

Two out of every three patients with cancer of the breast who do not use Laetrile but choose instead to submit to orthodox therapies will be dead within five years(1). if a cancerous lump is present for one month only, fifty percent of patients will have metastasis(2). The following Laetrile case histories should be read with this in mind.  

M11OMX: Cancer of the Breast

In July, 1974, this fifty-year-old woman sought medical attention because of a lump in her left breast. Subsequent mammogram and needle biopsy were both negative. The mammogram report concluded, however:

Clinically palpable firm mass in the lower portion of the left breast which radiographically presents as an ill defined increase in density not to unlike that of fibrocystic change. The clinical feel of the lesion, however, warrants biopsy.    The patient decided to have the lump removed but would not sign a surgery consent for removal of the breast in the event the lesion was cancer. Pathology report stated in part: Microscopic: In some areas the tumor occurs as nests of cells which extend into the surrounding adipose tissue. The tumor extends to the margins of resection. Microscopic Diagnosis: Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Left Breast.   The fact that the tumor extended "to the margins of resection" tells us that not all of it was removed. Because of this, the doctors urged her to have her left breast amputated. The probable need for cobalt therapy following surgery also was suggested.

This woman decided that she preferred to try metabolic therapy including Laetrile. Treatment was begun in August, 1974. She began the standard twenty-day course of therapy, receiving 6 to 9 grams of Laetrile I.V. per day. This was supplemented by a regimen of pancreatic enzymes and a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals. She began the recommended animal-protein-free diet and has remained on it since that time. She has rejected all forms of orthodox therapy.

To the surprise of her original physician, this patient’s cancer has not reappeared, even though it is certain that malignant tissue remained after her excisional biopsy. She continues to lead an entirely normal life with no evidence of cancer.

F161W: Cancer of the Left Breast with Metastases to the Lymph Nodes

This woman was fifty-three years old at the time she was admitted to the hospital for evaluation of changes in her left breast. The date was February 6, 1975.

On her hospital admission history, she stated she had noted about December 12, 1974, that the nipple of her left breast was pulled back from its normal position. On examination, the doctor admitting her to the hospital felt the lymph nodes and stated that there was an "indefinite mass."

The patient had surgery the following day. The area beneath the left breast was biopsied, and the pathologist reported "infiltrating ductal cell carcinoma." The doctor then proceeded to do a radical amputation of the left breast. The pathology report dated February 10,1975, stated in part:


Numerous enlarged, obviously involved lymph nodes are present.


There are ten slides and multiple sections.... Examination reveals the presence of metastases in 8 of 13 examined lymph nodes. Metastases are noted in the two highest nodes.

Pathologic Diagnosis:

Left breast, infiltrating duct cell carcinoma in large part scirrhous type with metastases to 8 of 13 examined lymph nodes.  

The fact that cancer had spread to the highest lymph nodes examined is generally considered a bad sign in terms of patient survival.

The patient states she saw her doctor again on March 24, 1975. Apparently he felt her prognosis was so grave that he didn’t even bother recommending radiation or chemotherapy. He indicated there was little hope for recovery and said simply, "You’ll just have to face it." In a letter to the Richardson Clinic, the patient described her reaction to the interview with her local doctor:

I was appalled. There was nothing more to be done, no recommendations, and most of all, no one with whom I could ask questions or discuss the situation. I recalled seeing a film about Laetrile. My husband called the person who had shown the film here in Grass Valley, California, and after discussing it with her and after reading several books on the subject, we decided that vitamin therapy was the answer. The patient came to the Richardson Clinic on March 24, 1975. She received 9 gms. of Laetrile I.V. every day for twenty days, and then the dosage was gradually reduced. Mineral intake was balanced based on her hair analysis. Blood studies were essentially normal. Bio-assays were: (1) 3-24-75, 26.7; (2) 6-18-75, 18.7; (3) 10-2-75, 15.1; (4) 1-12-76, 14.5; (5) 3-29-76, 15.0; (6) 8-10-76, 21.4.

Currently the patient is taking two 500 mg. tablets of Laetrile per day and one 3 grm. I.V. injection of Laetrile per month. She is maintaining her vegetarian diet with the exception of occasional servings of fish or chicken.

