'You [Don] Gotta Grow Up, Buddy' |
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'You [Don] Gotta Grow Up, Buddy'
Aug 2008
Don, I keep reading that you barely see chems
anymore. When was the last time you were in nyc
area? I dont think you were here lately.
Also you keep writing and calling names people that
havent noticed chems before or just noticed them.
Does it really matter who noticed it and when.
We all know you're the man and you know everything
but why talk shit about people that are just trying
to do the ritght thing and fight the evil along
yourself. You gota grow up buddy. I belive we are
all on the same side.
Plus if you think you took care of chems you are
living in dreams and need to wake up. They might
have different ingredients but they are very much
still here and covering our skies.
Also, I must have planted dozens of towerbusters
around clusters of towers in my area and wasted much
money. Other then personal tools like your pyramid
and harmonizer I dont see much changes from
I live in Cliffside Park area right across from nyc
and it just seems like theres no help. Our sky is
covered daily. Since you know everything, can you
explain what is in chems these days and if they dont
do anything why are they still sprayin EVERY
Thank in advance
Sure, they spew in our skies pretty much daily, too,
and before we did the lake gifting in the region,
the seeded clouds stuck in teh sky for hours.
The reason I want you to consider that they looked
and behaved much differently before the middle of
2002 is that those were the characteristics of
actually poisonous chemtrails which reached the
ground in a few minutes and (this is a key point)
they quickly destroyed all of the cumulus, rain
bearing clouds on their way down.. The long, fairly
distinct seeded clouds that drift across your sky
don't drop down; they remain in the sky.
I understand that you feel threatened by the sight
of chemtrails and I actually do sympathize but only
if you're willing to consider that my arguments
might have some merit and are willing to increase
your effort to clean up the sky where you live.
In very congested areas, like yours, there's a death
tower ever few blocks because the ratio of death
towers to the populace is usually approx. one for
every 2,000 people. If you will extend your
efforts beyond your immediate neighborhood you're
bound to start seeing dramatic changes overhead. I
don't know yhou personally, so I'll assume that
you're correct that there have been no changes from
your towerbusting but I can say that a lot of people
I correspond with are unable or unwilling to see any
but the most dramatic improvements. Fortunately,
very dramtic visual effects are standard fare for
anyone who will stay the course and not be
discouraged after a couple of days in such a densely
populated area.
I've tried to persuade STeve Baron or someone else
who is reputable in Toronto to put something in hte
public record about the changes they've brought
about in that huge city over the years with gifting
because it's one of the most phenomenal successes
I've witnessed. It's possible to do the same in any
city, including New York, but the higher the
population number, the more work is required and
most individuals don't have the time or resources
for such a commitment.
Don Bradley almost single-handedly transformed the
atmosphere in the Los Angeles Basin within a couple
of years. Fortunately, there were a lot of posted
reports about the progress and anyone can see, from
watching films made in LA in recent years, that it's
much, much better there, now. We even see Sylphs in
the movies now, as often as not. I think
cinematographers are particularly happy about that
and want to catch it on film for us.
I suggest that you try to look, as objectively as
possible, at how the atmosphere in yhour area has
improved. That, too, can be tracked in films, since
so many are made in and around NYC.
I do tend to bludgeon people who are addicted to
disinformation sites because common discernment
dictates that the CIA has an awful lot vested in
distracting would-be truth seekers from digging
deeper than these Chickn Little franchises. One who
is running around like a chicken with his head cut
off is, after all, certainly not a threat to
tyranny; he's rather a tool of tyrants, like the
bookburners in Munich were. To say that 'we're all
on the same side,' is certainly true on one level,
since we're all related as human beings, but what we
actually do, not what we say, determines whether
we're efficiently opposing tyranny or are merely
sucking on the CIA's terror teat. Getting mad at me
won't help.
I'm glad you wrote to me, though, and I'm posting
your note and my response because I know a lot of
people who want to believe in chemtrails and read EW
are mad at me right now and I feel obliged to answer
back in an efficient way.
Let me know if any of your concerns were not
addressed, okay? We can keep this going.
