Medical Information Control
Medical Control Ploys
Diagnosis | Disease risk |
Lies & statistics | Disease decline | Medical Myths & Creeds | Adverse reactions | Secrecy |
Suppress/censor | Law | Science | Ignore Therapies & Disease Prevention |
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and hence clamorous
to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them
imaginary.-- H.L. Mencken
The Hegelian Dialectic
The dialectical method of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) consists of two main
steps: the invention of artificial extremes (``thesis'' and ``antithesis'') which
superficially conflict with each other, and the synthesis from that conflict of a goal,
which is made to appear to be the product of consensus. The artificial extremes are chosen
and propagandized (marginalizing the population) in such a way that the goal is naturally
synthesized from them. It is, essentially, a trick - a fraud. It is a strategy of
ideological divide-and-conquer. The dialectic ruse dissipates the energy and coherency of
its targets -unless they recognize the ruse as such.
---------Maxim of Law: "Necessity knows no law."