parallels Alexis Carrel's earlier research at the Rockefeller Institute where he was able to control the rates and levels of infectious disease mortality among mice. Beginning with the standard diet he observed a corresponding death rate of 52 percent. By making specific dietary improvements he was able to reduce mortality rates downward to 32 percent, then 14 percent, and finally to a rate of 0.45 "----Dr. Raymond Obomsawin
Measles cured and
complications or deaths prevented with Vitamin C & nutritional medicine:
"Many viral infectious diseases have been cured and can continue to be cured by the proper administration of Vitamin C. Yes, the vaccinations for these treatable infectious diseases are completely unnecessary when one has the access to proper treatment with vitamin C. And, yes, all the side effects of vaccinations...are also completely unnecessary since the vaccinations do not have to be given in the first place with the availability of properly dosed vitamin C."---Dr Thomas Levy M.D., J.D. (Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins p30)
"Six cases of virus encephalitis were treated and cured with vitamin C injections. Two cases were associated with virus pneumonia; one followed chickenpox, one mumps, one measles and one a combination of measles and mumps. In the case that followed the measles-mumps complex, definite evidence was found to confirm the belief that massive, frequent injections are necessary in treating virus infections with vitamin C............A lad of 12 years had generalized headache a week after having mumps, this followed by malaise, and in 12 hours a lethargic state and a fever of 105°. Admitted to hospital he was given 2000 mg. of vitamin C then, and 1000 mg. every two hours. Following the third injection he. was sitting up in bed, laughing, talking, begging for food and completely without pain........Of mumps, 33 cases were treated with ascorbic acid. When vitamin C was given at the peak of the infection the fever was gone within 24 hours, the pain within 36 hours, the swelling in 48 to 72 hours. Two cases were complicated with orchitis. A young man of 23 years developed bilateral orchitis one Friday morning, by seven oclock that night he was in severe pain, had a fever of 105° and was nursing testicles the size of tennis balls. Vitamin C was started at this time 1000 mg. every two hours, intravenously. The pain began to subside following the first injection and ceased in 12 hours. There was no fever after 36 hours. The patient was out of bed feeling his old self after 60 hours...........A second boy, aged 11, was allowed to develop mumps to the point of maximum swelling without any therapy, then given vitamin C, 1000 mg. intramuscularly, every two to four hours. This lad was entirely well in 48 hours."--Dr Klenner The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C Fred R. Klenner, M.D. 1949
"The use of vitamin C in measles proved to be a medical curiosity. During an epidemic vitamin C was used prophylactically and all those who received as much as 1000 mg. every six hours, by vein or muscle, were protected from the virus."----Dr Klenner The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C Fred R. Klenner, M.D. 1949
"But the ordinary child who gets measles, even the child with a moderate degree of malnutrition and so forth, if you give intravenous vitamin C supplementary to other forms of treatment, the response very often, not always, is absolutely dramatic If you get them early enough. You must get them early. If you delay, and they have been unconscious let us say for days, or a day or two, you cannot reverse it. The damage is permanent. If you get them early, give them this treatment and there is no problem. And that makes me very, very angry, because they talk about "Oh, we must stop these kids getting measles" and so forth. Well, all right, I can fix them if they get measles."---Dr Kalokerinos (International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)
"The matron was convinced that the diagnosis was meningitis so she prepared a lumbar puncture. I had however, seen this problem before. Lumbar punctures performed by me had been negative and the infants died....the trauma of inserting a needle..might result in a haemorrage that might cause spinal cord paralysis. So I decided to give an injection of vitamin C..I probably gave as many as 6 injections, each 100mg. After half an hour Mary was normal. It was hard to believe, but I had performed a miracle!...I found that any viral infection, including measles and hepatitis, could be dramatically 'cured' by administering Vitamin C intravenously in big doses--provided that treatment was commenced early."---Dr Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p175)
Measles complications in part due to incorrect handling of inflammation
"They quoted measles as an example of a childhood disease with fever and
eruptions affecting the organism as a whole. When the process of general inflammation is
not correctly handled, the illness may subsequently affect the ears (otitis), the lungs (pneumonia) or the central nervous system,
giving rise to the feared complication: encephalitis. They also pointed out the benefits
and cure potential of childhood infectious diseases."---Viera
Measles beneficial
& essential for long term health:
"Chronic tendencies, such
as recurring respiratory infections, often heal after measles. Chronic health
problems disappear, such as psoriasis or chronic kidney problems. The children’s
hospital in Basle (Switzerland) used to get children with chronic kidney
infections to contract measles intentionally in order to heal them, up until the
1960s . Children susceptible to infections are healthier and stronger after
contracting measles; the need for medical treatment clearly decreases . Children
in the Third World countries are less likely to contract malaria and parasites
after measles . The risk to suffer breast cancer decreases to less than half.
