[Rene Caisse, while Head Nurse at the Sisters of
Providence Hospital in northern Ontario town (Canada) she
saw an elderly lady being bathed and noticed that one breast was just
a mass of scar tissue. This lady told her that
years before she developed cancer and an Indian
told her to make a tea out of certain herbs and drink it.
She wrote down the 4 herbs: burdock root (Arctium lappa), slippery
elm inner bark (Ulmus rubra), sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), and Indian
rhubarb root (Rheum officinale).
This was an Ojibwe herbal
forumla, that she then called Essiac (Caisse spelled backwards).
She then started to treat cancer patients. Various
medical doctors sent her their cancer patients, and eight of them
signed a petition to the Department of National Health and Welfare ( Canada;
in Ottawa Ontario Capital of Canada) asking
that she be given facilities to do independent
research of her discovery.
Dr. Banting (of insulin fame)
advised her to make application to the University
of Toronto for facilities to do deeper research; he even offered to share
his laboratory in the Banting Institute and work with
her. He said “ Miss Caisse I will not say you have a cure have
for cancer but you have more evidence of a beneficial treatment for
cancer than anyone in the world”.
For almost eight years
she conducted an open clinic in Bracebridge
Ontario and administered ESSIAC injections for
cancer to hundreds of patients each week, who came to her
with a written diagnosis from their doctors. During this time many, many
doctors, surgeons, and scientist visited the
clinic, read case histories, and examined
In 1959, Ralph Daigh, vice president and editorial director of Fawcett Publications in New York, introduced Rene to doctors at the Brusch Medical Center in Cambridge, Mass. There, under the supervision of 18 doctors, she began a series of treatments on terminal cancer patients and laboratory mice.
In 1937 Dr John Wolfer, then director of the cancer clinic at Northwestern University Medical School arranged for Rene Caisse to treat 30 terminal cancer patients under the supervision of 5 doctors. After 18 months the doctors concluded that Essiac had relieved pain, shrunk tumours, and improved the survival odds of these patients.]
See: Herbs for cancer
[Interview with Dr. Marijah McCain] Chemtrails, Essiac and the Detoxification of America
Snow Fraser and Carroll Allen
Rene Caisse's Own Story by Ted Britton, Editor Bracebridge Examiner
[c. 1937/38] 53 Case studies from Rene Caisse's personal files
[1936] DOCTORS PLEAD WITH POLITICIANS Two Petitions to Parliament
See: Dr Richard Shulze Naturopathic Herbalism Hoxsey Bruess Escharotics
BRIDGE OF HOPE The Life of Rene M. Caisse,
RN, Canada's Cancer Nurse, &
the History of Essiac by James Demers
External links
Essiac Info http://www.essiacinfo.org/
the site is owned by a "Canadian Essiac®"
Billy's story http://www.billybest.net/
Essiac http://essiacinc.com/
The only video video of Rene Caisse known.
Part 1
Part 2
“The Rene M. Caisse Memorial Room” www.octagonalhouse.com
Essiac Information Pool. Tel: 00 353 73 36406 (Ireland). Inside Ireland 073 36406.
Essiac herbs in England: Hambledon Herbs Tel: 01823 401 205.
Essiac herbs in Ireland Heidi Steffan Tel: 0132 428 597.Shamey O'Brien, Tel: 01247 451979.
Video [See: Cancer videos]