Antibiotic quotes

Antibiotics and mercury vaccine ingredient

Please do not give live viral vaccines when the children are sick or on antibiotics or have diarrhea. Conference Presentations: Elizabeth Mumper, M.D.

"Brain parasites can probably account for most of the mental imbalances that Westerners are experiencing and it's pretty clear, by now, that brain parasites are enabled by the use of antibiotics, which make the colon wall permeable so that parasites that are normally content to live in the digestive tract are then free to migrate to greener pastures, such as the brain, liver, pancreas, heart, lungs, sinuses, joints, muscles, etc., where they generate an ion-deficient energy field that further enhances their position and numbers. You can bet that the shrinks don't want that news to get out."--Don Croft (Nov 2006)

When antibiotics became widely used, in the 1950s, circulatory sickness rates went through the roof, as they did with soldiers in WWII who first got antibiotics. Antibiotics are highly acidic fungal toxins that promote the growth and spread of fungus throughout the body. They incidentally kill a few bacteria species along the way, though bacteria are easily able to mutate into hardier species, so antibiotics produced by the pharma cartel have to be made more and more acidic to 'keep up,' and so people who use antibiotics get sicker and sicker. Even the cheapest, simplest zappers destroy the fungi that have eaten holes in the arteries, so the arterial walls are repaired and the cholesterol that the body had wisely produced to patch these holes then gets dissolved and reabsorbed; the organic components are then usable for other constructive functions. People who offer more complex scenarios are probably selling something and/or are opposed to something else on an ideological basis.
     Antibiotics are evidently also responsible for the odd way that large worms typically now end up growing in the heart, brain, pancreas and other organs in people who have been subjected by MDs (serial killers; terrorists) to these prescribed poisons. Fungal toxins made the colon wall permeable, so worm stages passed through from the colon into the rest of the body like commuters move through the turnstiles at subway stations. The simplest, cheapest zappers kill all those worms and apparently even help the body to repair the terrorized colon walls. --Don Croft
[EW March 2009] Human As Frugivore

"Dr. David Grasetti...said, 'The spread of cancer in astounding after they are given a dose of Rifampin'...a miracle 1973, Dow Chemical (a manufacturer of Rifampin) , received almost $900,000 in contracts from the NCI.  (the) research (results were) permitted to remain confidential." - Health Writers, Health Newsletter, 1974.

Antibiotics and mercury.  [See: Neomycin (MMR vaccine), Thimerosal (vaccine ingredient), Mercury amalgam quotes.]

"Studies on the toxicity of mercury to mammalian neurons in culture demonstrate that low nanomolar levels can have lethal effects. Experiments using this system have also demonstrated, in agreement with published literature, that many antibiotics, other heavy metals and chemicals increase the toxicity of mercury and thimerosal (ethyl mercury). Additionally, in this same system the female hormone estrogen decreases thimerosal's toxic effects. In contrast, the male hormone testosterone greatly increases the toxicity. This may explain the 4 to 1 ratio of boys to girls that become autistic and the observation that boys represent the vast majority of the severe cases of autism. "---Boyd Haley, Ph.D. (Testimony Before the House Government Reform Committee)

"Also, it’s not only those children, but those who are on antibiotics are much more susceptible to all types of mercury toxicity, because antibiotics have been shown in experiments with rats to prevent the excretion of mercury. So, it builds up in the bodies of these children......The same thing with diets: milk diets increase the retention of mercury in the bodies of children....the diet, the antibiotics and what we call synergistic toxicity of the exposure to other heavy metals, which is rampant in this country. Interview of Dr. Boyd E. Haley by Teri Small

Children are much more at risk of getting asthma if their mothers take antibiotics during pregnancy, a major new study suggests. [Media May 2002] Disease link to antibiotics in pregnancy

An association between antibiotic exposure and asthma is accepted both by the medical profession and the Department of Social Security in the UK and the Health Department in Australia. Antibiotics can cause asthma by Lisa Landymore-Lim

"In the towns with meningitis clusters, there were almost 50% more prescriptions for antibiotics and nine times more case of the killer disease than in the low-incidence" towns.  One antibiotic drug, erythromycin, which is marketed under a variety of brand name and is used as a routine treatment for sore throats appeard with mysterious frequency or the prescriptions. It was being used up to four times more often in the towns with the serious meningitis problem than in the other towns."--Media 1996


In 1953 Dr Orian Truss discovered the devastating effects of antibiotics in an Alabama (USA) hospital. During a ward round Truss was intrigued by a gaunt, apparently elderly man who was obviously dying. However, he was only in his forties and in hospital for four months. No specialist had been able to make a diagnosis. Out of curiosity Truss asked the patient when be was last completely well.
    The man answered that he was well until six months before when he had cut his finger. He had received antibiotics for this. Shortly afterwards he developed diarrhoea and his health deteriorated. Truss had seen before how antibiotics cause diarrhoea. It was known that Candida was opportunistic and thrived in debilitated patients, but now Truss wondered if it might not be the other way round, that Candida actually caused the debilitated condition.
    He had read that potassium iodide solution could be used to treat Candida infestation of the blood. So he put the patient on six to eight drops of Lugol's solution four times a day for 3 weeks and soon the patient was again completely well.
    Soon afterwards he had a female patient with a stuffy nose, a throbbing headache, vaginitis and severe depression. To his amazement all her problems immediately cleared with Candida treatment. Some time later he saw a female patient who had been schizophrenic for six years with hundreds of electroshock treatments and massive drug dosages. He started treating the woman for sinus allergies with a Candida remedy. Soon she had recovered mentally and physically, and remained well.
    From then on he treated his patients against Candida at the slightest indication of its presence. Many of his patients made remarkable recoveries from most unusual conditions, including menstrual problems, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, autism, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis and auto-immune diseases such as Crohn's disease and lupus erythematosus.
    Every experienced naturopath can relate similar success stories. Also some alternative medical practitioners have realized the curative potential of anti-Candida therapy, as for instance Dr William Crook who wrote several books about the successful treatment of allergies and hyperactive children.