MS is also much lower in people who had measles. Hay fever is more rare in
children who have older siblings and had measles than in those who were
vaccinated against measles . A large African study showed that children
who have had measles are 50% less at risk from allergies than those vaccinated,.
Furthermore it is shown that experiencing measles protects from diseases of the
immune system, skin diseases as well as degenerative cartilage, bone and
tumourous diseases."----Anita Petek-Dimmer
"A study by Ronne (Lancet, 5/5/85 1-5) showed that adults who had had natural measles with a rash had a decreased incidence of various cancers, including cervical. Another study showed that women are less likely to contract ovarian cancer if they have had mumps during childhood."--Dr Jayne Donegan
"They quoted measles as an example of a childhood disease with fever and eruptions affecting the organism as a whole. When the process of general inflammation is not correctly handled, the illness may subsequently affect the ears (otitis), the lungs (pneumonia) or the central nervous system, giving rise to the feared complication: encephalitis. They also pointed out the benefits and cure potential of childhood infectious diseases."---Viera Scheibner
"After contracting measles and other childhood illnesses (e.g.. chickenpox, scarlet fever, whooping cough, rubella, mumps and may be others), it has been widely accepted by many health practitioners, including experienced orthodox paediatricians that this is often beneficial for the general health of many children. Specifically it has been shown that children contracting measles naturally were less likely to suffer from allergic conditions such as asthma, eczema and hayfever, (Lancer June 29 1996)."---Trevor Gunn BSc
"Relation between psoriasis and measles" (Z. Hautkr., vol. 57, no. 6, March 15, 1982, pp. 439-40 [article in German]): Psoriatics with measles in the history had a light type of psoriasis and low titers of measles antibodies; psoriatics without measles in the history, however, had severe types of psoriasis, and the titers of measles antibodies were high."
"It is well known that measles is an important development milestone in the life and maturing processes in children. Why would anybody want to stop or delay the maturation processes of children and of their immune systems?"--Viera Scheibner
"Most parents today find it quite difficult to understand why they have to have their child vaccinated against this particular disease (measles) when their mothers used to organise measles parties to ensure all the children of the family had it!" In fact a mild dose of measles stimulates the immature immune system, in the correct sequence, to develop naturally, thereby strengthening the child generally."--Christina J Head MCH Rs. Hon
"Experiencing the measles actually strengthens the immune system. If measles is experienced generation after generation the disease gets weaker in its manifestation and becomes stronger in the identifying properties of the DNA/RNA chain. This passes on a permanent immunity to future generations from that particular lineage. If there is a virgin population that has never experienced the disease, then these individuals have a more likely chance of having more severe complications of that illness. Measles, along with, chickenpox, smallpox, any herpes, ringworm is a Tubercular Miasm."--Phyllis (AVN list)
"the process of recovering from the natural disease also "primes" the organism nonspecifically to respond promptly and efficiently to other micro-organisms in the future. A crucial step in the maturation of a healthy immune system, the ability to mount a vigorous, acute response to infection unquestionably represents a major ingredient of optimum health and well-being in general.....................It has taken us many centuries of adaptation and "herd immunity" to convert it into an ordinary childhood disease, such that, when I first encountered it at the age of 6, nonspecific mechanisms were already in place to help me deal with it effectively. In that historical sense, the permanent immunity acquired by recovery from the natural disease represents an absolute net gain for the total health of the race as well. However the vaccines act inside the human body, true natural immunity or any other qualitative benefit cannot be ascribed to them: their effectiveness is a mere statistic, and the resulting "immunity" a narrowly defined technicality."---Richard Moskowitz, M.D.(Vaccination: A Sacrament of Modern Medicine
"In Eastern medical philosophy, poisons are believed to accumulate in the
baby's body during life in the womb. After birth, the body at some time attempts
to rid itself of the poisons. This leads to the many childhood diseases with
eruptive rashes, and in particular, measles. Since the 16th century, it has been
realized in Eastern medicine that measles is connected with infection. However
the basic function of the disease is the same: the infection is regarded as the
necessary agent for poisons to "come out". So, although the dangers of measles
are clear, the illness is seen as a step towards overall health.
