Zyklon B quotes
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Blue staining (lack of)Blue stains near door of disinfection building. Birkenau
Exhaust system (lack of)
Temperature (too low)

Armontrout was asked about the feasibility of using gas in a room thirty metres long and seven metres wide. He replied that he believed it would be dangerous if it got loose that way. Without proper ventilation, it would be very dangerous. (32-8892) [Bill M. Armontrout] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

[2008] German Poison Gas (1914 - 1944) by  Richard A. Widmann So, the story goes, that on one hand, the Nazis were using Zyklon B to delouse the camps and thereby prevent the spread of typhus, while on the other hand they were using the same agent to kill the very inmates whose lives they were attempting to save......Based on the development of sophisticated poison gases including Tabun and Sarin, and their manufacture in huge quantities, the official Holocaust story appears absurd.  Holocaust historians have yet to answer the question why the Nazis would not have used Tabun or Sarin had they wanted to carry out an extermination of the Jews. .....Had the Nazi leadership wanted to exterminate the Jews of Europe, they had far more sophisticated and lethal means to carry out such a plan.  The official Holocaust gassing story requires a suspension of reason and a belief in the absurd.

Blue staining (lack of) [see: Birkenau delousing buildings]
Krema III] In Leuchter's opinion, the facility did not indicate even reasonable gas chamber design, it being identical to Krema II. It was not tarred or pitched. There was no ventilation. It was cold and damp. It had no means of introducing the Zyklon B material. (32-9093) Nowhere did he see any blue staining. (32-9195) [Fred A. Leuchter] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

James Roth, director of a laboratory in Massachusetts, then testified on the analysis of the 32 samples, the origin of which he was unaware of: all the samples taken in the homicidal "gas chambers" contained a quantity of cyanide which was either unmeasurable or infinitesimal, while the sample from the disinfection gas chamber, taken for comparison's sake, contained an enormous amount of cyanide (the infinitesimal quantity detected in the former case can be explained by the fact that the supposed homicidal gas chambers were in fact morgues for preserving bodies; such morgues could have been occasionally disinfected with Zyklon B).The Zündel Trials (1985 and 1988) by ROBERT FAURISSON

The only area in Birkenau which indicated any blue staining was Delousing Facility No. 1, from which control sample 32 was removed. [Fred A. Leuchter] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Felderer showed a slide of an outside wall of the delousing building in the women's camp which indicated a significant blue colour. Felderer was told by Auschwitz officials that the blue staining resulted from the use of Zyklon B. (19-4383) Felderer believed the colour got on the walls when mattresses which had been deloused inside the building were then taken outside for airing, leaned against a wall and beaten for a length of time to get any Zyklon B out of the material. The powder material which was the inert carrier of the Zyklon B would stick to the wall and produce the distinct blue colouration. Felderer noted that this blue colour was not found in the alleged gas chamber at Auschwitz at all. (19-4383, 4384)
    The delousing buildings, which were not open to the public, contained autoclaves used to decontaminate materials using steam. (19-4384, 4385) Rooms inside the building also indicated blue staining, which Felderer concluded was authentic and not simply painted on afterwards. Felderer told Zündel that the discovery of the delousing buildings was a tremendous step in their investigation. The blue staining was the Zyklon B mark and it was astonishing that this colour was not found in the buildings where it was claimed people were gassed to death using Zyklon B. (19 4376, 4387, 4388)
    Posters on the walls of the delousing building warned inmates that "One Louse Means Your Death" and "To be Clean is Your Duty." Felderer testified the Nazis were very fearful of lice because they brought great epidemics into the camps. (19 4392)  [Ditlieb Felderer] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Exhaust system (lack of)
[Right] The gas chamber at Parchman, Miss, seen from the outside. It is isolated from other buildings. Note the pipe for the exhaustion of the gas. There are no such pipes in the alleged German chambers, nor is there any trace or any such pipes. http://www.cwporter.com/bild2.htm

One must ask how, for example in the case of Auschwitz II or Birkenau, one could bring 2,000 people into a room measuring 210 square meters in area, and then in this highly crowded situation throw in the very strong pesticide Zyklon B, and then immediately after the deaths of the victims let a work crew without any gas masks enter the room in order to take out the bodies which had been thoroughly saturated with cyanide.
    Two documents [8] from the German industrial archives which were registered by the Americans at Nuremberg tell us that the Zyklon B had a strong tendency to adhere to surfaces and could not be removed from an ordinary room with a strong ventilator, but only by natural aeration for almost 24 hours.
    Additional documents may be found only at the site in the Auschwitz Museum archives, which were never described elsewhere, but which show that this room of 210 square meters, which is today in a dilapidated condition, was only a very simple mortuary, which (in order to protect it against heat) had been located underground, and which was provided with only a single door which served as both an entrance and an exit. [2005] The Problem of the Gas Chambers By Robert Faurisson 2005

