Rudolf Hoess
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[Rudolf Hoess was tortured into 'confessing' exterminations were going on at Auschwitz.  He was then executed so he couldn't change his story.  The other Auschwitz commandants conveniently died, one from execution, Josef Kramer the other, Richard Baer, just before he was due to give evidence at the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial.]

[1986] How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss by Robert Faurisson

See: Convenient Nazi deaths

See commandants: Richard Baer Josef Kramer  Franz Stangl  Irmfried Eberl

The desperate-looking Rudolf Hoess with British Major Draper. Hoess was tortured by the British for weeks and confessed “made to order”.

His confessions were false. They had been extorted from Höss by torture, but it took until 1983 to learn the identity of the torturers and the nature of the tortures they inflicted upon him....The confessions of Rudolf Höss supply the keystone to the theory which maintains that systematic extermination of the Jews, especially by means of homicidal gas chambers, was a historical reality.
...In a normal murder case there would have been a hundred questions to ask about the extermination and the gas chambers ....but no one asked those questions. In particular, Colonel Amen did not ask for a single detail nor for any additional information about the frightening text which he had read in the presence of journalists whose stories would make the headlines in newspapers around the world the next day.
.....In all likelihood, Höss was tortured by the British soldiers of the 92nd Field Security Section, but a confirmation of that hypothesis was necessary. Confirmation has come with the publication in England of a book containing the name of the principal torturer (a British sergeant of Jewish origin)
.....They say that Höss was arrested on 11 March, 1946, and that it took three days of torture to obtain "a coherent statement." They do not realize that the alleged "coherent statement" is nothing other than the lunatic confession, signed by their quivering victim on the l4th or l5th of March 1946, at 2:30 in the morning, which was to seal Höss' fate definitely, a confession which would also give definitive shape to the myth. The confession would also shape decisively the myth of Auschwitz, the supposed high-point of the extermination of the Jews, above all due to the alleged use of homicidal gas chambers.
......Mr. Ken Jones was then a private with the fifth Royal Horse Artillery stationed at Heid[e) in Schleswig-Holstein. "They brought him to us when he refused to cooperate over questioning about his activities during the war. He came in the winter of 1945/6 and was put in a small jail cell in the barracks," recalls Mr. Jones. Two other soldiers were detailed with Mr. Jones to join Höss in his cell to help break him down for interrogation. "We sat in the cell with him, night and day, armed with axe handles. Our job was to prod him every time he fell asleep to help break down his resistance," said Mr. Jones. When Höss was taken out for exercise he was made to wear only jeans and a thin cotton shirt in the bitter cold. After three days and nights without sleep, Höss finally broke down and made a full confession to the authorities.
.....Rudolf Höss and Hans Frank were not the only ones to undergo treatment of that kind. Among the most celebrated cases, we know of Julius Streicher, Hans Fritzsche, Oswald Pohl, Franz Ziereis, and Josef Kramer.
....."Certainly, I signed a statement that I killed two and a half million Jews. But I could just as well have said that it was five million Jews. There are certain methods by which any confession can be obtained, whether it is true or not." [1986] How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss by Robert Faurisson

But the case of Rudolf Höss is by far the most serious in its consequences. There is no document that proves that the Germans had a policy of exterminating the Jews. Léon Poliakov agreed with this in 1951: "As regards the conception properly called of the plan for a total extermination, the three or four principal actors committed suicide in May of 1945. No document has survived or perhaps has ever existed." [1986] How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss by Robert Faurisson

