Vaccine Critics
Vaccine critics

[Most of the notable vaccine critics.  Many will be anti-vaccine but few will admit it due to the vitriol heaped on the term (see: Anti-vaccine) by Allopathy Inc, who turned it into pejorative term.  Only vaccine believers will ever appear in the media, i.e. half way house/single jab people like Halvorsen, and the odd comment by JABS.  Offhand don't recall seeing anyone else in a newspaper, except when attacked e.g. Wakefield, but you will read numerous rants by the pseudo-Experts such as Goldacre.  One example of how the media is nothing better than a trade rag of Allopathy.]

See critics: AIDS Allopathy Cell phone Cancer Dental Dope Inc Holocaust Psychiatry Smallpox Vaccination Vivisection  

* Author of vaccine book  * Book with vaccine sections/chapter  *Video   (In the UK a medical doctor is an MB )
Smallpox vaccine critics (from 19 cent)

Nurses on vaccination

Aitken, Dr Kenneth
Awadu, Keidi Obi
Ayoub,  David
Baratosy, M.B, Peter *
Al-Bayati, Mohammed
Bayly, Beddow *
Bealle, Morris
Beattie, Greg *
Belkin, Michael
Bernard, Sallie
Borraccia, Paul
Brouwer, M.D., Louis de
Binstock, Teresa
Blanco, Kathy
Blakemore-Brown, Lisa C
Blaylock, Russell M.D.
Blaxill, Mark
Buchwald MD, Dr. *
Burton, Dan
Butler, Hilary
Buttram, MD, Harold *
Bystrianyk, Roman
Carlshamre, Maria
Campbell MD, Charles
Cantwell, M.D.*
Carley, MD, Dr. Rebecca
Cantekin Ph.D., Dr. Erdem
Cassel, Ingri
Catalano, Bob
Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P., Chatterjee, Jagannath
Claridge, Sue
Coleman, Dr Vernon
Coulter, Harris*
Converse, MPH, Judy
Cournoyer, Cynthia *
Cost, Curtis *
Day, Lorraine Dr
Deal, Ph.D.Dr. Grady A.  D.C.
Duffy DC, Dr Dan
DeSimone, Susan
DeLatte, Yves *
Dettman Ph.D, Glen .*
Diodati, Catherine *
Dodds, Jean DVM
Donegan, MB, Dr Jayne
Donohoe MB, Dr Mark
Dorman MD, Thomas
Dorey, Meryl W. *
Douglass, MD, William *
Doubleday, Jock
Duffy DC
Dunbar, Dr Bonnie
Edwards, Allison
Eisenstein, Dr. Mayer
Ellison, Bryan
Elmiger MDDr Jean
England, Christina
Fanu, Dr James Le
Ferguson, D.C., David
Fisher, Barbara Loe *
Fletcher, Peter Dr

Fudenburg, Dr
Gale, Richard
Gallup, Raymond
Gaublomme, MD, Kris
Girard M.D., Dr Marc
Golding, Alan
Goldstein, D.V.M, Martin
Goldman, Ph.D, Gary S.
Gordon MD, FAAP, IBCLC, Dr Jay
Gostaldo DC, Todd
Gottstein, Sandy
Gunn BSc, Trevor
Gupta, Chris
Greenberg, Bernard
Greier, MR and Greier, DA
Handley, J.B.
Haley PhD, Boyd
Halvorsen, Dr Richard MB
Hadwen Dr (1925)
Hancock, Bronwyn *
Hay, Dr William
Head MCH Rs. Hon, Christina J *
Heptonstall, John P
Hickman, Maureen *
J.W. Hodge, M.D.*
Hoffman, Rita 
Holdsworth, Patrick
Hooper, Ed
Horowitz DM.D.,M.A, Leonard .*
Horwin, Michael & Raphaele
Howenstine, MD, Dr. James
Hume, Ethel Douglas
Hyde MD, Dr. Byron
Incao, M.D., Philip
James, Walene *
Janak, Cynthia A.
Jillani, Lisa and A.A.
Kalokerinos M.D., Archie *
Katme, Dr. A. Majid
Kennedy, Ronald
Kennedy Jr., Robert F.
Keske, Tom
Kessick, Rosemary
King, PhD, Paul G.
Kinsbourne MD, Marcel
Kirby, David
Kops, Stanley P.
Koren DC, Tedd
Kreider, Susan
Kupsinel MD, Dr. Roy
Krasner, Gary
Lanctot, M.D, Guylain .*
Lanka, Dr Stefan
Larsen, LM, Kelly
Latto, MB, ChB, Gordon
Levy, M.D.,F.A.C.C, Thomas
Lindlahr, M.D, Henry  *
Lisa, P. Joseph
Loat, Lily *
Mansfield, Dr Peter
Martin, M.D., Ph.D, W. John
Marini, MS., D.C., Stephen C. 
Marchini, M.D., Daniel
Marston, Sue
Matsumoto, Gary *
McBean, Eleanor *
McTaggart, Lynne *
Mendelsohn MD, Dr R. **
Mercola D.O., Dr
Megsen, Dr
Méndez, MD, Juan Manuel Martínez 
Moskowitz, M.D., Richard *
McCandless, M.D, Jaquelyn
Miller, Clifford G.
Miller, Neil *
Mintz, Sandy
Morrell, Peter
Morris, Dr Anthony J.