Measles as a transition. The impact
of measles can be best understood by observing changes in your child's
behaviour, attention and attitude before and after the illness. Often, he or she
is restless and irritable for some weeks or months before developing measles as
though a storm is brewing. The family and other people around the child often
greet the appearance of measles with relief, because at last the cause of the
problem is evident. As the rash develops, and the disease goes into its second
stage, the child becomes more confused and irrational. This is the most
dangerous phase, and it represents the transition point.
At this time, the body turns the
corner as the poison leaves and the immune system gains the upper hand against
the invaders. Then, as the crisis passes and the fever subsides, the child's
awareness returns -- but with a different outlook. The negative and irritable
behaviour has gone, and he or she is emotionally delicate and open to new
influences. The child sees ordinary and familiar things in life for the first
time, but through new eyes, as though he or she has had a form of ritual
On the physical level, the poisons accumulated during life the womb have been
expelled. At the higher emotional and mental levels, negative forces such as
greed and selfishness have also been expelled. So a child who has measles is
afterwards less self-centered and more openhearted, and often more able to
express his or her individuality. The personality becomes rounder and fuller,
and more joyful and contented, as a step towards maturity and adulthood."
Natural Medicine For Children by Julian Scott
Normal and naturally occurring childhood diseases are, in my opinion, a very
necessary rite of passage for children. On a deeper soul level, I truly believe
they need to "suffer" through them. We all had chicken pox and measles and we
came out just fine. With proper care and support, the human body does its best
to take care of itself. Childhood illness is a soul cleansing process necessary
for the full and complete development of the child. From a spiritual
perspective, childhood illnesses are the means by which the individual adapts
her inherited body to her own needs and as a result, her body can become an
increasingly adapted and adequate instrument for the tasks which she has set
herself on earth and which will unfold in the future.
We must also consider that illness
is a very important time of growth for the child. From the book Natural
Childhood: "Illness in childhood has an important role to play in building up
the child's immune system for healthy adulthood. So we must ALLOW the child to
be ill and then give her enough time to convalesce thoroughly."
Some words from Kytka
Measles due
to toxemia and safe under naturopathic care:
"I have myself, through Natural Hygiene, over 16 years, treated all forms
and hundreds of cases of typhus and typhoid fevers, pneumonia's, measles and dysentery's,
and have not lost a single patient. The same is true of scarlet and other fevers. No
medicine whatever was given".--Dr Trall, 1860.
"Measles is the manner in which a child's body throws off toxemia. When children are cared for improperly, they become toxemic, and their skin eliminates toxin to a greater degree than does the skin of grown people."--John Tilden MD
If a child develops measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, mumps, rubella or any of the other common childhood infections, it is not because of germs, but because of the accumulated toxic waste within its body, a condition known as Toxaemia. --HEALTH - THE ONLY IMMUNITY ---Ian Sinclair
"It is my belief that measles heads the list of the diseases of childhood which are the result of starch and sugar toxemia."--Henry Bieler MD (Food is Your Best Medicine).
The several forms of these intestinal crises, or drunks, follow holidays or feast-days. The lightest drunks are named colds, "flu," tonsilitis; the heaviest, diphtheria. In those who eliminate through the skin (the eruptive fevers), the lightest form is called measles; the heavier, scarlet fever; the heaviest, black smallpox. Children: Their Health and Happiness by J. H. Tilden (1928)
Antibodies used as measure of vaccine immunity, but an unproven science
"Many measles vaccine efficacy studies relate to their ability to stimulate
an antibody response, (sero-conversion or sero-response). An antibody response does not
necessarily equate to immunity......... the level of antibody needed for effective
immunity is different in each individual.....immunity can be demonstrated in
individuals with a low or no detectable levels of antibody.