I'm glad to konw that you like Carol's
products. I'm trying to talk her into teaching
people, here, how to combine stones and other
elements in orgonite for personal use. I
think she's going to try it. Nobody's been
answering these questions, as far as I know, except
the chest pounders and confusion-mongers. Cesco,
Ryan and a few others have offered discourses from
time to time but there ought to be a real-time
source to interact with and Carol enjoys teaching
people and is quite adept with subtle energy
Sure, I indulge in name calliing but I'm not
directing it at anyone in particular; just trying to
show the less pleasant, CIA-directed social dynamics
that we've had to contend with for 8 years. I call
the CIA, '$#!+birds' but I consider it a public
service to strip away any illusion of honor,
patriotism or integrity from this terrorist
The people I seem to anger the most, besides the
$#!+birds, are well-meaning militant pacifists but
these folks are successfully programmed not to
effectively oppose tyranny and exploitation, so
whose side are they serving?
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Posts: 1197
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: 'You [Don] Gotta Grow Up, Buddy'
It seems more and more obvious, to me, that the
chemtrails are mainly a psychological campaign by
I forgot to mentoin that there are probably twenty
orgonite cloudbusters in and around New York City
and one of themost prodigious gifters on the planet,
Ivo Granata, lives in Connecticut, right next to
Queens, NY, and has done a lot of gifting in your
Kam Wong lives in Brooklyn, I think, and has also
done a lot of intelligent gifting. There are
several other gifters I've corresponded with who
live in and around the city and have done a lot of
gifting. One of them, an accountant, focused his
efforts on Manhattan's financial district.
The reason we don't organize this effort is because
the CIA has an army of MOnarch assets and moles who
are well able to say all the right things to get our
confidence and inviting them along pretty much
guarantees that our orgonite will later be removed
by the feds. This problem got so bad in England
(MI5 infiltrated, in that case) that most gifters
won't even discuss this online, any more, but
everyone in England who knows anything seems to have
direct knowledge of orgonite by now. John
(whale.to) and Rich Fosh in UK are certainly
speaking up online about their extensive gifting
efforts, at least.
Like any othe pursuit that's genuinely empowering,
there's an 'alone' aspect to getting in touch with
what orgonite does. It can't be learned vicariously
but this activity is uniquely suited for
self-initiation in the most astounding ways.
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Posts: 1197
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: 'You [Don] Gotta Grow Up, Buddy'
Don, thank you for your reply. I believe and feel
everything you say, the only thing like I said that
bothers me is when you talk low of people that
havent noticed chems when you did.
Everyone has their own time of "waking up" to
reailty and similar and if they can grasp that evil
is out there why not encourage them to learn more
instead of making them feel stupid because they just
found about something. I read stuff like that from
you on few occasions and thats the only thing that
bothered me.
Besides, lets say chems are perfectly non dangerous,
....they cover the whole skies and take away
beautiful sun and make atmosphere humid and the
whole scenary looks like horror movie, most days.
Are they really doin all that just for fear
What is in chems these days?? And finally what do
you think of the earthquakes around the world? All
HAARP or what?? Again thank you so much for your
time and knowledge.
I agree with you that I need to grow up, by the way.
I think that the reason you have the impression that
I'm judging people harshly for not having recognized
chemtrails until after they stopped being a threat
is because of my impatience with the Chicken Little
histrionics that popular websites about chemtrails
seem to induce.
I certainly am aggressive toward this kneejerk
response and that's probably due to my lingering
immaturity. Unfortunately, each of us have to work
from our own current stages of development. If we
chose to wait until we were mature before we
attempted to have any public discourse about these
important things then the bad guy might prevail. At
this rate, I'll be in my 70s before I'm grown up and
that's over a decade away.
I certainly will look for ways to make my points
without putting people in a defensive position. I
think it's safe and rpoductive enough to vent my
spleen on the terrorist organizations, after all
(CIA, MI5/6, NSA, FBI, Mossadomites®, KGB, ad
nauseum) and I sure don't consider people who are
merely misled to be my enemy.
