Here it is:
We had US Navy Holy Loch submarine base here for 34 years. When Cuba crisis happened, all the wives were down at Dunoon pier crying. When asked, 'Is this because they thought they were going to war?' the answer was,'No, but their husbands were not sure the [submarine] tender ship, having been moored for so long, would float.'
Also, they regularly dropped missiles during loading of subs and Commander of Ist US Navy sub fleet, interviewed a few years ago, said he was now retired but when he arrived in River Clyde asked the Admiralty where he could discharge radioactive coolant. They said where he was and he did dump opposite my home town of Dunoon! Saying they would not have allowed that on the Potomac! Our ADMIRALTY HAD NO RADIOACTIVE PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE in early 60s. 2000 US Navy at war in Vietnam and we, thks to our then Prime Minister refused and in his memoirs related the overt and covert surveillance and interference with smear jobs and support for his opposition party as a result of his refusal. US even tried to buy some of our regiments.
You appear interested in this and may like to see site Tridentintoploughshares that’s an eye opener of US activity here in UK.
You hopefully have found some of those rectangular, double ponds that are used to vent the coolant water from underground, 'unregistered' nuclear reactors. This is apparently the same as the water that the subs vent from their own reactors. Apparently, the double ponds allow the contaminated water to release the deadly orgone radiation that they pick up while cooling the reactors underground. Since this gets released in the atmosphere and since we routinely shut down these underground nuke reactions by tossing a towerbuster into each coolant pond I presume it's fairly easy to also 'fix' the contaminated water where subs discharge the coolant water, if that's even needed. I'll ask David if there is evidence of long term effects from that Navy habit.
I know that the previous submarine base in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, contaminated the Piscataqua River this way and the radioactive poisons endured for years after that base was closed, so the Navy probably dumps genuinely radioactive material along with the coolant everywhere that it keeps subs (including the Potomac--what an arrogant schmuck that admiral is!) but just won't admit it. The predators who run the US Navy will be held accountable sooner than later, I think, and the reason we actively oppose them so often in the international chatblast sessions is on account of their ongoing campaign to murder whales and dolphins, internationally.