Moulden, Andrew
Mullins, Eustace
Murphy, Jamie *
Nass, Meryl M.D, Dr. .
Nakken, R.N., MA, Sheri
Nicholson, Dr Richard
Null, Ph.D., Gary *
Neustaedter, OMD, L.Ac, Randall .*
Nicolson Ph.D., Dr
Nightingale, Michael
Nkuba, Kihura
Odent MD, Dr Michel
O'Driscoll, Catherine *
Obomsawin, Ph.D, Raymond *
Orient MD, Jane
O'Shea, DC, Tim
Olmsted, Dan
Ott, PhD, ND, A. True
O’Leary, Professor John
Overell, Bette *
Phillips, Alan *
Pitcairn, D.V.M., Richard H.
Petek-Dimmer, Anita
Pragnell, Charles
Pringle, Evelyn
Quanten MD, Dr Patrick
Rappoport, Jon *
Ratner, MD, Dr. Herbert
Rattigan ND, Pat *
Reagan, Lisa
Redwood, R.N., Lyn
Rees, Alan
Regush, Nicholas
Renee, April
Dr Robert Reisinger
Rimland Ph.D., Dr 
Roberts, Janine
Rollens, Rick 
Ruesch, Hans 
Ruede, Laura 
Saul, Dr 
Schlafly, Roger 
Scheibner, Ph.D.Viera **
Scott, M.A. M.Sc, Prof 
Severo, Julio
Shaw, Chris
Shaw, George Bernard 
Shattock, Paul 
Shepherd, Charles
Shulze,Dr Richard
Shelton DC, Herbert *
Schumacher, Karin 
Sears, Robert W. MD*
Sinclair, N.D., Ian *
Sircus Ac, OMD, Mark
Smits, Dr. Tinus 
Simon, Sylvie
Singh, Vijendra K. 
Smith, M.D., Lendon H.*
Smith, Thomas
Snead, M.D., Eva *
Steenis, Dr Dick van
Stewart, Prof Gordon 
Stone, John
Strecker, M.D., Robert 
Stoller MD
Taylor, Magda 
Tenpenny, Sherri DO
Tetrault, M. D. Gregory 
Thomas, Isabella
Thrower, David 
Tilden MD, John *
Tocco, Mary
Topp, Beth 
Ullman, Dana
Wagnitz, Michael F.
Waisbren, Burton, M.D.
Walker MA, Martin
Wallace, LL.D., Alfred *
Wakefield, Dr. Andy 
Wain BEM, Wm. H
Watson, Anna
Welsh, Bill
West, Edda 
West, Jim 
West Ph.D., John *
Winkler, Dawn
Yazbak MD, F. Edward 
Yuryev, Dmitriy K.
Yurko, Alan 

Vaccination Groups/organisations/information

* Author of vaccine book  * Book with vaccine sections/chapter  *Video   (In the UK a medical doctor is an MB ) A-Z listing
Health professionals, scientists:
David Ayoub
Peter Baratosy, M.B., Ph.D.*
Blakemore-Brown, Lisa C
Blaylock, Russell M.D.
Alan Cantwell, M.D.*
Cantekin Ph.D., Dr. Erdem
Carley, MD, Dr. Rebecca
Dr Vernon Coleman MB
Bart Classen
Dr Fudenburg
Dr Day MD
Dr. Grady A. Deal  D.C.
Dr Dan Duffy DC
Louis de Brouwer, M.D.
Teresa Binstock
Dr. Buchwald MD*
Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P., Stephanie Glen Dettman Ph.D.*
Dr Bonnie Dunbar
Dodds, Jean DVM
Dr Jayne Donegan, MB
Dr Mark Donohoe MB BS
Thomas Dorman MD
Bryan Ellison
William Douglass, MD*
Elmiger MDDr Jean
Ferguson, D.C., David
Gordon MD, Dr Jay
Todd Gostaldo DC
Kris Gaublomme, MD
Girard M.D., Dr Marc
Goldman, Ph.D, Gary S.
Eisenstein, Dr. Mayer
Greenberg, Bernard
Trevor Gunn BSc
Boyd Haley PhD
Halvorsen, Dr Richard MB
Dr Hadwen (1925) MB
Dr William Hay
Christina J Head MCH*
John P Heptonstall

