Cancer articles
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[2009 Oct] Thoughts On Breast Cancer Awareness Month by LAWRENCE BROXMEYER M.D.

[2009 Oct] Comments on Dr Ralph Moss’ critique of German New Medicine By Don Benjamin

Self-Medication: the Treatment of Cancer with Phenergan Revised by Robert Jones MA PhD

Our own "pink ribbon" contribution to breast cancer awareness By Ingri Cassel

Can You Trust Chemotherapy to Cure Your Cancer? by: Andreas Moritz

[1999] Carole Conquers Cancer… One Woman's Odyssey by Michael Culbert

[2003 pdf] Evaluating cancer Therapies and Developing a Cancer programme by Don Benjamin

[2003] The Efficacy of Cancer Surgery by Don Benjamin

The Efficacy of Chemotherapy for Cancer By Don Benjamin

The Efficacy of Behaviour Therapy as a Cancer Treatment (and Preventative) by Don Benjamin

The Efficacy of Radiotherapy By Don Benjamin  There has never been a properly run randomised trial that showed that radiotherapy saved any lives or even produced a significant increase in survival for any type of cancer.

Alternative Cancer Treatments

[Video] Dr. Day reveals the true causes for our diseases

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: A Whole Lot of Hoopla - by Paula Rothstein

The New Medicine of Dr Hamer by Walter Last

 "An Assessment of Orthodox Treatments of Cancer" by Don Benjamin

Dr Day Refused a Mastectomy and Took Charge of Her Healing  by Dr Whitaker

The Efficacy of Behaviour Therapy as a Cancer Treatment

[Media March 2002] Dying medicine boss: 'Drug trials are pointless ... and unethical'

[2003] Bacteria, Cancer & the Origin of Life By Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D.
[2003] Bacteria: The Ultimate Cause of Cancer? by Alan Cantwell
[1998] Do Killer Microbes Cause Breast Cancer? By Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D.
[1994] Is Cancer Contagious? by Alan Cantwell

[1977] COULD ESSIAC HALT CANCER? by Sheila Snow Fraser and Carroll Allen

Rene Caisse's Own Story by Ted Britton, Editor Bracebridge Examiner

[Cancer]  [Vaccination]