Underground base quotes

Years ago, when he started targeting the underground bases in Southern California, DB expressed glee when he saw water flooding the  underground tunnels and caverns, due to all the rain that gifting and cloudbusters were generating by then in the region.   Let's keep working on the desert farther east so we can flush even the Area 51 and Dulce corporate/military rats out from underground with healthy rain, okay?  He told Carol and I that he felt sure that one of the reasons the world order was attempting to desertify the entire planet was because they got annoyed when their new underground bases got water in them from rainfall Cool  It's pretty obvious why so many of the larger bases are in deserts. [EW 2007/8] Phil Schneider Was Murdered in 1996 for This

There are 'tunnels' and base complexes that connect China Lake, California City, Norton AFB, Edwards AFB, Tonopah, Groom Lake, Nevada Test Site, Los Alamos, Dulce, Norad, Oklahoma and to the East. Lear spoke of a friend whose father was or is a hydraulic engineer on the tunnel digging machines which are 28 ft. in diameter. [2003] ART BELL INTERVIEW OF JOHN LEAR

A lot of the early nuclear ‘tests’ were actually attacks against underground and underwater alien bases, in other words. [EW 2007] Phil Schneider Was Murdered in 1996 for This

 He initially believed that the underground bases were for legitimate national security and he wanted to ‘come clean’ and tell about their true purposes.  An average base costs $17 billion.  Black Ops budget is half a trillion dollars per year: a quarter of the US gross national  product.  Black Budget is not monitored by Congress--it’s an independent taxing body but is mainly financed by  drug operations by the CIA, NSA and the  Drug Enforcement Administration, also the FBI, more recently.  An FBI man tried to tell the public about this and was murdered in January, ‘95. [EW 2007] Phil Schneider Was Murdered in 1996 for This

She got an offer; apparently a real smart woman and good at her job. She got a phone call, having gone to a "head hunter" for different job possibilities in (various) areas; got a call back for an interview with an astounding salary base. But she had to fly to Dallas to be interviewed, and they paid for her flight to Dallas. She met at a restaurant with representatives of this company. And they told her almost nothing; very, very little about the details of the work. (I think it frightened her quite a bit after she thought about it.) But it was great pay. They said they would pay for her to relocate.   The one question they asked that made it stop for her was: The job, by the way, was underground. You would have to be underground for two years. You could not come up for two years - not that you'd work underground, then go home on the surface. You'd have to stay underground and live and work for two years if you want the job - pays a lot of money, gives you a lot of benefits. But you stay underground. Karla Turner Interviewed by Randy Koppang and Melinda Leslie

However, I want to further mention that with the last explosion in Oklahoma City, they are saying that it was a nitrate or fertiliser bomb that did it. "First, they came out and said it was a 1,000 pound fertiliser bomb. Then, it was 1,500. Then 2,000 pounds. Now its 20,000. You can't put 20,000 pounds of fertiliser in a Rider Truck. Now, I've never mixed explosives, per se. I know the chemical structure and the application of construction explosives. My reputation was based on it. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States. I worked on the Malta project, in West Germany, in Spain and in Italy. I can tell you from experience that a nitrate explosion would have hardly shattered the windows of the federal building in Oklahoma City. It would have killed a few people and knocked part of the facing off the building, but it would have never have done that kind of damage. I believe I have been lied to, and I am not taking it any longer, so I'm telling you that you've been lied to. Deep Underground Military Bases and the Black Budget---Phil Schneider's last lecture of 1995

A man named Phil Schneider claimed during the last year of construction that the underground airport system was being connected to a deep underground base. The base is at least 8 levels deep, with a 4.5 square mile underground city and an 88.5 square mile base underneath the airport. Alex Christopher, Author of Pandora's Box and Pandora's Box II - an expose of the British instigation through Washington D.C. over the last 200 years - adds, "It is very unusual that they would allot a 50 square-mile area on the surface at which to locate an airport in the middle of nowhere unless they really planned to use it for something very unusual later. There is a 10-mile, 4-line highway out to this airport, and there is nothing out there in between the airport and Denver. Not even a service station, at least in September 1995."
    So why is an author of anti-British smears talking about the DIA? It turns out that, according to Christopher, the Queen of England has been buying up a lot of property in Colorado under a pseudonym. Along with the Crown, the CIA has a naturally great interest in the area. Rodney Stitch, author of Defrauding America, claims to have a copy of a tape of a CIA agent paying off the mayor of Denver to get the airport built, to the tune of $1.5 million. Nazis have an interest in the area as well, as much of the DIA's symbology refers cryptically to the Black Sun, some sort of Nazi secret occult worship. (Colorado had long been a strong center for the neo-Nazi movement, most notably through the June 1984 assassination of radio talk-show host Alan Berg.) Daddy's Little Princess: JonBenét Ramsey & The Air In Colorado

I took care of John Fialla, who was best friends with Phil Schneider. How many people know about Phil Schneider? Well, they were using tunneling machines back in the mid-90s that could tunnel through a rock face at seven miles per day, that could cut through a rock face with high-energy impact lasers that could blow the nano-sized particles of rock so that there was no debris left, forming an obsidian-like core, and laying an inner core for unidirectional maglev trains that travel at Mach 2 to 2.8 underground between these very very powerful and organized cities.
    There's 132 under the United States, an average of 5.36 to 7.24 cubic miles in size at an average of 1.5 to 4.5 miles underground, built, by and large, most of them in areas away from geotectonic areas - but there's going to be lots of new geotectonic faults established when you have force 11, 12, 13, 14 earthquakes hit the Earth.
Why are they rushing to do this? Because they know that catastrophe is coming. And where's this money coming from? It's not coming from our regular Black Op budget. It's coming from the illegal sale of drugs. In the United States there's at least, by conservative estimates, a quarter of a trillion to a half a trillion of illegal drugs just sold in the United States that goes directly into underground budgets, and 90-95% goes to the DUMBs [Deep Underground Military Bases].--Video lecture Dr Bill Deagle MD

The Black Budget currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year. At least this amount is used in black programs, like those concerned with deep underground military bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States. They have been building these 129 bases day and night, unceasingly, since the early 1940's. Some of them were built even earlier than that. These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains that have speeds up to Mach 2. Several books have been written about this activity. ......The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. They have laser-drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. .....I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep.....I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States.  Deep Underground Military Bases and the Black Budget---Phil Schneider's last lecture of 1995

It's (Montauk) very large. It extends for miles, especially the 5th and 6th levels. Almost all of it was constructed in the late 1920's or early 1930's. We talked to one of the men who was one of the contractors who built it. It was built on government orders right after the depression started. It was built in six levels. They covered the top over with earth. It's known locally as "the hill". Its a huge base. There may still be some use of it. Most of it is shut down. The power has been on for two years now, single phase 220 volt. The elevator used ran on three-phase 440 volts, and that has not been turned on, probably because they plugged all main openings and the elevator shaft with concrete.
No, but I know they're there. The last time two people went out there to look they were abducted. They were knocked out electronically and taken underground to another facility where mental adjustments were made on them. They were returned to the spot, but one of them was not returned exactly at the same time as the other. There was about a 2 second gap and the one that was already there saw it. They knew immediately that something was wrong. They were given a warning. The underground system is still in operation. There are three entrances near AIL. They have three plants in the Farmingdale area. Brookhaven National Laboratories have an entrance to the system. There is also a connection to the Newark ITT Corporation building. From there a spur that goes to the ITT facility at Nutley. There is also a tunnel that goes from Newark to Wright Patterson AFB. ORION TECHNOLOGY AND OTHER SECRET PROJECTS Al Bielek and Preston Nichols