Similarly in other individuals with higher levels of antibody there may be no immunity. We
therefore need to stay clear on the issue: How do we know if the vaccine is effective for
a particular individual when we do not know what level of antibody production equals
immunity?"--Trevor Gunn BSc
"In the UK the government Health Authority quotes figures of the measles vaccine as being 90% effective (which means that) 90% of the recipients of the vaccine, produce a certain level of antibodies to the viral agents in the vaccine, 10% have produced no or undetectable levels of antibody. This information has NOT been derived from population studies and as we have already acknowledged, this does NOT indicate what percentage of those people are actually immune, (or, for that matter, how long that apparent immunity lasts). So, to state that the vaccine is 90% effective is somewhat misleading and at any rate inaccurate with regard to a statement of immunity in a real disease situation."--Trevor Gunn BSc
dangers hyped to promote
"Doctors maintain that the (MMR) inoculation is necessary to prevent
measles encephalitis, which they say occurs about once in 1,000 cases. After decades of
experience with measles, I question this statistic, and so do many other pediatricians.
The incidence of 1/1,000 may be accurate for children who live in conditions of poverty
and malnutrition, but in the middle-and upper-income brackets, if one excludes simple
sleepiness from the measles itself, the incidence of true encephalitis is probably more
like 1/10,900 or 1/100,000."------Dr Mendelsohn
"Something curious has happened to the "official" perception of the childhood diseases which are the subject of the MMR or MR vaccines (Measles, Mumps, Rubella). They have all officially become more serious since vaccines were introduced."---Richard Barr & Kirsten Limb
"It is interesting to note the changes in incidence of these (Rubella) complications over the years. In 1980, the incidence of encephalitis was 1/100,000 clinical severe cases (NZ Med. J. August 13, 1980, p. 104), by 1985 it had climbed to 1/50,000 (J. Inf. 1985, p. 240), in 1989 it was 1/20,000 (NZ Med. J. 26 April 1989, p. 202). Now it is supposedly 1/6,000 (Krugman, 1998)..As with measles and mumps, the risk statistics of each era seem to alter to suit the medical opinion of the moment, dependant on whether there is a perceived need to further promote a "fix-it"."--Hilary Butler
"In a recent number of the Leicester Free Press, it is said :" So far as we are concerned in Leicester, a town containing 120,000 inhabitants, with many thousands of unvaccinated children, smallpox seems to be about the least dangerous of all diseases, and is not to be named by the side of scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, diarrhoea, or even consumption. If a case of small-pox is discovered, instant isolation is adopted, and during the last five years we have hardly had five deaths. That being the state of the case, one need not wonder that the fear of the disease should disappear, or that resistance to vaccination should increase."--William Tebb 1881 http://www.whale.to/vaccine/tebb1.html
Measles statistics not to be
"Measles kills 1 million
worldwide"---Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer, Sunday Times Jan 28, 2001
"According to government, measles was a threat to national interest, claiming more than 40,000 lives every year (a statistic which is laughable since most people who get measles stay at home and treat it and the majority of sick people go to private clinics that do not keep records this figure was of course trumped up). This of course is a questionable statistic since the majority of deaths in Uganda are not registered and few parents remember any measles death. No point in registering a person once he has died. Forty thousand people are far much less than those killed in Uganda annually due to the civil war, dwarfs the figure for malaria, which kills a child every five second and for which governments is happy to ignore.......The forcing of them to take a vaccine against a disease they know to be harmless and which they know how to cure in its harmful state was seen as government hell bent on killing its own population for the benefit of commanding whiteworld. All village people know that once you have recovered from measles you will never catch it again, but here they were telling people to vaccinate even those who have recovered from measles. "--Kihura Nkuba 2003
A favourite ploy for Chief medical Officers, lying with the truth, that is probably a lie anyway.