I'm sorry that you apparently have the impression
that I'm an elitist for having noticed chemtrails
many years ago. I sure need to look closely at that
and thanks for mentioning it. It's human nature to
deny important realities but it's also human nature
to instantly grasp them in a timely way. We're all
influenced by those tendencies until our last
The main benefit of the harmless skywriting, now, is
the same as the death towers and weather weaponry:
these are concrete evidence of the malevolent
intentions of the old world order which we can
affect with orgonite in a dramatic way. It would be
much harder for people to wake up to the reality of
this parasitic hierarchy if not for these evident
There are probably old films that show chemtrails
quickly spreading out to white out the sky, then
destroy all the lovely cumulus clouds on their way
to the ground. The present status of chemtrails
merely seeding clouds that remain at the 12-20,000
ft level and drift away like natural clouds could be
seen by anyone in sharp contrast to the 'old stuff.'
I've never seen evidence that chemtrails influence
the humidity level in the atmosphere, though on days
when humidity is high it's more likely that the
chemtrails will seed clouds. I try my best to get
people to watch the skies with more discernment so
that they can see the fast disappearing chemtrails
on days when there are chemtrail onslaughts. Even on
the most humid days the toxic chemtrails disappear
almost instantly and you can easily see that those
planes are flying at around the same altitude as the
other planes that only seed clouds are flying.
I haven't seen skywriters since I was a kid but I
remember that those seeded clouds created by the
skywriters looked exactly like the seeded clouds
created by most of the chemtrail jets do. About
five years ago, in the town where we were then
living, there was a curious fire in a storage unit
on the edge of town and the cops cordoned off the
area. I asked one of the cops what happened and he
told me that some skywriting chemicals that were
stored in that unit might present a health hazard
due to the fire. He named the chemical but I forgot
what it was. If memory serves, it was fairly inert.
It might be that the chemtrail jets are merely
spewing kerosene for psychological effect. A
strange aspect of this is that there are obviously
more chemtrail jets than passenger or military jets
and anyhone who's looked through binoculars at
Mojave Airfield and seen the chemtrail jet 'assembly
line' knows that British and American airline jets
are typically converted to chemtrail jets.. This
might be a factor in the steady, continuing decline
in air travel ever since the feds blew up the World
Trade Center, seven years ago.
To gain some clarity and certainty, one really needs
to do some critical observing and thinking. We have
to move beyond the What To Think Network and all
those fake alternative info providers, in other
words, if we want to get some peace of mind
and genuine confidence.
I don't think they're stupid enough to keep
generally spewing expensive biochemical weaponry
all these years after that stuff stopped working but
I think that every time there's a chemtrail display
there's at least one jet spewing the weapons; those
are surely the ones whose spew disappears instantly,
due to an orgonite cloudbuster being within
range. Since the range of a single orgonite
cloudbuster seems to be up to a couple hundred miles
and sinced there are many thousands of them on our
continent, no chemtrail is likely to be out of
I hope you'll watch for Sylphs. Most of the major
cities in North America, parts of Asia and Europe
have Sylph visitors by now becuase there's been so
much gifting. I mention these continents because
they were worst hit with chemtrails, before. I
think whale.to has good photo examples. Even London
has Sylphs, now. This is the most positive
confirmation that the energy in the atmosphere is
irreversibly positive by now.
Occasoinal hazy days are assumed to be due to smog
but I encourage people to remember that smog is
brown and this white haze is a natural indicator of
high humidity, rather; not something we should be
depressed about. Haze in the atmosphere also
indicates stability. Very clear days are during
periods of atmospheriic instability. I mention
this in the context of moving air masses. High
pressure days have little or no wind or clouds and
low pressure days (unstable atmosphere) have wind
and lots of clouds or storms. I think it's useful
to learn some basic meteorology just for a little
peace of mind.
You mentioned, before, that you're disappointed that
the dozens of towerbusters you made and distributed
in your area didn't produce results that met your
expectations. I hope you'll persevere, mindful to
bust all of the contiguous towers in an expanding
area, because sooner or later your expectations will
be met and probably exceeded. This is the typical
crucial period that requires a leap of faith to keep
going and we all go through that with each new
campaign, no matter how many cities and regions
we've gifted.
