The latest from Tetsuzi Moriwake |
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Joined: July 2007
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Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho
The latest from Tetsuzi Moriwake
Jamie Perry, who lives and gifts in Japan, has
offered to translate Tetsuzi-san's reports so that
he won't have to use Babel-fish.
Here's the latest from Tetsuzi, through Jamie
(thanks a lot, J!):
Hello Don-san, how are you doing?
I take 7 days of the month and gift places somewhere
in Japan with orgonite. Already, there has been
300 earth-pipes placed.
For example, there is an island called Yona-guni
is also said for being located at the western tip of
the lost continent of Mu, and this island is famous
for executions of heavy criminals with death
Spiritually speaking, it was an awful place.
Last year, I had placed some earth-pipes there with
new design, and there were some effects on not just
residents, but the place also became lighter and
and it seemed that the people were getting released
the very heavy mind/consciousness energy that was
Please do not worry, I am operating in Japan
your heart and thoughts.
The sales of my newest designed pendants allow me
funding for the volunteer earth-pipe quests.
I am sure I will be able to reach your forum through
Perry-san's language abilities some day.
Please post this message to your forum with your
I look forward to the day we meet.
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 915
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho
Re: The latest from Tetsuzi Moriwake
Since the discovery a few years ago, by Japanese
archaeologists, of the pyramids on the seabed off
the coast of Okinawa there's some solid credence to
the idea of that region having hosted at least one
extremely ancient civilization. I'd love to know
what the Japanese are saying about this, since
they're not as conditioned by CIA disinformation as
Westerners are.
Westerners are in an artificial squeeze play between
irrationalists and materialists, of course. It's a
disinformation strategy that's been working very
well for the world order since Theosophy broke onto
the scene in the late 1800s and, before that, when
the Venetian bankers had set up shop in London and
started fielding their tailored stables of
'philosophers' and 'scientists' in the 1600s, while
parasitically growing a global empire.
Carol and I saw a film made in Kyoto, not long ago,
that showed radidantly blue sky with a chemtrail jet
spewing a very short tail, which is a sign that
somebody has disabled all the death towers around
there--we immediately thought of Ed Schindler, who
lives and gifts in that town and with whom Tetsuzi-san
and Kelly have done some extensive gifting
The fact that Tetsuzi-san is selling orgonite in
Japan indicates that there's some public
interest. Several years ago, when we first started
corresponding with a few gifters in Japan, we were
getting reports of positive changes in the
atmosphere and behavior in major cities that could
only be attributed to the effects of intelligently
distributed orgonite. I think we all might be in for
some surprises when we finally find out who in the
world has been gifting but has never been in touch
with any of us about it.
Joined: March 2008
Posts: 3
Re: The Latest From Tetsuzi Moriwake
I never thought I'd have to compare you with Alan
Greenspan, Don, but just like the former head of the
Federal Reserve, there are certain parties that
spend millions depending on your every
utterance. When you mentioned the blue skies over
Kyoto, it was less than 48 hours later that the most
massive chemtrail assault I've ever seen happened in
the skies overhead. It was an unprecedented aerial
attack just to prove you wrong. They were even
chemtrailing at night, which I had never seen here
before. Back and forth all day and night. They did
manage to block the sun and leave skidmarks all over
the sky. It must have cost millions. You must have
pissed off someone very high up. The people
responsible were obviously called on the carpet and
given a royal chewing out for not doing enough to
destroy the sky over Kyoto, the symbolic center of
the global warming scam.
Before the recent massive campaign, I tried not to
gloat over the fact that chemcrud does not stick
overhead and the Sylphs almost always appear to take
care of most of them. At least one CB was always in
operation, except for the time Herr und Frau Busch
were staying overnight at the Royal Palace. I dug
up my CB then, up-ended it and, with a straight
line-of-sight from a high elevation, pointed it at
the palace. When they left town the next day, I
removed it from its temporary position. What was
strange about the removal was the actual space that
the CB base occupied while it was up-ended caused an
instant headache. When I left that space, the
headache went away. When I entered that space, it
They may have spent millions to prove you wrong, but
they could not keep up the sustained assault. Blue,
pristine skies returned after a cleansing
rain. Like nasty schoolboy lords of the stinking
flies, all they did was soil their drawers, and
awaken even more people to their psychpathic
ways. What could be sweeter than the fact that they
have to spend millions while we only have to spend
pocket change to counter their threat?
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 915
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho
Re: The latest from Tetsuzi Moriwake
Very resourceful of you to aim the CB at the fake US
president and his makebelieve wife, by the way!
I wish I knew why the spot where your CB base was
buried (?) was a source of death energy. Dan in
Bali has experienced something similar, I think, so
maybe your account will help him figure it out. I
gather that some folks who bury CB bases don't
experience that effect so maybe we can find some
parameters. I never bury my CB bases because I
like to point at things like incoming HAARP storms,
the moon, nasty-shiny ships in space, etc.
You did something I originally (1998) intended for
the orgonite cloudbuster before Carol and I
eventually got together and made one: I was living
in Ashland, Oregon, at the time and I conceived a
plan to point an orgonite cloudbuster at City
Hall from across the valley. That town, like nearly
every other on the planet, was run by parasites and
I thought it would be fun to poke at that hornet
nest with an orgone device
I think Etheric Warriors was destroyed before you
furnished a report of the outcome of your and
Tetsuzi's gifting trip to that bay in Japan where
dolphins are annually slaughtered. You guys gifted
the place before the event, so what later happened
at the appointed time for the annual massacre,
Domo arrigato, Eddie-san!