Re: Worms, misdiagnosed as cancer
Thx a lot, John--your ideas are certainly welcome
here, since you demonstrate them in your own life.
I used to scoff at people who often (seems like
perpetual?) say they're detoxing but after having
done a three month liver/colon detox program last
fall and experienced the benefits, as well as the
prolonged discomfort, I've got more sympathy for
them and John is absolutely right that taking better
care of our bodies makes it harder for the psi corps
to trash us from the etheric realm.
Carol's still going through her very long healing
crisis--has lasted over four months!--but of coruse
the feds hate her more than me, so they used their
worst poisons on her, especially when she travelled
alone in the past six years.
A lot of poison gets shunted to fat cells for
storage, so when we lose weight we have to
experience those poisons' effects, again. Doing
what we can to boost the liver and kidneys helps us
get that crap out of our bodies faster, though, and
in a crisis, PCA Rx has proven very helpful to
relieve the worst of the symptoms, especially right
after we get poisoned by the agencies. The product
is claimed to latch onto poison molecules and toxic
metals and give them the bum's rush out the kidneys
and liver. ...sort of like a bouncer for the
I understand's John's sentiment that parasites are
our friend and I can agree to that notion if one
will also consider that the people in the sewer rat
agencies who try so hard to corrupt and/or destroy
us are also our friends, since they, too, are
performing a function in our development. This may
be an exercise in semantics because most of us are
friends but we don't want to suck each others' life
force dry and we don't administer deadly poisons to
each other when we meet, of course, or shoot each
other with beam weapons from hidden location
A year ago I started doing a moderate amount of
weight training. I really do mean, 'moderate.'

Almost immediately, the muscle assaults from teh psi
corps seemed to cease. I know they didn't stop
trying but having some muscle tone just apparently
made it a lot harder for them to do any damage to my
body, this way.
After that, John started telling me about his
experience with David Wolfe's products and told me
that David was promoting our zappers. I adopted my
usual 'wait and see' attitude and remained open
until we met David and observed him and the folks
who subscribe to his offerings, then Carol and I
began re-arranging our lives with a goal of getting
more and more clear of adulterated foods. I'm not
personally inclined to support or promote anyone's
diet paradigm because this subject is just too vast
and conditional for anyone to master it (some folks
are that healthy and eat meat, for instance; some
live well on just fruit, etc.) but David seems to
be on the cutting edge of some of the current
health/vitality trends. I'm probably more inclined
to adopt many of the findings and demonstrated
benefits of Ann Wigmore's research. She was
evidently murdered for her success, unfortunately,
but it was after her findings were outlined and then
demonstrated for several decades.
I'm not saying someone has to be murdered by the CIA
in order to have credibility, of course, and I
believe that we're finding ways to turn the tables
on these murderers, too, so that perhaps none of us
in the gifting movement will be killed for the work
we're doing and the world order, itself, will rather
be destroyed before long by humanity with our rising
awareness and accountability.
Another benefit of regular fasting and cleaning up
one's life, in general, is that if hard times come
one won't likely die from toxic shock after missing
a few meals