My accumulated experience, compared to someone who
hasn't taken an effective stand against parasitic
corporate hegemony, might make me relatively taller
but I'm aware that in comparison to the stature The
Operators, including our dolphin friends and
mentors, I'm still a dwarf. I don't feel any pride
for being a 'jumbo dwarf' compared to some other
folks and I'm genuinely sorry that you've gotten
another impression. I hope I can convince you that I
don't feel superior to anyone.
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Posts: 1197
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: 'You [Don] Gotta Grow Up, Buddy'
'HAARP' seems to be a general catchall term for the
weaponry that affects the environment. Maybe that's
because HAARP is the only aspect of this general
campaign that has been officially acknowledged.
Sure, the $#!+bird agencies create earthquakes.
Tesla was able to do that wtih a little box that he
could carry in a pocket so we can imagine what the
stinking world order is capable of, now.
The nice thing about all that is that we can easily
neutralize all of their weaponry with simple
There's been some concern, confirmed by our psychic
associates, that CERN is planning a massive assault
on some major earth faults in a few months. The
psychics are in the habit of looking beyond the What
To Think Network's public presentations about
facilities like CERN and someone in Europe will
likely be putting earthpipes all around that Swiss
facility pretty soon so we're not concerned that
they'll succeed. They did apparently manage to
generate a lot of destruction in Chile a few months
ago during one of the experimental phases of their
present campaign but I think Alejandro and Antonio
are about to reverse those effects shortly.
The worst earthquake assault by teh world order that
I'm aware of was when they destroyed Tiflis,
Armenia, when that country was poised to become
genuinely independent. Apparently, a massive water
pipeline from Siberia was the main intent of the
induced earthquake becuase that water was about to
turn Armenia into an agricultural (economic) giant.
I think that orgonite is going to restore Armenia's
ability to have water for agriculture, the way it's
going to reverse the Sahara and thus revlutionize
Africa's fortunes. Georg's success reversing the
Kalahari and our slower success reversing the the
American and Mexican desert will lead to all of the
world's deserts being reversed.
We know that 'global warming' is a scam, by now,
because the fake scientists who have spent teh past
twenty years preaching about the imminent
desertication of our planet are now warning about
'global cooling' on account of the reversal of the
world order's weather warfare agenda in recent
years, probably thanks to orgonite distirbution.
We've seen HAARP arrays that were built in the
1970s. Those are the tower arrays whose red paint
is now faded to light pink. All of the towers that
are built near airports had to be painted red and
The death towers and the weather warfare weapons
have technology that is classified, which is why
nobody is talking authoritatiely about any of
this. When Carol and I were doing some gifting
around the base of Mt Rainier (an active volcano
near Seattle) in November, 2002, we found a
'weatherball' at the bottom of a ravine. She looked
at the energy signature and told me that the energy
was being aimed underground in an attempt to cause
Mt Rainier to erupt. In those days, there was still
a lot of freaky seismic activity on that
mountain. We disabled that facility with a few
towerbusters. The 'weatherballs' are particularly
easy to disable for some reason. Kelly, in the
following spring, went to the upper areas of the
mountain and thoroughly gifted the disturbed
vortices and, since then, we've heard of no reports
of seismic activity. He had to make his way
through some pretty deep snow but Kelly generally
gets the job done no matter what's in his path
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Posts: 1197
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: 'You [Don] Gotta Grow Up, Buddy'
I should also mention our Chilean compadres present
campaign to reverse the Atacama Desert because
they've been keeping careful notes and a
photographic record of their progress.