Vaccination leads to measles in younger children:
"Vaccinating against measles is not just useless, but harmful. In the
past, infants would not get measles. They would get the protection through their mothers,
who used to have measles themselves. Mothers who were vaccinated against measles cannot
pass on the protection to their infants, so infants now get measles."--Dr Buchwald MD
Fisher recalls the measles outbreak of 198990: "A whole group of young mothers who had been vaccinated against measles, and therefore had only temporary artificial immunity, were not able to give their babies the protection their unvaccinated mothers had given them." She observes: "We saw a lot of measles in very young babies where they did not naturally occur before. Furthermore, these babies were dying of a particularly nasty kind of measles, which aroused speculation that the virus may have mutated beyond the scope of our present vaccines." http://www.nutritionsciencenews.com/NSN_backs/Nov_98/immunization.html
"I would consider the risks associated with measles vaccination unacceptable even if there were convincing evidence that the vaccine works. There isn't...........Side effects of the mumps vaccine can be severe. In some children it causes allergic reactions such as rash, itching, and bruising. It may also expose them to the effects of central nervous system involvement, including febrile seizures, unilateral nerve deafness, and encephalitis. These risks are minimal, true, but why should your child endure them at all to avoid an innocuous disease in childhood at the risk of contracting a more serious one as an adult?"--Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD
"One particularly harmful effect of this continued use of a useless vaccine is that the disease now affects primarily a different age group. The peak incidence of measles no longer occurs in children, but in adolescents and young adults. As a result the risk of complications of pneumonia and liver abnormality have increased. Also, before the vaccine was introduced, it was extremely rare for an infant to contract measles. However, by 1993 more than 25% of all measles cases were occurring in babies under one year of age. The Centers for Disease Control anticipates a worsening of this situation and attributes it to the growing number of mothers who were vaccinated during the last 30 years, therefore passing on no natural immunity to their children."---Richard H. Pitcairn, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Measles deaths caused by drug use:
"About half the deaths from measles in the past were in children with
illnesses like leukemia who could not be immunised because of the suppression of their
immune system by disease or therapies such as anti-cancer drugs and steroids."--Paul
Ince, Prof of neuropathology, Sheffield University
Standard medical advice is to suppress all fevers with Calpol
(paracetamol) or Ibuprofen. This is not very helpful when fever is a
useful response to infection with a virus or bacterium and runs contrary
to the body’s natural attempts to throw out toxins and right itself. In
addition, Calpol is metabolised in the liver. The liver is a major
component of our immune system and is generally much better occupied in
carrying out its immune functions during an illness than blocking itself
up detoxifying Calpol.
If you look carefully at children after they have been supportively
nursed through an infectious disease, you will always see them do
something new, depending upon their age and circumstances. An infant may
produce a tooth; a toddler who kept banging into things will walk
confidently; a six-year old who is not reading will suddenly start to
read. It is rather like a snake that has to crack off the old skin
before it can grow, children go through these crises before they can
move on to the next step. I have often seen children with endless snot
or lots of warts have both of these cleared by a healthy bout of chicken
Such infectious diseases do not improve the population, in the harsh
Darwinian view of things, by killing off the weak and leaving only the
strong ones to reproduce; they actually give each individual child the
opportunity to strengthen their own individual immune system and make
the best of what they have.
However, we as a society are not set up to allow the timely unfolding
of such events. We teach people to fear all symptoms and expect their
immediate removal. In the UK more than 50% of mothers with children
under five work away from home, so are not there when their children
need to be nursed. So they give them the calpol plus or minus the
non-indicated (for viral infections) antibiotics and/or antihistamines
(to dry up that cough) so that they can send them back to school/
nursery/ childminder so they can get back to the office where time off
to care for sick children is not viewed so sympathetically as time off
to take the car to the garage, not to mention the intense pressure that
parents are put under by schools to have their children there every day
to keep up their attendance figures in order for the school not to be
penalised by the government.
Is it any wonder that so many children with measles end up in
hospital – the last place they should be with their lowered cell
mediated immunity, and that some of them die – and here I am talking
about well nourished children who live in houses and have clean water
supplies – not starving children in developing countries who are
suffering from malnutrition, live in inadequate, poorly ventilated
housing and drink sewage - where measles or infectious diarrhoea is the
last straw that breaks the camel’s back.