    [Krema I] The alleged gas chamber area had no exhaust system for removing the gas. It simply had three vents in the roof. Assuming the area was used as a gas chamber, it would take the better part of a week to air it out before any humans could go in to remove anything that was inside the chamber area. (32-9071)
    There were two drains in the area that was alleged to be the gas chamber. These drains were tied into the main drainage system of the camp. Leuchter testified that if the area were utilized as a gas chamber, liquid condensed hydrogen cyanide gas would get into the drains, mix with the water and eventually wind up coming out every storm drain and possibly every sink drain and toilet in the camp. The drains made the room a very dangerous place to utilize as a gas chamber. (32-9068; Photograph of drain on the floor of the alleged gas chamber at Krema I entered as part of Exhibit 145).....Leuchter testified that he knew from the inspection of the facility that there was no ventilation system at Krema II of any type and no provision in the construction of the building for any. (32-9273) [Fred A. Leuchter] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

On top of the gas chamber was a blower which sucked the air out of the chamber itself and expelled it into the atmosphere through a 40-foot stack. Two guard towers located near the stack had to be vacated when the gas was expelled. Armontrout testified that he would not want to expel any gas into the atmosphere unless it was well above the prison wall. The gas chamber was located at the lower level of the prison in a dead spot as far as air circulation was concerned. He believed some of the gas could hang there and be a danger to staff and witnesses. (32-8874, 8875, 8882)
    After the execution, the ammonia was released and the gas expelled out of the chamber. All staff and witnesses were removed from the area. The ventilation fan ran for approximately an hour before two officers equipped with Scott air-packs (self-contained breathing apparatus which firemen use to enter smoke-filled buildings) opened the hatch of the gas chamber and removed the lead bucket containing the cyanide residue. The two officers wore rubberized disposable clothing and long rubber gloves. They hosed down the condemned man's body in the chair, paying particular attention to the hair and the clothing because of the cyanide residue, then removed him and placed him on a gurney where further decontamination took place. The officers then hosed the entire inside of the gas chamber with regular cold water. (32-8883, 8884, 8894)
    The ventilation fan was a very powerful squirrel-cage type fan that was encased in the stack. (32-8904) Armontrout testified that he had no idea how long it would take to ventilate the gas chamber without the ventilation fan. He believed he would have to abandon the complete area, open the ammonia and air valves, and hope for enough draft to clear it. It would take many, many hours. (32-8887) [Bill M. Armontrout] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Temperature (too low)
[Krema 1 & II]
There was no heating capability in any of the facilities which would have been required, firstly, to drive the gas from the Zyklon B and mix with the air, and secondly, to avoid condensation of the gas on the walls, floor and ceiling. When the hydrogen cyanide condensed into a liquid, it was absorbed by brick and by mortar. Condensation would have made the area very dangerous for anyone who came into the facility to remove corpses. (32-9088).......During the time he had inspected the facility in February, 1988, the temperature in the room was 10 or 12 degrees Fahrenheit. In Leuchter's opinion, if Zyklon B pellets had been dropped into the chamber in such circumstances, with no heating capabilities, it would have taken more than several hours for the gas to leave the pellets and permeate the room. Holocaust literature alleged that gassings took place in winter. (32-9089, 9090) [Ditlieb Felderer] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

In Holocaust literature, the vents were allegedly used as the openings to drop in the Zyklon B, which produced the hydrogen cyanide gas after it reached the floor of the facility. Zyklon B was a special preparation of hydrogen cyanide gas where the gas was forced by compression into particles of chalk or wood pulp. These particles carried the gas and would, upon heating or being exposed to air, release the gas into the area where the gas was to be utilized. One of the main requirements for driving or evaporating the hydrogen cyanide gas out of the Zyklon B was excessive temperature. It had to be heated to above 78 or 79 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature was not near the 78 degree point, it would be released much slower and over a much longer period of time. Leuchter pointed out that of the four vents, one was in the area of a washroom and not in the presumed gas chamber at all. The alleged gas chamber room was extremely cold and damp. [Fred A. Leuchter] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

 The on-site inspection of these structures indicated extremely poor and dangerous design for these facilities if they were to have served as execution gas chambers. There is no provision for gasketed doors, windows or vents; the structures are not coated with tar or other sealant to prevent leakage or absorption of the gas. the adjacent crematories are a potential danger of explosion. The exposed porous brick and mortar would accumulate the HCN and make these facilities dangerous to humans for several years. Krema I is adjacent to the S.S. Hospital at Auschwitz and has floor drains connected to the main sewer of the camp -- which would allow gas into every building at the facility. There were no exhaust systems to vent the gas after usage and no heaters or dispersal mechanisms for the Zyklon B to be introduced or evaporated. The Leuchter Report The End of a Myth!





