Earth Energies

Vortices by Laozu

[Feb 2008] Vortex Gifting And Towerbusting In Atacama & Patagonia

[EW march 2007] "Reclamation not War"--Carol Croft

[DBD Feb 2007] Vortex Jackpot

This is Laozu's work and observations on opening up earth vortices to release chi.

[EW Feb 2007] World Class Realization on Sunday via Dooney --Don Croft

[EW May 2006] Heaven and Earth by Laozu
In the summer of 2003 these observations led to the discovery of what I have come to call vortices, though this is a specialized use of the general term, and different people use that term for different phenomena. What I have since come to view as the typical vortex of this type occurs on the earth's surface, often at a place of high altitude relative to the surrounding area, where qi from below ground comes up and concentrates. This qi contacts the surface at a few points, and if TBs or HHGs are placed at those points, positive qi comes up through the surface and swirls upward in the the shape of an inverted cone. The first example of such was at Steptoe Butte, and I published the events connected with the "opening" of that vortex on the cloudbuster forum. Several other vortices were opened that summer and fall, including Moscow Mountain, but it wasn't until the next summer (2004) that I began instill some order into the process and began to get a better idea of its significance.

[EW June 25, 2007] Heaven and Earth ------The Balkans and Italy ---Laozu