Exposure to strong static magnetic field slows the growth of human
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Source Bioelectromagnetics, 1996, 17:5, 358-63
Morphological criteria of lung cancer regression under the effect of
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The effect in vitro of permanent and variable magnetic fields on
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Hodgkin's malignant lymphoma
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Source Lik Sprava, 1998 May, :3, 125-30
Enhanced antitumor effect in the combined action of a magnetic field
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Lu BN; Iakupova RM; Kauashev SK
Vopr Onkol, 26(3):55-9 1980
Use of permanent magnets and magnetic fluids in experimental oncology
Barybin AS; Reshchikov VP
Eksp Onkol, 7(4):18-22, 71 1985
Alteration of human tumor cell adhesion by high-strength static
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Permanent magnetic fields: influence on oxygen-substrate interactions
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All of these are on medline, but email me if you have any difficulty
finding them and I'll send you the abstracts.
Again, I make no claims for magnotherapy, all I can say is that it
seems to have worked in these studies and there are no negative studies
on medline that I have found. If you find any, please let me know.
Magnotherapy is worth further investigation and should not be rubbished
as a "worthless treatment". These studies show that it is worth
further investigation.
Best wishes
John Bain
UK TV Sound Director, magnotherapy user & distributor
Surround Sound for Television