Felderer believed he was the person who brought to Zündel's attention the falsification of former Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoess's memoirs, since Felderer had actually seen the material in Auschwitz allegedly written by Hoess. This material was written in pencil with no corrections of any sort and was even underlined in areas which Felderer believed to be parts the Communists were interested in as propaganda. (20-4658) Many of the passages were so confused that the reader could not tell which buildings Hoess was referring to. Felderer questioned how Hoess, as the man in charge of the camp, could be so bewildered. Did he really write the memoirs? Was he drugged? (20-4667)
    In the transcript of the Nuremberg trials, there was no statement by Hoess that he was tortured, to Felderer's knowledge. He pointed out, however, that Hoess's handwritten memorandum, access to which was being denied, might mention torture. Felderer emphasized the importance of obtaining the original source material. He raised the question of whether Hoess might in fact still be alive since there were no photographs or other confirmations of Hoess's hanging. (20-4663, 4664)
    Felderer was quite sure he had made reference, in discussions with Zündel, to the West German Auschwitz trials conducted in the 1960s, in which none of the SS officers denied that the gas chambers at Birkenau were used to exterminate Jews. He told Zündel that the SS men also testified that they bicycled inside the gas chamber in between gassings. The most ridiculous things were said in these trials, said Felderer; he compared them to the witch trials in Sweden, where people admitted they had sexual intercourse with the devil. Judges had accepted this as the truth and burned women at the stake for it. Felderer discussed with Zündel the secrecy of the Auschwitz trials, such as the refusal of the West German government to provide the addresses of the people who testified. He himself had been able to track some of the witnesses down and found their stories to be different from the stories presented in the newspapers. Felderer asked if we were supposed to believe stories such as the bicycles in the gas chamber or the claim that the firmness of female breasts was one of the criteria by which the Nazis decided which women would be gassed and which would not. (20-4668, 4669) [Ditlieb Felderer] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

When this journalist telephoned me, I said, "I can't tell you my own impression about these figures, but what I will tell you is that Adolf Eichmann himself said that [Auschwitz commandant] Rudolf Höss' figures were grossly inflated, and that Eichmann thought that Höss was an outrageous liar."  [1992] The Suppressed Eichmann and Goebbels Papers By David Irving

Eichmann's comments on the Höss memoirs are annihilating. Reading where Rudolf Höss is saying that two and a half million Jews have been liquidated at Auschwitz, the camp where he was commandant, Eichmann comments, "Where does Höss believe that he got these two and a half million Jews? Not from me. Because to have liquidated two and a half million decrepit, elderly, unworkable Jews, I must have had to feed to him three, four, five, six or seven million Jews in that space of time, and from the transport point of view alone this would have been totally impossible."
 You see, the memoirs of Eichmann are very useful in this respect. He was the transport specialist whose job it was to round up the Jews in Hungary and Slovakia. and ship them off to Germany for forced labor and for dissipation to the other labor camps. He knew that shipping off millions of Jews wasn't something you do at the snap of your fingers: you had to have conferences with the railway officials and with the road officials, and with the guards and with everybody else who was going to be involved in all this. You had to provide the food for the transports which were going to be on the rails for four or five or six days. All this had to be prepared and planned with typical German bureaucracy and method, and that took meetings and conferences. And Eichmann said, "If you're going to ship five or six million Jews across Europe to Auschwitz at that time, let me tell you how many trains that would have taken," and he worked out how many trains it would have taken, because he knew.
   "You're not only going to have trains going that way full of Jews, you're going to have empty trains coming back. And you're going to have to have a circulation time, a time where they're unloading at one end, a time where they're loading at the other end... You're going to need so many thousands of wagons" of rolling stock. He worked out exactly how much rolling stock would have been needed, in these memoirs, and he said, "This alone proves that Rudolf H_ss was talking through his hat. These figures are totally fantastic, and what the hell is Höss up to?" That is a brief, lurid summary of what Eichmann writes as he's sitting in what he believes to be safety in the underground in Argentina, reading these memoirs of Höss, published in 1958. [1992] The Suppressed Eichmann and Goebbels Papers By David Irving

 He mentions also in these memoirs how he received an indirect approach from Nahum Goldmann. Nahum Goldmann was one of the great Zionist leaders of the postwar era. Born in Lithuania and living for many years in Germany, he was the person who negotiated with Konrad Adenauer the billions of German marks which subsequently went to Israel. Eichmann mentions in these memoirs what purported to be an indirect approach from Goldmann, pleading with him to back up the six million figure. Anything he could do to support the six million figure, because the Zionists needed it. You are beginning to suspect, now, why these Eichmann memoirs should not be published.
    Eichmann inspected Auschwitz. He went to Auschwitz several times, as he recounts in his memoirs. He describes being met by Rudolf Höss, the commandant, and he describes several grisly scenes. He describes going past an open pit where bodies were being burned, and he says it was an infernal sight, the likes of which he would never forget. He describes how the commandant, Höss, tells him that they are doing these things on Himmler's orders and that it is a sacred task that has been imposed on the SS.
   Eichmann describes many things, but what he does not once mention during this vivid description of his visit to Auschwitz is "gas chambers." He doesn't mention gas chambers, he just mentions the disposal of bodies in open pits by fire, and the comments to him by Commandant Höss. [1992] The Suppressed Eichmann and Goebbels Papers By David Irving

