Orgonite  Don & Carol Croft

Building an etheric dodecahedron

Introducing the DOUBLE HELIX energy weapon!--Don Croft

ctbusters.com for trick weaponry
Succor Punch ("SP")
Succor Punch and dowsing
[Warrior Matrix, 2005] Intentions & Succour punch
[march 2005] Succor Punch & surveillance
[Jan 2005] Mere Succor Punch Blocks Most Surveillance  -----Don Croft
The Succor Punch By Ken Adachi
Succor Punch Explained By Don Croft
What's A Succor Punch? By Don Croft
The Powerwand
The Powerwand by Don Croft
April 24, 2003] Non-instructions for the Powerwand By Don Croft,  
[March 11, 2003] Powerwand, Shiva and the Death of Arch-Predators by Don Croft
[January 26, 2003] The PowerWand Everyman's Weapon Against Tyranny By Don Croft

The Big Secret by Don Croft

Mobius Coil Tutorial

Little Secret

Succor Punch Vendors:

[Dowsing aid] "Put the point of a Succor Punch in the palm of your non-dominant hand and use a pendulum with your dominant hand. If you're already familiar with pendulum dowsing, you'll get proficient fast; if you're not, get a little book on dowsing from a new-age bookstore and a pendulum and familiarize yourself. It's not difficult or weird. You can make a Succor Punch from the tutorial on www.ethericwarriors.com   or buy one from one of the vendors listed there.
     I asked Carol to watch the energy dynamics, while I was using this method, and compare that with my unassisted dowsing. When I used the Succor Punch, she saw clean energy/ information moving from the Succor Punch crystal, into my palm, over my shoulders to the hand holding the pendulum.
When I wasn't using the SP, she saw clean energy/information coming down, into the top of my head, but it got altered and a little polluted, by the time it came out my neck and over to my hand. She says that this is because whenever we try to express something that we receive, our brain usually encodes it in a 'comfortable' way for us, and that the brain is always prejudiced. We temporarily overcome that filter, when we're particularly lucid or detached, (or in dire need), but dowsing should never be considered infallible, any more than a single psychic's observation is. It's an aid."---- [Book] The Life Etheric With Carol Croft

One result of our interaction with Stephanie was that the Succor Punch she requested from us apparently stopped her husband, Michael, from being abducted by the CIA to do skunkwork in an altered state.  They reported all this, back in the day. This is an apparent nice feature of Succor Punches that we rarely mention, by the way. [EW Nov 2006] Mapping Cell Tower Locations - Don 7 Carpediem