And so I reiterate, under normal conditions, if healthy children do
die from or become disabled from the complications of measles, questions
should be asked about their management.
---[Letter BMJ
Feb 2005. Donegan MD. Measles deaths & Autism diagnosis]
"HHS News, P91-31, December 2, 1991. The Food and Drug Administration has asked the makers of corticosteroid drugs to warn doctors that the long-term or high-dose treatment with these products may place patients exposed to chicken pox or measles at increased risk of unusually severe infections or even death. Corticosteroids are drugs commonly prescribed and used in children to treat a variety of chronic conditions such as asthma, allergies, and juvenile arthritis. One corticosteroid side effect is a suppression of the human immune system. Immunosuppression has been reported with different doses and treatment lengths but, most often, problems occur with either low-dose prolonged treatment or with moderate - to high - dose treatments of varying durations."
"Lack of zinc prevents normal release of vitamin A from the liver...Low blood zinc concentrations have been found in...TB, Crohn's Disease, lung infection...many drugs cause excessive excretion of the element. These include...corticosteroids."---Dr Len Mervyn's Minerals and Your Health (p98)
"Diseases such as chickenpox or measles can be very serious or even fatal in both children and adults who take this drug (Deltason/Orasone--generic name Prednison, a steroid)."--PDR
"Corticosteroids usually depress the functions and the size of the immune system; therefore, reducing the chance of rejecting the new organ by the host. People who are treated with high doses of corticosteroids for periods of months usually suffer from low T cells counts and AIDS-defining illness such as tuberculosis, Kaposi's sarcoma, and other illnesses as described in Fauci's vast number of publications. The use of glucocorticoid compounds has been increasing with time and in the USA, more than 10 million Americans use glucocorticoid as anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy drug per year."----Dr. Mohammed Al-Bayati
fallout from the MMR vaccine
"It was my responsibility to do professional fee abstraction for
the ER at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in 1997, and for 15 months reviewed
an average of 150 pediatric' ER medical records per day, 5 days a week. I never
read of one incident of death from wild measles virus presenting to Children's
Hospital of Philadelphia's Emergency Room. On the other hand, there
were countless, daily reminders of the pervasiveness of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder, Autism, Asthma, Diabetes, metabolic and other chronic disorders in
this generation of vaccine mutated children."---Disappointed RN, CPC
I vaccinated both my children with the MMR jab, but this was before I started my research into the problems associated with it. Knowing what I know now, I would not vaccinate my children and run the risk of them getting diabetes, asthma, eczema, becoming more susceptible to meningitis and ending up chronically disabled.--Dr Jayne Donegan http://www.whale.to/vaccine/articles4.html
After three years of study, a Medical Working Group representing 180 Swiss medical doctors specializing in general medicine, internal medicine and pediatrics published an article in the Spring 1992 Journal of Anthroposophic Medicine entitled "The Immunization Campaign Against Measles, Mumps and Rubella, Coercion Leading to Uncertainy: Medical Objections to a Continued MMR Immunization Campaign in Switzerland," concluding that mandatory, mass vaccination with MMR vaccine is ineffective and dangerous. http://www.trufax.org/vaccine/mmr4.html
"In 1989, the then Health Minister Edwina Currie claimed that the new triple measlesmumpsrubella (MMR) vaccine would offer "life-long protection with a single jab". Five years later, the British Government launched the countrywide booster campaign after massive epidemics of measles among previously vaccinated youngsters in America proved that the MMR does not, after all, give you protection for life."--Lynne McTaggart www.wddty.co.uk
MMR vaccine quotes
Urabe MMR quotes
(withdrawn 1992)
Measles now in
children under the age of vaccination and many vaccinated
"It has been reported by the UK DoH that there has been an epidemic of
measles in the Dublin area, and that two children have died: one child suffering
from malnutrition, other had other complications, so probably spurious to automatically
link deaths to lack of vaccination. Details of cause of death not known. Also 6 intensive
care cases, same lack of information - but see below. According to the PHLS of
Ireland, the Informed Immunisation Network Dublin and Eurosurveillance Weekly, the
year-2000 outbreak grew thus: by Feb 2000 there were 16 hospitalisations, but 9 were under
age of vaccination and 4 vaccinated. Only 3 out of 16 cases were therefore children who
had avoided vaccination. By June 2000, there were 844 cases, of which 101 were
hospitalised. The highest attack rate was in ages 6-14 months, i.e. under the age of
MMR. By end September 2000 there were 1523 cases. What the UK DoH does not
quote about Ireland is numbers of deaths following vaccination. Any recorded numbers also
likely to be underestimate because paediatricians do not always link with MMR."--David Thrower
"In 1991 over 60% of cases in children were "vaccinated". ....The measles death decline graph provided shows that the measles vaccine had nothing to do with the decline in deaths, and has not affected the number of children hospitalised during epidemic years since its introduction."----MEASLES : THE REAL FACTS-----HILARY BUTLER
"There are repeated reports of measles epidemics
occurring in fully vaccinated populations. These failures have occurred
repeatedly since the vaccines introduction.