The climate has gotten a lot milder in America's and
Mexico's desert and there are undeniable signs of
this, such as the restoration of Death Valley's
vegetation. When Carol and I started gifting Death
Valley in 2001 that region was completely and
literally dead, except for right around the spring
in the southern part where a small band of the
Shoshone people have traditionally lived. The CIA
tried their best to discourage us on our first two
gifting sorties, there, and it was some of the best
fun I've had, to date

even though we came close to being taken out by a
couple of speedingg van-fulls of
CIA wetworkers. We'd paid close heed to our
instinctive promptings, so were able to stay a jump
ahead of their surveillance. When those vans
finally overtook us we were back out of the valley
and on the federal highway. It was some time after
midnight. If you get a chance to gift along that
road (US395) take along some earthpipes becuase the
biggest concentration of gargantuan underground
bases is along that route: the valley east of the
Sierra Nevada range from Nevada down to LA. Carol
and I have seen some pretty bizarre stuff along that
On our last visit we nearly got arrested by park
cops halfway thorugh laying our earthpipes along the
100 mile length of Death Valley but the boss cop
softened up after we pointed out to her that our
collective previous efforts in the region resulted
in the then-current explosion of flowers and grass
in Death Valley (March, 2004).
Many or most (?) of the world's deserts are quite
young, apparently generated by the world odor in the
past five hundred years. I think the only one
that's actually old is in Saudi Arabia, though the
Gobi, under which the psychics say the malevolent
beating heart of the world order lies, might also be
ancient. We can't verify any of our statements
about the more hidden, undocumented levels of the
parasitic world order but some of us sure do act on
the intel our psychics compile during the
international chat sessions, as can anyone.
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Posts: 1197
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: 'You [Don] Gotta Grow Up, Buddy'
Thank you man! I've been planting 3 around each
cluster, about an 10th of a mile away, usualy next
to a tree. There are clusters in my area only half
mile apart and in between even more of these. Does
it make sense to buy them from you at larger amounts
and what are the deals you have on those? It is
really messy and I dont think I want to do it again
in public park.
Well, I'm overjoyed that you're going to persevere
with your gifting efforts!
Carol and I don't sell tactical orgonite but most of
the other vendors listed on the right margin of
ethericwarriors.com do and their prices are
competitive. It's probably better for you to pick a
vendor that's in the US, of course.
On my inaugural gifting campaign, seven years ago,
which was an experimental effort to verify the three
ounce towerbuster's viability (one per average tower
definitely transmutes the death tower or weather
weapon into a life force generator), I often made my
orgonite on park benches from town to city across
South Idaho's Snake River Valley during that
month. Each time I did that, a fed parked right
next to me and pretended hard not to notice.
Gifters rarely encounter overt $#itbird-agency
surveillance any more, maybe because this
unorganized movement is too big to keep tabs on by
now, but in the first few years we all had to
contend with some pretty annoying CIA and MI5/6
freaks. There were so many of them dogging our
heels that we felt like we were leading parades
through the countryside but we stayed far enough
ahead of them that they rarely, if ever, saw 'the
toss.' One time, not far from here, I was gifting a
bunch of odd watertowers in Spokane Valley, a
semi-rural area, and at a four way stop intersection
the feds were lined up on all four roads. It was a
weird dance, getting thru that country intersection
and none of them would make eye contact with me.
Downtown grid-gifting has to be done on a Sunday
morning in predominantly Christian countries because
during those hours the only other people on the
street were likely to be pavement artists. That's
the trade term for surveillance people. In some
areas there will definitely still be active
surveillance, such as around military and
underground bases, corporate headquarters, Mormon
and Masonic temples, etc.
Another time, when Carol and I were gifting N
Washington, far west of Spokane, a little 'City
Parcel' car, typical CIA surveillance vehicle in the
region, was parked kitty-corner across an
intersection from us in a little farm town. It was
around 8PM and he obviously wasn't delivering
anything. There was no traffic, so I drove over,
crossed the street so that my driver side window was
liined up with his driver side window. I rolled
the window down and stared at him for about ten
seconds. He looked straight ahead with that
CIA-stoney countenance, so I shouted, 'HEY!' at him.
He slowly turned to look at me and I'll never forget
his expression: it was a curious blend of terror and
fury. I bet he thought I was going to punch him in
the face

. Carol and I giggled and we drove away.
I sure don't miss the box surveillance of those
days, though.