My cure from stage IV lung cancer

Testimonial By Shirley, I saved my husband from lung cancer with the Essiac & Hoxsey herbal formulas, Homeopathic remedies and Raw vegetable juices while avoiding biopsies, chemo, radiation, drugs and surgery.

Shirley's Welllness Cafe

A Typical Case History

The biological conflict linked to lung cancer is a “death-fright conflict”, because in biological terms the death panic is equated with being unable to breathe. With the shock of the deathfright the lung alveoli cells, which regulate breathing, instantly start to multiply, forming a lung tumor. Contrary to the conventional view, this multiplication of lung cells is not a pointless process but serves a very definite biological purpose, namely, to increase the capacity of the lungs and thereby optimize the organism’s chance of survival. Dr. Hamer’s brain scan analyses demonstrate that every person with lung cancer shows a distinct target ring configuration in the corresponding area in the brain stem, and that each patient had suffered an unexpected death panic prior to the onset of cancer. In the majority of cases the death scare was triggered by a cancer diagnosis shock that the person experienced as a “death sentence”. Given that smoking is on the decrease, this sheds new light on the enigmatic increase of lung cancer (“The #1 Killer”) and calls into question whether smoking is per se an actual cause of lung cancer. [2007 pdf] Dr. Hamer’s Medical Paradigm By Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.

See: Hamer