Other documented research findings follow:
A survey conducted in
1978--covering 30 states in the US--revealed that "more than half of the
children who contracted measles had been adequately vaccinated;"
Moskowitz et al. found that in those states with comprehensive (k-grade 12)
immunization requirements, between 61 and 90 percent of measles cases occur in
persons who received the recommended vaccines; and
A review of 1,600 cases of measles
in Quebec, Canada in the period of January to May of 1989, revealed that 5 8
percent of school-age cases had been previously vaccinated.
According to an unpublished WHO
research study comparing what would be defined as a "measles susceptible" group
of children, to a control group that had been immunized for measles, it was
observed that the non-immunized group manifested a normal contraction rate of
2.4 percent, whereas the immunized group exhibited a 33.5 percent contraction
level. This implies a 15 times greater likelihood of infection by the
immunized.89 (The researchers responded to these results with the comment that
the vaccine must have been mishandled, or perhaps the vaccine used was badly
UNIVERSAL IMMUNIZATION Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage By Dr. Raymond Obomsawin
"Measles is an especially interesting disease to look at because of its close similarity to canine distemper. The measles vaccine was introduced in 1963, even though in the United States and England a greater than 95% decline in the measles death rate had already occurred between 1915 and 1958. Also, the death rate from measles in the mid-1970s (post-vaccine) was exactly the same is it was in the early 1960s (pre-vaccine). A study by the World Health Organization concludes that chances are 14 times greater that measles will be contracted by those vaccinated against the disease than by those who have not been vaccinated. The federal government reported in 1985 that 80% of the 1,984 cases of measles occurred in people who had been properly vaccinated. More recently, outbreaks have continued to occur throughout the country, sometimes among 100% vaccinated populations."---Richard H. Pitcairn, D.V.M., Ph.D.
recalls the measles outbreak of 198990: "A whole group of young mothers who had been vaccinated against measles, and therefore had only temporary artificial immunity, were not able to give their babies the protection their unvaccinated mothers had given them." She observes: "We saw a lot of measles in very young babies where they did not naturally occur before. Furthermore, these babies were dying of a particularly nasty kind of measles, which aroused speculation that the virus may have mutated beyond the scope of our present vaccines." http://www.nutritionsciencenews.com/NSN_backs/Nov_98/immunization.html
Vaccination causes deaths in immune deficient and malnourished
"It was similar with the measles vaccination. They went through Africa,
South America and elsewhere, and vaccinated sick and starving children...They thought they
were wiping out measles, but most of those susceptible to measles died from some other
disease that they developed as a result of being vaccinated. The vaccination reduced their
immune levels and acted like an infection. Many got septicaemia, gastro-enteritis,
etcetera, or made their nutritional status worse and they died from malnutrition. So there
were very few susceptible infants left alive to get measles. It's one way to get good
statistics, kill all those that are susceptible, which is what they literally did."
--Dr Kalokerinos, M.D.
"You cannot immunize sick children, malnourished children, and expect to get away with it. You'll kill far more children than would have died from natural infection."--Dr Kalokerinos (International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)