Dr. Byron Hyde MD
Dr Jean Elmiger MD
Philip Incao, M.D.
Leonard Horowitz DMD*

Howenstine, MD, Dr. James Ted Koren DC*
Archie Kalokerinos MD.
Kennedy, Ronald
King, PhD, Paul G.
Kreider, Susan
Mercola D.O., Dr
Raymond Obomsawin, Ph.D.*
Dr Michel Odent MD
Jane Orient MD
Tim O'Shea, DC
Dr. Herbert Ratner, MD
Pat Rattigan ND
Lyn Redwood, RN.

Marcel Kinsbourne MD
Thomas Levy, MD
James Le Fanu MB
Katme, Dr. A. Majid
Professor John O’Leary
Henry Lindlahr, M.D *
Stephen C. Marini DC
Dr Peter Mansfield MBW.
John Martin, MD

Latto, MB, ChB, Gordon
Guylain Lanctot, MD*
Daniel Marchini, MD
Dr. Meryl Nass, MD
Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD*
Méndez, MD, Juan Manuel Martínez 
Dr Mercola DO
Dr Megsen
Morrell, Peter
Morris, Dr Anthony J.
Moulden, Andrew
Richard Moskowitz, MD*
Jaquelyn McCandless, MD
Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA
Gary Null, Ph.D.
Randall Neustaedter, OMD*
Dr Nicolson PhD.
Obomsawin, Ph.D, Raymond
Ott, PhD, ND, A. True
Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM
Quanten MD, Dr Patrick
Pragnell, Charles
Dr Rimland Ph.D.
Dr Saul
Smits, Dr. Tinus
Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.**
Herbert Shelton DC*
Sears, Robert W. MD *
Shaw, Chris
Vijendra K. Singh
Stoller MD
Steenis, Dr Dick van
Shepherd, Charles
Harold Buttram, MD*
Prof Scott, M.A. M.Sc
Lendon H.Smith, MD.
Eva Snead, MD
Professor Gordon Stewart
Robert Strecker, MD.
Ian Sinclair, ND.*
Sircus Ac, OMD, Mark
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny DO
Gregory Tetrault, MD.
John Tilden MD*
Ullman, Dana
Dr Richard Shulze ND
Dr. Tinus Smits
Dr Urnovitz
Wagnitz, Michael F.
Burton A. Waisbren, Sr., M.D.
Dr. Andy Wakefield
Jim West
John West Ph.D.*
F. Edward Yazbak MD
Dmitriy K.Yuryev
Medical historians:
Beddow Bayly*
Harris Coulter*
Medical journalists/journalist:
Hooper, Ed *
Nicholas Regush
Janak, Cynthia A.
England, Christina
Kirby, David *
Matsumoto, Gary *
Pringle, Evelyn
Hans Ruesch
Jon Rappoport*
Roberts, Janine *
Reagan, Lisa
Vaccine groups/activists/researchers:
Greg Beattie*

Blaxill, Mark
Claridge, Sue
Cournoyer, Cynthia
Cost, Curtis
Catalano, Bob
Doubleday, Jock
Edwards, Allison
Hoffman, Rita 
Lisa and A.A. Jillani
Magda Taylor
Golding, Alan
Karin Schumacher
Gary Krasner
Catherine O'Driscoll*

Edda West
Gottstein, Sandy
Holdsworth, Patrick
Kessick, Rosemary
Phillips, Alan Kelly Larsen, LM
Barbara Loe Fisher*

Meryl W. Dorey*
Michael Belkin
Paul Borraccia

Hilary Butler
Olmsted, Dan
Maria Carlshamre
Susan DeSimone
Yves DeLatte
Renee, April
Simon, Sylvie
Smith, Thomas
Thomas, Isabella
Raymond Gallup
Sandy Mintz
Winkler, Dawn
Watson, Anna

Michael & Raphaele Horwin
Ethel Douglas Hume
Eleanor McBean

Neil Miller*
Walene James*
Catherine Diodati*
Bronwyn Hancock*
Maureen Hickman*
Tocco, Mary
Jamie Murphy*

Michael Nightingale
Lynne McTaggart

John Stone

Bette Overell*
Phillips, Alan *
Alan Rees
Rick Rollens
Roger Schlafly
Tom Keske

George Bernard Shaw
David Thrower
Beth Topp
Alan Yurko

Burton, Dan

Animal vaccines
Dodds, Jean DVM

O'Driscoll, Catherine

Vaccination Groups/organisations/information