He doesn't try to avoid describing what he's seen. He describes the pits in Auschwitz, he describes the crematoria, just the same as Albert Hoffmann. Four or five years ago, while going through the records of the National Archives in Suitland, Maryland, I came across the interrogation report of Albert Hoffmann, who was the deputy Gauleiter of Silesia, the Gau where Auschwitz was situated. I thought he was an unimportant man, because I didn't realize he was in Silesia, but the British, interrogating Hoffmann, asked him if he'd ever visited a concentration camp. Hoffmann's reply was, "Yes, I've visited two concentration camps in my life, one at Dachau in 1936, which was organized, clean, decent and disciplined, and the prisoners were well fed. Then again," he said, "in 1941 (or 1942: I think, in fact, in both years), I visited Auschwitz concentration camp with my Gauleiter, Bracht, and with the Reichsführer SS, Heinrich Himmler."
   Hoffmann went on, "Auschwitz was totally different from Dachau. The scenes I saw there beggar description. Brutality on the worst possible scale. I saw prisoners being beaten, I saw cadavers being cremated in the crematorium..."
   You think, "Well, this is it." You read on, thinking now you've got it, but then Hoffmann adds, "...but what Allied propaganda is now claiming, that is totally untrue."
   So again, rather like Eichmann, you've got somebody who is prepared to describe to a degree what he has actually seen, which, God knows, isn't exactly decent, but he will not go the final yard and say "gas chambers." Neither Adolf Eichmann nor Albert Hoffmann -- eyewitnesses -- describes having seen the gas chambers. So why does Höss describe the gas chambers? I'll come back to Höss and his papers in a minute. [1992] The Suppressed Eichmann and Goebbels Papers By David Irving  

Eichmann constantly ravages the memoirs of Rudolf Höss, as I mentioned. This is again another reason "not to publish" the Eichmann memoirs, and not to grant them any credence, because for our opponents the Höss memoirs are a keystone of the Holocaust legend. Eichmann describes the refusal of the government of Slovakia, and other countries where he operated, to intercede on behalf of their Jewish people. They were glad to get clean of them. And that again is something these people wouldn't have wanted to be published [1992] The Suppressed Eichmann and Goebbels Papers By David Irving  

Eichmann's memoirs are an important element of the refutation of the Holocaust story. I have saved this for the end: Because I'm notorious, and because my name is on stickers around London, ("Irving speaks and Rostock burns"), purely by chance another man came and visited me in London only a few weeks ago, and he unwrapped an envelope, and inside the envelope was a book. I recognized it because it's a well-known book that we all have consulted. It was a copy of the original German edition of the memoirs of Rudolf Höss, Kommandant in Auschwitz, published in 1958 by the Institute of Contemporary History in Munich.
   He said, "I bought this book in a German flea market only a few months ago and I want to ask you how much is it worth."
   I said, "How much did you pay for it?"
   He said, "No, no, no, look. It's got handwriting all over it."
   Here are some pages of it, and you can see the handwriting -- it's got hand-written marginal notes all over it. Says one note here, "That is a lying distortion of the facts." The handwriting is Eichmann's. The book is Adolf Eichmann's own copy of the Rudolf Höss memoirs! I don't know how much money this man wanted for it. I'm not a rich man, but I've got his address; one day, perhaps, I'll make him an offer for it.
   Everywhere in that book Eichmann has written his own comments. Rudolf Höss writes, "I had a private meeting alone with Adolf Eichmann, and we discussed the Eichmann program." Eichmann crosses this out: "A shameless lie. I was never alone with Höss." So those of us who always doubted the integrity of the Höss memoirs -- we wondered why Höss should have written these things -- here in Eichmann's own handwriting we've got yet one more piece of proof that the Höss memoirs are untrustworthy as a source. [1992] The Suppressed Eichmann and Goebbels Papers By David Irving


Heinrich Himmler and Commandant Rudolf Hoess

Dr. Josef Mengele, Rudolf Hoess and Josef Kramer
Dr. Josef Mengele, Rudolf Hoess and Josef Kramer (see: Auschwitz-Birkenau)

Richard Bär, Josef Mengele, Josef Kramer,Rudolf Höss