It has been more than two years since this patient was abandoned by orthodox medicine. Under metabolic therapy she continues in excellent health. She does all of her housework, helps in the yard, looks after her family and cares for her elderly mother, who lives nearby.  

K132MH: Cancer of the Breast with Seeding

This woman went to a clinic in Great Falls, Montana, for a physical examination in May, 1974. Examination revealed what appeared to be cancer. Mrs. K. had a left modified radical mastectomy for "infiltrating ductal carcinoma" (cancer). Two of the eleven lymph nodes were involved with metastatic tumor.

Following the mastectomy, the patient received 4500 rads of cobalt therapy to the left paraclavicular region and the internal mammary areas (collar bone and breast bone areas) in fifteen divided doses over a period of three weeks. She was seen by her doctor at regular intervals during 1975.

She noted some bumps developing in the area of her previous surgery and radiation and returned to her doctor in January, 1976. In a letter to the Richardson Clinic dated April 7, 1976 the doctor stated in part:

I examined them [the growths] and there were about 2-3 definite nodules in the area of the previous mastectomy. I biopsied some of the nodules and this showed metastatic adenocarcinoma consistent with infiltrating ductular malignancy [cancer].   The patient states the doctor told her she could not have any more radiation and that he did not plan to put her on chemotherapy. It was decided to put her on a course of hormone therapy, instead. She was informed, however, that such therapy was not a cure and, in view of her cancer’s return to the old site, there was little orthodox medicine could do for her.

The patient stated in a letter to the Richardson Clinic, March 26, 1976:

I took them [the pills] a little, but they were Stilbesterol, and I knew the FDA had ordered the cattle feeders not to use it as implants in cattle, because the meat from cattle which had been on the hormone might cause cancer in humans.   The patient continued on Stilbesterol for only a few weeks more and then concluded she should stop taking what she saw as a cancer-causing substance. She stated that the Stilbesterol caused her abdomen to swell, that she was unable to control her urine, and that, although past her menopause, she began to menstruate again.

The patient came to the Richardson Clinic and began metabolic therapy February 3, 1976. Only a little aver one year has passed since the return of cancer to the original site of surgery and radiation. It is too early, therefore, to come to definite conclusions regarding the efficacy of metabolic therapy in her case. It should be noted, however, that most patients under such circumstances experience a rapid decline and, at the end of one year, either are deceased or are facing a severe confrontation with their disease. By contrast, this patient’s disease appears to be completely controlled and she is enjoying a normal life.  

B157M: Cancer of Both Breasts

This woman was fifty years old at the time of her first radical mastectomy in June, 1967. The patient states the doctor assured her they "got it all."

A second radical mastectomy was performed in the same Michigan hospital in 1974. The patient was told at the time of her second breast amputation that it would be necessary for her to have cobalt therapy, and when the cobalt treatments were completed she would have to have her uterus and ovaries removed.

She left her home in Michigan at her doctor’s suggestion and went to a Buffalo, N.Y., hospital to prepare for subsequent treatments. The patient had this to say about her treatment in New York:

I went to Buffalo believing I would receive excellent care because it was reputed to have a good reputation.... From the moment I entered the door I felt like a number. I was never taken into an office for a consultation with a doctor about my case. I was sent to a nuclear clinic and told to disrobe and sit on a table. The two doctors who came in did not speak to me, only to each other. The exams without explanation or consultation continued for two weeks....   Later, after conferring with two other doctors in the same hospital who were not associated with the nuclear medicine department, Mrs. B. concluded she did not want cobalt. According to the patient, there were numerous phone calls to her home from various physicians urging her to come back and begin treatment. It was made clear to her that, if she did not submit to radiation, her chances of survival were almost zero. The patient stated, "My feeling about this entire experience was that I was being clawed back into a cage at the nuclear clinic." She returned to Michigan frustrated and disillusioned.

By June, 1975, three small lumps had appeared on the sift of the scar of the biopsy which had preceded the second radical mastectomy.

The lumps which had appeared in June, 1975, and one lymph node were finally removed in December, 1975, at Hermann Hospital, Houston, Texas. The pathology diagnosis stated:

1. Skin with metastatic well differentiated adenocarcinoma extending into subcutaneous tissue.

2. Lymph node with metastatic well differentiated adenocarcinoma.  

According to the patient, the physician who performed the surgery in December, 1975, advised the patient’s husband that if it were his own wife he would insist on cobalt therapy.