Also included in the private collection were gas masks and filters used by the Germans while fumigating the camp with Zyklon B. Felderer indicated that Zyklon B was sold in Sweden prior to the Second World War as an insecticide to kill lice, rats and bugs. In Auschwitz, it was used for the same purpose. Piper told Felderer that the camp had copies of the special instructions which the exterminators followed during the fumigation process, such as how the gas mask was to be worn, the complications of the gas and the required airing of the room. Felderer was very curious as to why the gas masks and other related items were not in the main display at Auschwitz. His conclusion, which he related to Zündel, was that when one talked about gassing, one did not want the people to realize that there were technical problems involved with it. Instead, one wanted to portray to the people that there was really nothing much to it and that it could be done very quickly. (18 4317, 4318) [Ditlieb Felderer] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

When American and British forces overran western and central Germany in the spring of 1945, they were followed by troops charged with discovering and securing any evidence of German war crimes. Among them was Dr. Charles Larson, one of America's leading forensic pathologists, who was assigned to the Judge Advocate General's Department. Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. After his grim work at Dachau, he was questioned for three days by U.S. Army prosecutors.
   Dr. Larson's findings? According to an interview he gave to an American journalist in 1980, "What we've heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax." And what part was the hoax? Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he "was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European Theater," informed "Wichita Eagle" reporter Jan Floerchinger that there "never was a case of poison gas uncovered."  Neither Dr. Larson nor any other forensic specialist has ever been cited by any Holocaust historian to substantiate a single case of death by poison gas, whether Zyklon-B or any other variety. The Liberation of the Camps by Theodore J. O'Keefe

On December 9, 1944 Col. Paul Kirk and Lt. Col. Edward J. Gully inspected the German concentration camp at Natzweiler in Alsace. They reported their findings to their superiors at the headquarters of the U.S. 6th Army Group, which subsequently forwarded Kirk and Gully's report to the War Crimes Division. While, significantly, the full text of their report has never been published, it has been revealed, by an author supportive of Holocaust claims, that the two investigators were careful to characterize equipment exhibited to them by French informants as a "SO-CALLED lethal gas chamber," and claim it was "ALLEGEDLY used as a lethal gas chamber"
    Both the careful phraseology of the Natzweiler report, and its effective suppression, stand in stark contrast to the credulity, the confusion, and the blaring publicity which accompanied official reports of alleged gas chambers at Dachau. At first, a U.S. Army photo depicting a GI gazing mournfully at a steel door marked with a skull and crossbones and the German words for: "Caution! Gas! Mortal danger! Don't open!" was identified as showing the murder weapon. Later, however, it was evidently decided that the apparatus in question was merely a standard delousing chamber for clothing, and another alleged gas chamber, this one cunningly disguised as a shower room, was exhibited to American congressmen and journalists as the site where thousands breathed their last. While there exist numerous reports in the press as to the operation of this second "gas chamber," no official report by trained Army investigators has yet surfaced to reconcile such problems as the function of the shower heads: Were they "dummies," or did lethal cyanide gas stream through them? (Each theory has appreciable support in journalistic and historiographical literature.)
    As with Dachau, so with Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, and the other camps captured by the Allies. There was no end of propaganda about "gas chambers," "gas ovens," and the like, but so far not a single detailed description of the murder weapon and its function, not a single report of the kind that is mandatory for the successful prosecution of any assault or murder case in America at the time and today, has come to light.
    Furthermore, a number of Holocaust authorities have now publicly decreed that there were no gassings, no extermination camps in Germany after all! All these things, we are told, were located in what is now Poland, in areas captured by the Soviet Red Army and off-limits to Western investigators. In 1960 Dr. Martin Broszat, who is now director of the Munich-based Institute for Contemporary History, which is funded by the West German government to SUPPORT the Holocaust story, wrote a letter to the German weekly "Die Zeit" in which he stated categorically: "Neither in Dachau nor in Bergen-Belsen nor in Buchenwald were Jews or other prisoners gassed."(16) Professional Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal wrote in 1975 that "there were no extermination camps on German soil."(17) And Dachau "gas chamber" No. 2, which was once presented to a stunned and grieving world as a weapon which claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, is now described in the brochure issued to tourists at the modern Dachau "memorial site" in these words: "This gas chamber, camouflaged as a shower room, was not used."(18) The Liberation of the Camps by Theodore J. O'Keefe