The patient for a second time decided against cobalt.

About this time she had heard of Laetrile and concluded she would try nutritional therapy instead. She began treatments on February 4, 1976. Within just a few days, she noticed a general improvement in her stamina and sense of well-being. Her return to apparent good health since that time has been impressive, especially in view of the fact that she has not always adhered strictly to the prescribed levels of Laetrile or to the recommended diet.

Psychological scars, however, remain. In a recent letter to the Richardson Clinic, the patient stated:

My only pain has been the result of mutilating and unnecessary surgery. The vegetarian diet distresses me because, at this point in one’s life, there are few pleasures remaining to us and being disfigured makes a dismal difference in any other source of joy.   In spite of the sad consequences of previous orthodox therapy, the patient has expressed gratitude not only to be alive and well but also to have escaped the probable pain and further disfigurement of radiation.

I125M: Cancer of the Breast

This patient was admitted to General Rose Hospital in Denver, Colorado, for a right radical mastectomy, which was performed on October 30, 1974. She was hospitalized for six weeks following surgery because of an infection at the operative site.

Following surgery, she received radiation from November 27, 1974, to February 20, 1975. During that time, the treatments had to be discontinued for a period of ten days because of body bums.

Upon completion of radiation therapy, the patient was scheduled to start chemotherapy. She had only two shots and discontinued the treatment.

In a letter written by the patient to the Richardson Clinic she describes her local doctor’s response to the idea of Laetrile:

Dr. [name omitted] did the mastectomy and planned the radiation and chemotherapy. However, after two injections of chemotherapy, I walked off the entire mess except to complete paying the bills....

I had read about Laetrile and wanted to discuss this with my doctor. He threw the book, turned red, and yelled, "This is no damn good." ...

March 10, 1975, I began vitamin therapy. For the fist time, I began to feel normal and enjoy being human once again. I have continued the Laetrile shots, the vitamins, and the cancer diet faithfully since March 10, 1975, and it is now March 4, 1976. I do all my normal work, sleep eight hours each night, have much energy, and enjoy life and friends once again.

I have confidence in my vitamin therapy. The surgery and radiation made me feel like a stumbling zombie. I feel like a healthy individual since vitamin therapy.  

B145C: Cancer of the Breast

In August, 1974, this thirty-four-year-old woman began to have pain in her left arm, for which her family doctor was unable to find a cause. The patient discovered a lump on her left breast in March, 1975. She states that she returned to her family doctor, who advised her there was no lump; rather, she was feeling the side of her breast.

Three months later, however, the patient sought the advice of her gynecologist, who said there was a lump on her breast and advised her to see a surgeon. Following several consultations, the patient was admitted to the hospital, where a radical left breast removal was performed on August 11,1975.

The surgery report states in part: "On dissecting the tissue away from the highest axillary structures on the chest wall above and behind the axillary structures, tumor and metastases were noted." The report stated that all of the main tumor was removed, but no mention was made of the metastases.

The pathology report from St. Joseph’s Hospital In Denver, Colorado, states the final diagnosis as: "Infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Left radical mastectomy with residual Intraductal carcinoma [cancer not removed by surgery] and axillary lymph node metastases."

The patient’s husband was advised that the cancer had Invaded the shoulder area and that the surgeons were unable to cut out all the cancer. Radiation and chemotherapy were both advised, and the probability of subsequent need to remove the patient’s ovaries was also discussed.

The patient and her husband decided that she should come to the Richardson Clinic for metabolic therapy instead

Metabolic therapy including Laetrile was begun September 10, 1975. In a letter dated March 30, 1976, the patient summarizes her experience in part as follows:

After about the third or fourth shot, the pain In my arm, which had not gone away even after surgery, was gone, and I could use my arm in a fairly normal way. I felt that any kind of therapy which was constructive had to do more good than destructive therapy.

Although this patient is known to have had extensive metastases at the inception of metabolic therapy, and, thus, her prognosis (under orthodox therapy) would have been extremely unfavorable, she has responded beautifully. Her general health and vitality have improved, and her disease appears to be satisfactorily controlled, inasmuch as she remains symptom-free more than one and one-half years after the incomplete removal of her cancer.
(1)Clinical Oncology for Medical Students and Physicians, op. cit., p. 99.

(2)Ibid. p.91